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Let's Start Preparing For Ramazan

From the blog cheflingtales Ramazan is less than a week away and everyone is ready to welcome the blessed month. Preparation for iftaar and sehri is all we have on our mind; almost every one of us is looking forward to that daily dose of pakoras. There are a few other things we need to take care of in terms of preparing for Ramazan. Here is how to prepare yourself: *Plan the Ramazan Menu* Planning at least a week's menu for both sehri and iftaar will make things easier to manage and you can save time by planning and preparing beforehand. This way you will prepare the items on time and you will save yourself from any last minute chaos. Plus the whole family will know what to look forward to at iftaar. Check out *Chefling Tales Iftaar** and Sehri* menu and add them on your own. *Shop for groceries* Onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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