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spellbound by desires and wishes

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 558769_68] *Being spellbound by desires and wishes* *Fiddled with toys to achieve my wishes* *I'm known to every niche of this place* *Came countless of times to this place* *Why am not inspired to go to any temple* *Been misled by any one or a temple?* *Ask my restive heart, O jubilant festivity! * *Am not here of my will; brought to festivity* *It's still long time for Dooms Day to ensue* *It's vain waking me now for result to ensue?* *Wishes worried me in countless of ways* *If I've secluded in my own relaxing ways* *Never was I gripped ever by alcohol * *Efforts tried to make me kindle to alcohol* *I've no taste in worldly leisure, Shad* * where I was! But now been brought here * …………….. tamannāoñ meñ uljhāyā gayā huuñ khilaune de ke bahlāyā gayā hupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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