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Budget 2017-18: Govt Withdraws Custom Duty On Imports of Telecom Equipment

From the blog propakistani To further incentivize telecommunication sector, the government today proposed to withdraw currently leviable customs duties at the rates of 11% and 16%. Similarly, on the other hands it introduced a uniform rate of 9% Regulatory Duty on telecom equipment. Telecommunication sector is one of the important pillars of the economic development in the country, the […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Elegant Dine In At KREAM'S CAFE

From the blog cheflingtales I was planning to visit Kream's Café for a long time and finally decided to cover it. The café is situated in the middle of M. M. Alam Road and is a cozy, eye catching spot. As you enter, a section with a wide range of desserts welcomes you. What a yummy welcome! Then, there is a small dining area on the ground floor but I prefer to sit in a quiet spot so I chose the upstairs lounge. The interior has a classic façade of black and pink, and is a perfect venue for a quick chat over your meal. Kream's Café being a 'King of Desserts', surprised me with such a vast variety in menu. First, I ordered fish and chips, the platter came in spreading an aroma of crisp of outer layer and juicy fish, the combo of fish and hot fries with tartar sauce was strong enough to increase my appetipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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