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I'm always late——–

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 122711_0829_kujunjwiraa15] To do any work or carry out my daily errands, Fulfill a promise or to share something important, I'm always late to do so—— Someone to hold back or to call someone close If I've to help a friend or to motivate a anyone I'm always late to do so——— If I've to go to meet someone on elapsed tracks I'm always late to do so —– If I've to be delighted about changing of seasons If I've to remember someone or forget somebody I'm always late to do so—– To comfort a dying friend before he's no more To tell him, it was not the reason that hurt him But—I'm always late — [image: fbb40ea7c478afba7b7d3824422fbcb7] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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