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Pakistan Received $5.79 Billion Foreign Money During 10 Months of FY17

From the blog propakistani Pakistan received a total of $5.79 billion i.e. 72 percent of budgeted estimates of foreign assistance from multilateral and bilateral donors in the first ten months (July-April) of the current financial year 2016-17. The Economic Affairs Division (EAD) data shows that country received $5.79 billion in the current fiscal year (July-April) against $5.68 billion during […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Latest Lahori Modelling Winners

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Models : Latest Lahori Modelling Winners, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Wearing hunger on faces starving cute children

From the blog tanveerrauf Wearing hunger on faces starving cute children Wander in lanes selling balloons, hungry children! The poisonous gunpowder smell is in atmosphere This perilous atmosphere will kill all lovely children Enraged ocean is erratic; May Almighty has mercy To collect sea-shells, gone to beach all my children The merciless skies now are at peace and tranquil Died of thirst on the beach; all beautiful children ……………………. bhuuk chehroñ pe liye chāñd se pyāre bachche bechte phirte haiñ galiyoñ meñ ġhubbāre bachche in havāoñ se to bārūd kī bū aatī hai in fazāoñ meñ to mar jā.eñge saare bachche kyā bharosa hai samundar kā ḳhudā ḳhair kare sīpiyāñ chunñe ga.e haiñ mire saare bachche ho gayā charḳh-e-sitamgar kā kaleja ThanDā mar ga.e pyaas se dariyā ke kināre bachche pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آواز جو دُنیا میں ہر وقت گونجتی ہے

From the blog theajmals کیا آپ ایسی آواز جانتے ہیں جو خواہ گرمی ہو سردی ہو بارش ہو طوفان ہو دُنیا میں ہر وقت اُٹھتی رہتی ہے ۔ اور اِسے سُن کر کئی لوگ متحرک ہو جاتے ہیں ۔ یہ عمل ایک ہفتہ یا ایک مہینہ نہیں سارا سال جاری رہتا ہے جناب یہ اذان کی آواز ہے فرض کریں کہ انڈونیشیا دنیا کے ایک سِرے پر ہے ۔ جب انڈونیشیا میں فجر کی اذان ہوتی ہے تو سورج انڈونیشیا سے مشرق کی طرف ڈیڑھ گھنٹہ پیچھے ہوتا ہے ۔ سورج کے آگے آگے اذان سفر کرتی ہوئی ملیشیا ۔ بنگلہ دیش ۔ بھارت ۔ پاکستان ۔ افغانستان ۔ ایران ۔ کویت ۔ سعودی عرب ۔ مصر ۔ لیبیا ۔ تیونس ۔ مراکش پہنچتی ہے ۔ جب مراکش میں فجر کی اذان ہوتی ہے تو انڈونیشیا میں ظہر کی اذان ہو چکی ہوتی ہے مراکش سے چلتی ہوئی فجر کی اذان جب نیویارک پہنچتی ہے تو انڈونیشیا میں عصر کی اذان ہو رہی ہوتی ہے اور انڈونیشیا کے مغرب کے کئی ممالک مں ظہر کی اذان ہو رہی ہوتی ہے ۔ جب فجر کی اذان کیلیفورنpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Time . . . .

From the blog iabhopal You cannot touch the same water twice in a river, because the flow has passed and will never pass again. Time also keeps on moving Enjoy every moment pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تدبر القرآن۔۔۔۔ سورۃ البقرہ۔۔۔۔۔۔ نعمان علی خان ۔۔۔۔۔۔ حصہ-43

From the blog seems77 تدبر القرآن سورۃ البقرہ نعمان علی خان حصہ-43 فإذا قرأۃ القرآن فاستعذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم کوئی بھی فلسفے کی کتاب اٹھا کے دیکھ لیں، فلسفہ کے کسی طالب علم سے پوچھیں کہ فلسفہ کا مضمون پڑھنا کیسا لگتا ہے؟ آپ اپنا سر میز پر دے مارتے ہیں کہ یہ آخر کہنا کیا چاہ رہا ہے؟ جانتے ہیں پی ایچ ڈی اسکالرز، تعلیمی ناظم، اپنی کتابوں کو جان بوجھ کر مشکل تر بناتے ہیں کیونکہ یہ ان کے دوسروں کو بتانے کا طریقہ ہے کہ وہ کس قدر علم والے ہیں، ان کی گفتگو کس قدر اعلی ہے. وہ بلا ضرورت مشکل الفاظ استعمال کرتے ہیں تب بھی جب انہیں اس کی ضرورت نہیں لیکن قرآن نے اس طریقے کو بالکل رد کر دیا. کہ اللہ نہیں شرماتا کسی چیز کی مثال دینے میں. جب آپ پڑھا رہے ہوں تو سوچیں کہ یہاں کس چیز کی مثال دی جائے کہ دوسرے آسانی سے سمجھ لیں. میرے پسندیدہ ترین اساتذہ میں ایک غیر مسلم خاتون ہیں جن سے میں نے بہت کچھ سیکھا. میpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تدبر القرآن۔۔۔۔ سورۃ البقرہ۔۔۔۔۔۔ نعمان علی خان ۔۔۔۔۔۔ حصہ-43

From the blog seems77 تدبر القرآن سورۃ البقرہ نعمان علی خان حصہ-43 فإذا قرأۃ القرآن فاستعذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم کوئی بھی فلسفے کی کتاب اٹھا کے دیکھ لیں، فلسفہ کے کسی طالب علم سے پوچھیں کہ فلسفہ کا مضمون پڑھنا کیسا لگتا ہے؟ آپ اپنا سر میز پر دے مارتے ہیں کہ یہ آخر کہنا کیا چاہ رہا ہے؟ جانتے ہیں پی ایچ ڈی اسکالرز، تعلیمی ناظم، اپنی کتابوں کو جان بوجھ کر مشکل تر بناتے ہیں کیونکہ یہ ان کے دوسروں کو بتانے کا طریقہ ہے کہ وہ کس قدر علم والے ہیں، ان کی گفتگو کس قدر اعلی ہے. وہ بلا ضرورت مشکل الفاظ استعمال کرتے ہیں تب بھی جب انہیں اس کی ضرورت نہیں لیکن قرآن نے اس طریقے کو بالکل رد کر دیا. کہ اللہ نہیں شرماتا کسی چیز کی مثال دینے میں. جب آپ پڑھا رہے ہوں تو سوچیں کہ یہاں کس چیز کی مثال دی جائے کہ دوسرے آسانی سے سمجھ لیں. میرے پسندیدہ ترین اساتذہ میں ایک غیر مسلم خاتون ہیں جن سے میں نے بہت کچھ سیکھا. میpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ufone to Donate Media Space During Ramzan to Footpath Schools

From the blog propakistani Continuing to act in the true spirit of Ramzan, of caring and giving, Ufone has announced that like last year, this year too it will be supporting a noble cause. Ufone will support the inspiring cause of Syeda Anfas Ali Shah, by purchasing media space on television channels and digital media throughout Ramzan and donating […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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On Campus Recruitment Drive

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Huawei Technologies Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd visited the Lahore School of Economics to conduct a recruitment drive for their Trainee Program on May 29th, 2017. A significant number of graduating students (BBA, MBA and MSc) attended the session and later appeared for the test. The qualified students were then interviewed by the Huawei Team on the campus. Mr Rehan Tariq, Manager Human Resource talked about Huawei presence and market in Pakistan. They briefed the students about their career path and opportunities as they become part of Huawei team. The program offers a six months paid internship leading to a job. He emphasized on cross-cultural working environment experience and lots of learning opportunities for the students. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Taliban Targeting of Islamic Scholars - A Vicious Campaign to Control Religious Narrative

From the blog watandostpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Legal Status of Bitcoin in Pakistan?

From the blog faisalkhan A couple of days ago, a news article came out, that cited: FBR goes after Bitcoin traders. The article highlights that money-laundering or the flight of capital is the main threat to this pursuit (which by the way has not been confirmed as of yet). I wanted to explore the basis under which these raids are being conducted and wanted to comment on this further. I am not a lawyer, and these are my own personal views. Please seek professional legal advice from bona fide lawyers and not ambulance chasers! As of the writing of this article, 29th of May, 2017, I've searched through the following websites, trying to find any circular &/or notification, gazette, SRO, press release, etc. related to Bitcoin &/or Cryptocurrency – but I could not find it. The only official notice (warning)pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Winter Hotties

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore Girls : Winter Hotties, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 28 مئی 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ جو آدمی صالح نیت کے ساتهہ عمل کرے اسی کا عمل اللہ تعالی کے یہاں مقبول هوتا ہے- اور جس آدمی کی نیت صالح نہ هو اس کا بظاہر نیک عمل بهی خدا کے یہاں قبولیت کا درجہ حاصل نہیں کرے گا- تبصرے میں اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Quick Blog Update + Small Giveaway (?)

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesRamadan Mubarak! I know I'm a little late to this, but I hope you have a wonderful month ahead of you with all your prayers granted and all your sins forgiven. I hope this month removes your hardships and replaces everything with ease. I normally don't have a lot of content to crank out during Ramadan since I have school and studies which tend to exhaust me while fasting. I think this year will be different because we've shifted houses and I now live in a basement house which is great because it could be searing outside but it's not horrible inside, in fact, it's great. Heat has a tendency to make me feel very exhausted and irritable, so having a cool underground home sounds like heaven. Either way, I have to celebrate something with you guys! Not too long ago, I reached 50 folpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 28 مئی 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ جو آدمی صالح نیت کے ساتهہ عمل کرے اسی کا عمل اللہ تعالی کے یہاں مقبول هوتا ہے- اور جس آدمی کی نیت صالح نہ هو اس کا بظاہر نیک عمل بهی خدا کے یہاں قبولیت کا درجہ حاصل نہیں کرے گا- تبصرے میں اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Quick Blog Update + Small Giveaway (?)

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesRamadan Mubarak! I know I'm a little late to this, but I hope you have a wonderful month ahead of you with all your prayers granted and all your sins forgiven. I hope this month removes your hardships and replaces everything with ease. I normally don't have a lot of content to crank out during Ramadan since I have school and studies which tend to exhaust me while fasting. I think this year will be different because we've shifted houses and I now live in a basement house which is great because it could be searing outside but it's not horrible inside, in fact, it's great. Heat has a tendency to make me feel very exhausted and irritable, so having a cool underground home sounds like heaven. Either way, I have to celebrate something with you guys! Not too long ago, I reached 50 folpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Careem Partners With TCF To Help Build Schools Across Pakistan

From the blog propakistani This Ramzan, Careem's partnership with TCF enables donations through the ride-hailing app to promote primary education in Pakistan As per the Ministry of Federal Education, 22.6 million Pakistani children are still out of school. To address this major issue, Careem, the region's leading ride hailing app, today launched its "TCF" car type in Pakistan. This […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Set in stone

From the blog odysseuslahoriOver three decades ago, I saw for the first time a stele on the bank of Bhodesar pond outside Nagarparkar town in Sindh's Thar region. It was a time of drought. The pond was dry and an upright sandstone slab was standing there. Courtesy *Memorial Stones Thararkar* The slab carried a beautiful carving of a horse rider, his raised left hand holding what appeared to be a staff. At his waist was a quiver bristling with arrows. In a panel immediately below the artistic rendering were a few lines of writing that I thought was in Hindi. Nearby was another slab bearing what was clearly the depiction of a woman. Her dress was notable for being quite similar to the ghagra still worn in Thar. The loose ends of her ornate cummerbund came down to her knees. To the right of the woman's figurpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Who are the new jihadis? - An Insightful analysis by Olivier Roy

From the blog watandostpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lovely Style

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Models : Lovely Style, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Portraits – Masoodul Hassan

From the blog thekarachiwallaMasoodul Hassan is a man misfit for present day Karachi. The world around his "Tailor De Pak" has changed much quickly than he could have anticipated and adopted to. He has started finding refuge in his past, finding solace and comfort which is hard to come by these days. The Karachi Walla met Masood at […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ramzan; Pakistan Economic Survey; Indian IT Job Losses; Tump's Foreign Tour

From the blog riazhaqWhat is Ramadan all about? Is it only about abstaining from food and drink in the daylight hours? What is the key message for this Ramzan? Isn't respecting Huqooq-ul-Ibad (human rights of others) as important as observing Huqooq-ul-Allah (Duties to Allah such as prayer and fasting) for each Muslim? What must Muslims do this Ramzan to fulfill all of their obligations to Allah and His creation? What does the Economic Survey of Pakistan say about Pakistan's GDP, per capita income, infrastructure development, education and other important indicators? What must Pakistani leaders do to ensure greater focus on and investment in education and not just in infrastructure? What is the size of and the key priorities in Pakistan's budget for 2017-18? Should some of the $20 billion (out of thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 27 مئی 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ زندگی میں سکون کا راز یہ ہے کہ آپ کے پاس ایسی باتیں اور چیزیں کم سے کم ہوں جنہیں راز رکها جائے. تبصرے میں اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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RoboMinors Celebrates the Summer with Fun Packed STEAM Summer Camp

From the blog propakistani This summer RoboMinors aims to give kids the opportunity to experience summer break like never before. Starting from 5th June 2017, as part of awesome STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) summer camp, kids will engage in activities that will hone their problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity skills. All children from Grade 1 – Matric/O'Levels […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Facebook Beauty Competition

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Facebook Beauty Competition, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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spellbound by desires and wishes

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 558769_68] *Being spellbound by desires and wishes* *Fiddled with toys to achieve my wishes* *I'm known to every niche of this place* *Came countless of times to this place* *Why am not inspired to go to any temple* *Been misled by any one or a temple?* *Ask my restive heart, O jubilant festivity! * *Am not here of my will; brought to festivity* *It's still long time for Dooms Day to ensue* *It's vain waking me now for result to ensue?* *Wishes worried me in countless of ways* *If I've secluded in my own relaxing ways* *Never was I gripped ever by alcohol * *Efforts tried to make me kindle to alcohol* *I've no taste in worldly leisure, Shad* * where I was! But now been brought here * …………….. tamannāoñ meñ uljhāyā gayā huuñ khilaune de ke bahlāyā gayā hupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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رمضان کریم

From the blog theajmals اللہ الرحمٰن الرحيم میرے سمیت سب کو اپنی خوشنودی کے مطابق رمضان المبارک کا صحیح اہتمام اور احترام کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے آمین روزہ صبح صادق سے غروبِ آفتاب تک بھوکا رہنے کا نام نہیں ہے بلکہ اللہ کے احکام پر مکمل عمل کا نام ہے جو صرف نماز اور تلاوت نہیں بلکہ دراصل غُصہ سے بچنے ۔حِلم ۔ برداشت اور صبر کی عادت ڈالنے کی سالانہ مَشَق ہے اللہ ہمیں دوسروں کی بجائے اپنے احتساب کی توفیق عطا فرمائے اور ہمیں نیک عمل ۔ حِلم ۔ برداشت اور صبر کی عادت سے نوازے *اللہ سُبحانُہُ و تعالٰی کا حُکم ۔ سورت 2 ۔ البقرہ ۔ آيات 183 تا 185 * اے ایمان والو فرض کیا گیا تم پر روزہ جیسے فرض کیا گیا تھا تم سے اگلوں پر تاکہ تم پرہیزگار ہو جاؤ ۔ چند روز ہیں گنتی کے پھر جو کوئی تم میں سے بیمار ہو یا مسافر تو اس پر ان کی گنتی ہے اور دِنوں سے اور جن کو طاقت نہیں ہے روزہ کی ان کے ذمہ بدلا ہے ایک فقیر کا کھانا پھر جpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 YouTube Channels Every Med Student Should Know About

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesYouTube is possibly the greatest and most accessible place to learn. Yes, there are websites out there like coursera that have courses and certificates for you to get, but if you don't have the time for getting a complete qualification or if you're doing it for fun or if it's for supplementing your tuition, then YouTube is perfect. It breaks down a lot of difficult concepts and makes them easy and if you can't figure something out, try a video made by someone else! [image:] I used YouTube a LOT during my first two years of medicine. Near the time of exams, I would close my books, take out my notes and start watching a video on Youtube. It helped me go over concepts quickly and piece them topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Olympia Gym and Spa, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesOne of the things that I really wanted to do after graduating was to join a gym for maintaining my own health and fitness. I could not sign up previously because I only got free just as the gym hours for ladies ended at my local gyms. However, I am still sitting behind my laptop with a paunch (not really!); I recently got the chance of visiting *Olympia Gym and Spa at Avari Towers*. Even after graduation, I have been extremely busy so a day out especially for gym and spa was not only refreshing but motivating too. So last Sunday, I along with a few other bloggers were invited by Avari Towers to spend some quality time while chilling out at the Olympia Gym and Spa. After a little bit of socializing, my first instinct was to dive into the big blue POOL. However, that morning I hadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Elegant Dine In At KREAM'S CAFE

From the blog cheflingtales I was planning to visit Kream's Café for a long time and finally decided to cover it. The café is situated in the middle of M. M. Alam Road and is a cozy, eye catching spot. As you enter, a section with a wide range of desserts welcomes you. What a yummy welcome! Then, there is a small dining area on the ground floor but I prefer to sit in a quiet spot so I chose the upstairs lounge. The interior has a classic façade of black and pink, and is a perfect venue for a quick chat over your meal. Kream's Café being a 'King of Desserts', surprised me with such a vast variety in menu. First, I ordered fish and chips, the platter came in spreading an aroma of crisp of outer layer and juicy fish, the combo of fish and hot fries with tartar sauce was strong enough to increase my appetipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Olympia Gym and Spa, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesOne of the things that I really wanted to do after graduating was to join a gym for maintaining my own health and fitness. I could not sign up previously because I only got free just as the gym hours for ladies ended at my local gyms. However, I am still sitting behind my laptop with a paunch (not really!); I recently got the chance of visiting *Olympia Gym and Spa at Avari Towers*. Even after graduation, I have been extremely busy so a day out especially for gym and spa was not only refreshing but motivating too. So last Sunday, I along with a few other bloggers were invited by Avari Towers to spend some quality time while chilling out at the Olympia Gym and Spa. After a little bit of socializing, my first instinct was to dive into the big blue POOL. However, that morning I hadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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شکر ہے تیرا خدایا

From the blog seems77 شکر ہے تیرا خدایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا تُو نے اپنے گھر بلایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا اپنا دیوانہ بنایا ،میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا گِرد کے کعبے کے پھرایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا خاص اپنے در کا رکھا تُو نے اے مولا مجھے یوں نہیں در در پھرایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا مدتوں کی پیاس کو سیراب تو نے کر دیا جام زم زم کا پلایا، میں تواس قابل نہ تھا میری کوتاہی کہ تیری یاد سے غافل رہا پر نہیں تُو نے بھلایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا بھا گیا میری زباں کو ذکر"الا اللہ" کا یہ سبق کس نے پڑھایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا مجھ کو بھٹکانے لگے تھے راستے کے پیچ و خم قافلے سے لا ملایا میں، تو اس قابل نہ تھا شکر رب کا جس نے مجھ کو بے حسی کے باوجود خوابِ غفلت سے جگایا، میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا میں کہ تھا بے راہ تو نے دستگیری آپ کی تو ہی مجھ کو در پہ لایا ،میں تو اس قابل نہ تھا تیری رحمت، تیری شفقت سے ہوا مجھ کو نصpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 YouTube Channels Every Med Student Should Know About

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesYouTube is possibly the greatest and most accessible place to learn. Yes, there are websites out there like coursera that have courses and certificates for you to get, but if you don't have the time for getting a complete qualification or if you're doing it for fun or if it's for supplementing your tuition, then YouTube is perfect. It breaks down a lot of difficult concepts and makes them easy and if you can't figure something out, try a video made by someone else! [image:] I used YouTube a LOT during my first two years of medicine. Near the time of exams, I would close my books, take out my notes and start watching a video on Youtube. It helped me go over concepts quickly and piece them topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Olympia Gym and Spa, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesOne of the things that I really wanted to do after graduating was to join a gym for maintaining my own health and fitness. I could not sign up previously because I only got free just as the gym hours for ladies ended at my local gyms. However, I am still sitting behind my laptop with a paunch (not really!); I recently got the chance of visiting *Olympia Gym and Spa at Avari Towers*. Even after graduation, I have been extremely busy so a day out especially for gym and spa was not only refreshing but motivating too. So last Sunday, I along with a few other bloggers were invited by Avari Towers to spend some quality time while chilling out at the Olympia Gym and Spa. After a little bit of socializing, my first instinct was to dive into the big blue POOL. However, that morning I hadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Budget 2017-18: Govt Withdraws Custom Duty On Imports of Telecom Equipment

From the blog propakistani To further incentivize telecommunication sector, the government today proposed to withdraw currently leviable customs duties at the rates of 11% and 16%. Similarly, on the other hands it introduced a uniform rate of 9% Regulatory Duty on telecom equipment. Telecommunication sector is one of the important pillars of the economic development in the country, the […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Elegant Dine In At KREAM'S CAFE

From the blog cheflingtales I was planning to visit Kream's Café for a long time and finally decided to cover it. The café is situated in the middle of M. M. Alam Road and is a cozy, eye catching spot. As you enter, a section with a wide range of desserts welcomes you. What a yummy welcome! Then, there is a small dining area on the ground floor but I prefer to sit in a quiet spot so I chose the upstairs lounge. The interior has a classic façade of black and pink, and is a perfect venue for a quick chat over your meal. Kream's Café being a 'King of Desserts', surprised me with such a vast variety in menu. First, I ordered fish and chips, the platter came in spreading an aroma of crisp of outer layer and juicy fish, the combo of fish and hot fries with tartar sauce was strong enough to increase my appetipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Back seat observations from those who drive us around town.

From the blog faisalkhan For the past couple of years, what started as a conversation to kill the boredom, I know regularly converse with the taxi drivers or Careem captains whenever I am being shuttled from one place to another. I've always felt that these taxi drivers know a thing or two about how things are, so why not tap into this knowledge bank. There below are just observation notes. They are footnotes to perhaps more professional journal articles or statistics. On my recent visit to Dubai, I had the opportunity to take the taxi 11 times, Careem 13 times and twice the Emirates complimentary car to/from the hotel to the airport. In no particular order, here are some interesting observations: - ALL my taxi rides were Pakistanis. All 100% of them. Not a single Nepali or Indian taxi driver. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Babes and Babies Lovely!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistan XXX : Babes and Babies Lovely!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I'm always late——–

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 122711_0829_kujunjwiraa15] To do any work or carry out my daily errands, Fulfill a promise or to share something important, I'm always late to do so—— Someone to hold back or to call someone close If I've to help a friend or to motivate a anyone I'm always late to do so——— If I've to go to meet someone on elapsed tracks I'm always late to do so —– If I've to be delighted about changing of seasons If I've to remember someone or forget somebody I'm always late to do so—– To comfort a dying friend before he's no more To tell him, it was not the reason that hurt him But—I'm always late — [image: fbb40ea7c478afba7b7d3824422fbcb7] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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7 tips to avoid bloating and heaviness after breaking your Ramadan fast

From the blog kashifshahzada"..Eat and drink, but be not excessive.." Qur'an 7:31 Many people find it very difficult to remain hungry for long and the moment the Adhan is given for Maghrib they resort to binging at Iftar time. This scene is commonplace in communal Iftar dinners where there is an abundance of food. The result of this… Read Morepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Princeton journalism class re-visited

From the blog beenasarwar [image: JRN 457 at SAPNA] The class took a trip to NYC. Here, we are interviewing two Bangladeshi migrants at SAPNA, a Bronx-based non-profit helping migrant women from South Asia. *Thrilled and touched to see my class listed among a student's favorite classes at Princeton, where I was a visiting professor of journalism last fall. Here's what he wrote: * Kevin: I can't stress it enough: *Journalism (JRN 457): "Politics, Causes, and Culture in a Changing Media Landscape*," essentially a journalism ethics class, is by far my favorite course that I've had at Princeton. Pakistani journalist Beena Sarwar led the course, and brought all of her friends; almost every week we were visited by the who's who in journalism. We talked to some pretty incredible people, including journalistspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ramadan 1438

From the blog ashrafiya Each and every moment of Ramadan is precious. Therefore, use time wisely. New post are not scheduled for this month. There are more than 2000 posts on this site. Please, benefit from them. Posts regarding Ramadan can be found here and here. muhtaj e dua 'abd pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Coffity – A Coffee House in Abbottabad

From the blog cheflingtales When it comes to coffee houses, all I am looking for is the environment and ambiance the cafe is providing with the taste and quality that is unmatchable, thus attracting me to visit again. Abbottabad, where the winters are freezing cold and the summers are relatively pleasant, is a tourist destination for many. Coffee houses are the new trend in the town. Yet there are places which are somewhat iconic when it comes to having a coffee in the evening with a group of friends, or maybe if you are just a happy 'single eater' or like to read a book while taking a sip and enjoying the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee. There is one coffee house making all the difference in the town, providing coffee late at night while the city sleeps. My visits there are always random, some in thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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استقبالِ رمضان-20

From the blog seems77 استقبالِ رمضان-20 بسم اللہ اللَّهُمَّ بَلِّغْنا رَمَضَانَ وَأَعِنَّا عَلَى صِيَامِهِ وَقِيَامِهِ عَلَى الوَجْهِ الّذِي يُرْضِيكَ عَنَّا رَبِّ یَسِّرْ وَلآ تُعَسِّر وَ تَمِّمْ بِا الْخَیَّر السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ *1- آج کی مسنون دعا:* اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ سَمْعِي وَمِنْ شَرِّ بَصَرِي وَمِنْ شَرِّ لِسَانِي وَمِنْ شَرِّ قَلْبِي وَمِنْ شَرِّ مَنِيِّي ‏ اے اللہ ! میں تیری پناہ چاہتاہوں اپنے کان کے شر سے، اپنی آنکھ کے شر سے، اپنی زبان کے شر سے، اپنے دل کے شر سے، اور اپنی شرمگاہ کے شرسے۔ (ترمذی) *2- آج کا مسنون عمل:* زیتون کا تیل استعمال کریں: رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا ارشاد پاک ہے: "زیتون کے تیل کو کھاؤ اور اس سے جسم کی مالش کرو، کہ یہ ایک مبارک درخت سے ہے۔ (شمائل ترمذی) 3- کسی کی مشکل میں اس کی مدد کریں: حضرت سالم رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ اپpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سوال یہ کہ ۔۔۔

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان* *غور و فکر کیلئے* چندراسوامی ُدنیا والوں کو اپنے کمالات دکھا کر منگل کو انتقال گئے۔ *٭*نواپریل 2013 کی پوسٹ سوامی جی کی چمتکاری کے بارے میں تھی۔ فکرستان پوسٹوں میں عُموماً غوروفکر دعوت ہوتی ہے جیسے پوسٹ"دلی اطمینان کیلئے"میں دعوت انسانی فطرت میں موجود اُس پہلو کی جانب تھی کہ عقیدہ کو صرف ایمان سے غرض ہے وہ چاہے دریا میں چابی پھینک دینے والا عقیدہ کیوں نہ ہو ۔۔۔ چندرا سوامی جی کے طلسمی سحر میں گرفتار نہ صرف انڈین بلکہ بیرونی ممالک کی مشہور شخصیات جن میں برونائی کے سلطان، ہالی ووڈ اداکارہ الزبتھ ٹیلر برطانیہ کی وزیر اعظم مارگریٹ تھیچر جیسی شخصیات شامل تھیں.۔ سوامی جی لوگوں کے مستقبل بتانے کے ماہر سمجھے جاتے تھے، اُنہوں نے خاص طور پر برطانیہ کا سفر صرف غرض سے کیا کہ وہ مارگریٹ تھیچر کو بتا سکیں کہ وہ وزیر اعظم بننے والی ہیں اور یہ بھی کہ کم سے کم 11سال تک وہ وزیر اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Coffity – A Coffee House in Abbottabad

From the blog cheflingtales When it comes to coffee houses, all I am looking for is the environment and ambiance the cafe is providing with the taste and quality that is unmatchable, thus attracting me to visit again. Abbottabad, where the winters are freezing cold and the summers are relatively pleasant, is a tourist destination for many. Coffee houses are the new trend in the town. Yet there are places which are somewhat iconic when it comes to having a coffee in the evening with a group of friends, or maybe if you are just a happy 'single eater' or like to read a book while taking a sip and enjoying the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee. There is one coffee house making all the difference in the town, providing coffee late at night while the city sleeps. My visits there are always random, some in thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The 9 Best Apps for Online Students in 2017

From the blog faisalkhan Studying for an online degree is a great way back into education. It gives people a fantastic opportunity to study around work, family or other commitments, and opens education up to those who otherwise would have no chance to better themselves. In 2017, we are very lucky to have technology and apps which can make this process much easier. Here's a look at some of the best. Evernote If you study online around other commitments there is a good chance that you're very busy. You might spend time studying out of the home or just want a way to quickly jot down ideas when you are on the go. Evernote gives you a great way to do both. Install the Evernote app on all of your devices and you can make notes wherever you are. You will also be able to add tables and pictures. Dropbox Drpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Call girls pictures

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Call girls pictures, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 1184268-an-old-lonely-lady-sitting-next-to-her-kitchen-table-looks-out-of-her-window-it-is-raining-outside-horizontal-picture] Oh this the stormy night and heavy rain, Rumbling wind, ogling lightning and rain Darkness prevail all sides and all around Stillness swallowed up life's bustle all around Floating and hovering the clouds in the sky Trees and boughs swaying outside my window [image: Barsaatjpeg.126225413] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Singapore – From my eyes II

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeIn the past 5 decades, Singapore has come really far. From a small island expelled from Malaysia in 1965, giving it an unwanted independence, it has become one of the world's most successful countries in merely 52 years. If you sit and chat with the elderly, they will tell you about slums they used to… Continue reading Singapore – From my eyes II →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Army major who 'tied' Kashmiri man to jeep honoured

From the blog iabhopal The incident had deepened the army-civilian divide and sparked violent protests in the militancy-hit valley. Reports Rahul Singh of Hindustan Times, New Delhi (India). May 22, 2017 Indian Standard Time An army major, who was in the eye of a storm for allegedly tying a Kashmiri man to a jeep to use him as a human shield, has been awarded the army chief's commendation card. Confirming the development, army spokesperson Colonel Aman Anand said the officer had been awarded the Chief of Army Staff's Commendation (COAS) card for "sustained efforts in CI (counter insurgency) operations". The army found itself in the middle of a firestorm after the surfacing of a video clip that showed a man tied to the fender of a Rakshak jeep and paraded through villages. A day after the video clippakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* *God listens. God knows. God, within muscle and bone. * In 2014, in the winter of my sibling's year-long medical treatment, I lay in my bed heartbroken, unable to sleep. The loneliness was piercing, acute. It was only then did my self-imposed single-ness feel like an albatross around my neck. What was I punishing myself for, I thought, as I tossed and turned, warm tears dampening the pillow below my cheek. And then, parallel to the pain, I felt something surge through me – it felt like hysteria, it was feral and frightening. I sat up and prayed. I closed my eyes, placed my hands on my chest and prayed to God to help me lessen my burden; I asked God for a companion, someone sincere and kind who would stand by me and help me through my difficult patch. I prayedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Fashion ?

From the blog jamash Fashion is about feeling good, its seriously not about feeling "included" and we often, almost always get confused between the two. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 24 مئی 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ کتنے لوگ ہیں جو تاروں کو گننے کے چکر میں چاند بھی کھو دیتے ہیں۔ تبصرے میں اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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State Bank Sets Nisab of Zakat

From the blog propakistani The government has set Nisab of Zakat at Rs. 38,406 for the zakat year 1437-38 which will apply on Saving Accounts, according to a notification issued Wednesday. This essentially means that no deduction of Zakat at source shall be made in case the amount parked in the accounts is lesser than the value defined above. The 2.5 […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why would someone buy from me?

From the blog blog If there is any online business to start, it is *online teaching*. This business is based on just one of the six most lucrative online business models. You can learn more about the best online business ideas by clicking the link. Online teaching can take many forms: 1. You can write a guide or a how-to guide on something you are well versed in (like the Find Your Business action plan, or the dairy farming guide etc) 2. You can start a membership site (like the ProHobbyist Membership) 3. You can record videos and become an instructor on sites like Udemy – and make honest money online that way… 4. There are many other ways you can sell information such as writing ebooks for the Amazon kindle store, using video-on-demand services like that of Vimeo's,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Jauher Girls Kamiz Ripped in Daylight!!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi XXX : Jauher Girls Kamiz Ripped in Daylight!!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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As I belonged to death thus I became lifeless

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_1klzzzicf140cg008wk484kcs_640] As I belonged to death thus I became lifeless Though awaken once; then again turned lifeless It is amusing; now I don't have any possession What I presented to you is now your possession Loneliness and weird place is frightful as a grave Who came to this bleak point to weep by the grave How to share my grief of this life's deep ocean As going deep found Shad lost in life's deep ocean ……………. thā ajal kā maiñ ajal kā ho gayā biich meñ chauñkā to thā phir so gayā lutf to ye hai ki aap apnā nahīñ jo huā terā vo terā ho gayā kaaTe khātī hai mujhe vīrānagī kaun is madfan pe aa kar ro gayā bahr-e-hastī ke umuq ko kyā batā.ūñ Duub kar maiñ 'shād' is meñ kho gayā Shad azeemabadi pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Afiniti and Careem: Tech Unicorns Made in Pakistan

From the blog riazhaqAfiniti and Careem are two technology unicorns engineered in Pakistan by Pakistanis. AI (artificial intelligence) startup Afiniti software has largely been engineered in Lahore while taxi hailing service Careem's technology has mostly been developed in Karachi. Here's more about these unicorns: *Careem:* Careem is a taxi hailing app that is giving its American competitor Uber a run for its money in a region stretching from Pakistan to the Middle East and North Africa. The company cofounded by Mudassir Sheika, a Pakistani national, is headquartered in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Careem's last round was valued at over a billion dollars when it raised $350 million from Japanese e-commerce firm Rakuten and Saudi Telecom Company (STC) at the end of 2016, according to Tech Crpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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India/Pakistan: Thought leaders try to build a bridge to peace

From the blog beenasarwar[image: AKA-pix-collage] Just a few of the hundreds putting their weight behind the resolution. Collage by Farhan Ahmed *Without expecting overnight transformation, over 500 eminent signatories from both countries are hoping to create a ripple effect that changes how citizens and governments view each other. *My piece in *The Wire* about the recent citizens' resolution that urges South Asian giants India and Pakistan "to take all steps possible towards improving relations" and aims to counter the prevailing atmosphere of hostility between the two nuclear-armed neighbours. [image: Chomsky] Chomsky: Happy to endorse this "excellent statement" Can the endorsements from significant, leading thinkers create a ripple effect of a "pebble thrown in a pond", as one political leader hoppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Despite its masculine title

From the blog brainknittings Despite its masculine title, he said, Hearts of Men depicts the importance of women and their struggles. The book includes a female character who deals with finding her way through challenges, just as Nelson and Jonathan attempt to. Book isn just about men, Butler said. wholesale nfl jerseys Singapore is the world easiest place to do business The Island state has sustained this top ranking for four consecutive years in the World Bank Doing Business Report. For many foreign enterprises and entrepreneurs Singapore is the preferred destination to locate their business. Foreign individuals and companies are free to register any type of entity in Singapore, which also allows 100% foreign ownership.. wholesale nfl jerseys Cheap Jerseys free shipping In the video, you can hear the wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Italian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBeing a food enthusiast, I was over the moon when I was invited to attend the Italian Food Festival at Avari Towers. Let's be real, we have all grown up loving pizza and pasta and I am sure I was not the only one who anticipated this food festival at Avari, ever since they have started doing such festivals more often. [image: Stone Baked Pizza] Stone Baked Pizza [image: Italian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers] Leaning Tower of Pisa and SaladsBefore we get into the details of what was on the menu, I would like to mention that I did notice that the number of dishes in the buffet was lesser than usual. I did not know what to expect for salads but there was a good variety and everything was fresh and light. I definitely expected a lot more for the dessert, though. That beingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Let's Start Preparing For Ramazan

From the blog cheflingtales Ramazan is less than a week away and everyone is ready to welcome the blessed month. Preparation for iftaar and sehri is all we have on our mind; almost every one of us is looking forward to that daily dose of pakoras. There are a few other things we need to take care of in terms of preparing for Ramazan. Here is how to prepare yourself: *Plan the Ramazan Menu* Planning at least a week's menu for both sehri and iftaar will make things easier to manage and you can save time by planning and preparing beforehand. This way you will prepare the items on time and you will save yourself from any last minute chaos. Plus the whole family will know what to look forward to at iftaar. Check out *Chefling Tales Iftaar** and Sehri* menu and add them on your own. *Shop for groceries* Onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Italian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBeing a food enthusiast, I was over the moon when I was invited to attend the Italian Food Festival at Avari Towers. Let's be real, we have all grown up loving pizza and pasta and I am sure I was not the only one who anticipated this food festival at Avari, ever since they have started doing such festivals more often. [image: Stone Baked Pizza] Stone Baked Pizza [image: Italian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers] Leaning Tower of Pisa and SaladsBefore we get into the details of what was on the menu, I would like to mention that I did notice that the number of dishes in the buffet was lesser than usual. I did not know what to expect for salads but there was a good variety and everything was fresh and light. I definitely expected a lot more for the dessert, though. That beingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔۔۔ 23 مئی 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ غور کرنے کا حکم ہے، غور کیا جائے۔ سوال کرنے کا حکم نہیں، سوال تو ہم سے ہو گا۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Italian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBeing a food enthusiast, I was over the moon when I was invited to attend the Italian Food Festival at Avari Towers. Let's be real, we have all grown up loving pizza and pasta and I am sure I was not the only one who anticipated this food festival at Avari, ever since they have started doing such festivals more often. [image: Stone Baked Pizza] Stone Baked Pizza [image: Italian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers] Leaning Tower of Pisa and SaladsBefore we get into the details of what was on the menu, I would like to mention that I did notice that the number of dishes in the buffet was lesser than usual. I did not know what to expect for salads but there was a good variety and everything was fresh and light. I definitely expected a lot more for the dessert, though. That beingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PSDF & Uber to Work on Self-Employment Opportunities in Transport Sector

From the blog propakistani Under the direction of the Chief Minister of the Punjab, Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif; Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) has taken concrete steps to create income generating opportunities for the unemployed youth of Punjab. PSDF and Uber signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and announced to work together towards enhancing economic opportunities in the transport […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Let's Start Preparing For Ramazan

From the blog cheflingtales Ramazan is less than a week away and everyone is ready to welcome the blessed month. Preparation for iftaar and sehri is all we have on our mind; almost every one of us is looking forward to that daily dose of pakoras. There are a few other things we need to take care of in terms of preparing for Ramazan. Here is how to prepare yourself: *Plan the Ramazan Menu* Planning at least a week's menu for both sehri and iftaar will make things easier to manage and you can save time by planning and preparing beforehand. This way you will prepare the items on time and you will save yourself from any last minute chaos. Plus the whole family will know what to look forward to at iftaar. Check out *Chefling Tales Iftaar** and Sehri* menu and add them on your own. *Shop for groceries* Onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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New Ventures

From the blog ummeyusufIt has been more than a month since I updated the blog. It has been tiresomely hectic. In addition to the mundane affairs of domestic life, the summer has arrived with quite a literal bang. We are having a few problems. These problems are not unfamiliar to my compatriots, and the old readers of this blog must also be familiar with electricity load shedding . It has been the norm for the last many years and worsens during the hot weather. The new twist to this old demon, this year, has been power surges or sudden fluctuations in voltage, which have fried a number of electric appliances at our home, over the last week. Our computer and modem have had to be fixed twice in this time period, and a fan and couple of lights have required replacements. In addition to this bewildering stapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Two Hot Girls on Facebook!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Two Hot Girls on Facebook!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shepherd returns home with his flock at nightfall

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 56cac2c9a7d15] Shepherd returns home with his flock at nightfall Thou a bird, thy heart a cage; get in, its nightfall When someone carrying in arms lay me in bed People believe, the sun is downhill, it's nightfall Evening wrapped all vim and vigor, and milieu Life's hustle bustle fading, go home it's nightfall In red golden turban, lord gets down his horse In black blanket a jogi gets out like it's nightfall Evening shadows override the prisons walls A gentle heart in iron cage again, its nightfall Whom did the trees adorned their boughs for? She wandered from one jungle to another jungle Alas! No one came, it was depressing nightfall ……………. *Bashir Badr Poetry* Charwaha bhedon ko le pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Portraits – Abdul Hayee

From the blog thekarachiwallaThe Karachi walla met Abdul Hayee, the veteran painter under the shadow of an under construction fishing boat in Kaala Paani neighborhood of Karachi. There was a wooden platform below the base of an unfinished deck under which I found Abdul Hayee deep in conversation with his students. I greeted them and settled beside one […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کیا بُوفے (Buffet)کھڑے ہو کر کھانا ہوتا ہے ؟

From the blog theajmals ہم لوگوں نے اغیار کی اچھی عادات تو کم ہی اپنائی ہیں البتہ اُن کی قباحتیں بہت اپنا لی ہیں ۔ عجیب بات یہ ہے کہ ہم نے جو بھی اپنایا ہے وہ سمجھے بغیر اپنایا ہے ۔ ایک مثال بُوفے (buffet) کی ہے جسے عام طور پر کھڑے ہو کر کھانا سمجھا جاتا ہے دیکھتے ہیں کہ بُوفے کیا ہوتا ہے Merriam-Webster Dictionary :- (1) A blow especially with the hand (2) Something that strikes with telling force مریم ویبسٹر ڈکشنری ۔ (1) مُکا ۔ گھونسا (2) زور دار چوٹ Oxford Dictionaries :- (1) A meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves (2) A room or counter in a station, hotel, or other public building selling light meals or snacks (3) A cabinet with shelves and drawers for keeping dinnerware and table linens. آکسفورڈ ڈکشنریز ۔ (1) مختلف کھانوں پر مُشتمل ضیافت جس میں مہمان خود کھانا لیتے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Workflow Timer: The 25/5 Pomodoro Technique

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesOn my never-ending quest to find an app as useful and cool as Timeful, I have come across an interesting app with an interesting concept. It's not the greatest app around to be honest, but I suppose it merits it's own post. *Disclaimer:* This app is not very interesting, I would 10/10 NOT recommend, do not install it, it's a waste of time and space, everything is locked and I don't feel even mildly interested enough to consider buying the app. Still here to read? Let's get started. Workflow Timer: Deeper Focus at Work and Studies. Sounds like a magical app, right? It's actually rebranded itself. When I initially installed it, it was called Pomodromo or Pomodrone or something like that- and then one day it updated and voila. Cooler looking app icon, but absolutely same app on tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rakaposhi: A Place for Delicious and Fine Taste of Food

From the blog cheflingtales Last week, I decided to have something very desi, simple and more traditional food, so I decided to try this restaurant named "Rakaposhi". Rakaposhi, located in Seher Commercial Phase 7 is known as a place for well-defined traditional Desi and Chinese food. It's been only 2 years for Rakaposhi in the Karachi food market and it has managed to create a place in the hearts of food lovers. Anyone living in Defense, Karachi can easily find this restaurant in Seher Commercial, in the same lane as Burger Shack and Café Khouso. I went to Rakaposhi to have dinner and found the whole ambiance completely cozy and quite homely. The entire setup of the restaurant was simple yet beautiful. It is a small restaurant, having a seating of 15-20 people at a time that also offers food delivery spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 22 مئی 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ آپ جتنا ڈریں گے ، لوگ آپ کو مزید ڈرائیں گے۔ غلط بات پہ خاموش رہنا چھوڑ دیں، آپ سے کوئی غلط بات کرنے کی ہمت نہیں کر سکے گا۔ تبصرے میں اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Workflow Timer: The 25/5 Pomodoro Technique

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesOn my never-ending quest to find an app as useful and cool as Timeful, I have come across an interesting app with an interesting concept. It's not the greatest app around to be honest, but I suppose it merits it's own post. *Disclaimer:* This app is not very interesting, I would 10/10 NOT recommend, do not install it, it's a waste of time and space, everything is locked and I don't feel even mildly interested enough to consider buying the app. Still here to read? Let's get started. Workflow Timer: Deeper Focus at Work and Studies. Sounds like a magical app, right? It's actually rebranded itself. When I initially installed it, it was called Pomodromo or Pomodrone or something like that- and then one day it updated and voila. Cooler looking app icon, but absolutely same app on tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دلی اطمینان کیلئے ۔۔۔

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان* چیدہ چیدہ کی شیئرنگ *صرف غور و فکر کیلئے* [image: Close] *دلی اطمینان کیلئے اجازت لی* آدم و حوا میں محبت کی کہانی ازل سے چلی آرہی ہے ۔نئی نسل کے جوڑے بھی اپنی محبت کو امر بنانے کیلئے عقیدے کے طور پر ُپلوں کے جنگلوں پر اپنی ہَمیشْگی کی مُحبت کو تالا لگا کر چابی کو دریا میں پھینک دیتے ہیں۔یوں دلی اطمینان حاصل کرتے ہیں۔۔ نہیں معلوم فراسیسی صدر نے بھی اپنی لازوال محبت کیلئے کوئی لاک لگایا تھا۔ *٭* اداکار عرفان خان کا کہنا ہے کہ: "ہر مذہب میں موت کے بعد کی کہانی بتائی گئی ہے اور ہر مذہبی شخص کو لگتا ہے کہ اس کے مذہب نے صحیح کہا ہے تو دیکھ لیجئے دنیا کتنے بڑے بھلاوے میں جی رہی ہے"۔ میرا خیال ہے کہ عرفان خان کے نزدیک جو بڑے بھلاوے ہیں وہی تو انسانی فطرت کیلئے۔۔۔ دلی اطمینان حاصل کرنے کیلئے ضروری ہیں۔۔۔ اب مجھے اجازت دیں ،عرفان خان کے مزید خیالات جاننے کیلئے درج ذیلpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Railways to Get Rs. 42 Billion Under PSDP

From the blog propakistani The government has earmarked Rs 42 billion for Pakistan Railways (PR) under the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) for the fiscal year 2017-18 against the demand of Rs 67.5 billion. The government had budgeted, Rs 41 billion for the outgoing financial year 2016-17 and released Rs 33.86 billion under the PSDP for different development projects […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rakaposhi: A Place for Delicious and Fine Taste of Food

From the blog cheflingtales Last week, I decided to have something very desi, simple and more traditional food, so I decided to try this restaurant named "Rakaposhi". Rakaposhi, located in Seher Commercial Phase 7 is known as a place for well-defined traditional Desi and Chinese food. It's been only 2 years for Rakaposhi in the Karachi food market and it has managed to create a place in the hearts of food lovers. Anyone living in Defense, Karachi can easily find this restaurant in Seher Commercial, in the same lane as Burger Shack and Café Khouso. I went to Rakaposhi to have dinner and found the whole ambiance completely cozy and quite homely. The entire setup of the restaurant was simple yet beautiful. It is a small restaurant, having a seating of 15-20 people at a time that also offers food delivery spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tutor and Girl

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistan Sex Blog : Tutor and Girl, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Campaign of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) About CPEC

From the blog riazhaqAn unrelenting campaign of fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) about China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been unleashed in the media in recent weeks. This strategy harkens back to the aggressive marketing techniques used by the American computer giant IBM in the 1970s to fight competition. *Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD):* A definition of FUD that captures its essence is offered by Roger Irwin as follows: "Unable to respond with hard facts, scare-mongering is used via 'gossip channels' to cast a shadow of doubt over the competitors offerings and make people think twice before using it". A number of articles in western and Indian media have attempted to use FUD against China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Some Pakistani journalists and commentators, some unwittingly, have apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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استقبالِ رمضان-16

From the blog seems77 استقبالِ رمضان-16 بسم اللہ رَبِّ یَسِّرْ وَلآ تُعَسِّر وَ تَمِّمْ بِا الْخَیَّر اے میرے رب آسانی فرما اور مشکل نہ فرما اور بھلائی کے ساتھ مکمل فرما۔ آمین! السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ *1- آج کی مسنون دعا:* حضرت انس رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ سے روایت ہے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اکثر یہ دعا کرتے تھے: يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ اے دلوں کے پھیرنے والے ! میرے دل کو اپنے دین پرجمادے۔ (ترمذی) *2- آج کا مسنون عمل:* بچا ہوا کھانا کھا لیا کریں (جو کھانا برتن میں رہ جائے) حضرت انس رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کہتے ہیں " رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو بچا ہوا کھانا مرغوب تھا۔ ( شمائل ترمذی) 3- *کسی سے اچھی بات کریں:* رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا فرمان ہے: " کسی سے اچھے الفاظ کہنا بھی ایک صدقہ ہے"۔ (بخاری شریف) *4- محاسبہ:* کیا ہم وعدہ پورا کرتے ہیں؟ اللہ نے سورہ الصpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Great Opportunity Is Where You Are'

From the blog odysseuslahoriTwenty-seven year-old Ali Buksh comes from a poor Shahwani Brahui family of Mastung. His father is a watchman with the Meteorology Department at Quetta. It was no small miracle that on his father's meagre salary Ali Buksh managed to complete eight grades of school — especially when there were six other brothers as well. Then, in order to augment the small income, it was into the grind of unskilled construction labour for him. Over time, realising that this was not the end-all, he learned driving. By and by he got a license and became a pick-up truck driver. That was a good deal better than the back-breaking labourer's work, but working as a paid driver Buksh's income was never more than two hundred rupees a day. The rattle-trap that he drove would habitually break down and more pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shopping girls with secret camera

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Sexy Girl Movies : Shopping girls with secret camera, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The melodious songs I created in thy love

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 14141797_688480667980932_8506076676725552808_n] The melodious songs I created in thy love Placed them for public in bazaar in thy love Today they'll be auctioned openly in store The lyrics you had once cast a look of allure Everything be weighed today in silver scale My acumen, poetry, stance be mused in scale The loving poetry I had composed in your love Poverty bound thy love, to be a product; not love Hunger has tainted your love in exchange of need To pacify hunger and to collect my things of need In this mortal theatre of war of labor and wealth I can't keep with me my poetry and insight wealth Your glamour may be of an affluent man's legacy Your sketches I made are not anymore is my legacy ………………… *Fankaar* *Sahir Ludhianvi* mai.n ne jo giit tere pyaar kpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سانس لینے کی اجازت مل جایئگی ؟

From the blog hammadmateenبراۓ مہربانی داڑھی والے کو بھی اپنی طرح کا انسان سمجھیں اور اسکی غلطی پر خود مولوی بن کر اسکے لئے فتوے دینے سے اجتناب برتیں۔ Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Xiaomi Launches Redmi 4X in Pakistan

From the blog aadilp *Xiaomi brings Redmi 4X to Pakistan in partnership with Smartlink Technologies* *With the launch of Redmi 4X, Xiaomi demonstrates its commitment to the market* The world's leading technology company Xiaomi launched Redmi 4X in Pakistan through distribution partner SmartLink Technologies. Xiaomi have disrupted the Pakistani smartphone market when it unveiled three smartphones, Mi Max, Redmi 4A and Redmi Note 4 in February. It also brought its amazing ecosystem products such as Mi Band 2 and Mi Power Banks ranging from 5,000 mAh to 20,000 mAh. With a considerable fan growth in the country and with the help of Smartlink Technologies, Xiaomi was able to grab a strong foothold within the country. As promised, extending their partners 'consumer comes first' philosophy, Smartlink Tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Finding the Best Leaders (The Bosses – 5th installment)

From the blog iabhopal Click here to read 1st Installment Click here to read 2nd Installment Click here to read 3rd Installment Click here to read 4th Installment There is also the question of finding leaders who are more interested in receiving prestige and respect than having power. This is a particular challenge since many people who desire power tend to self-select into positions of leadership, while prestige-motivated workers may be happier working in less flashy positions. "A real trick for organizations is to identify who those people are and raise them up into positions of leadership, whether or not they ask for it, because they might not always be as inclined as power-hungry people are to seek high-status positions in their organization," Maner says. But Maner cautions against seeing thesepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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