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My Princeton journalism class re-visited

From the blog beenasarwar [image: JRN 457 at SAPNA] The class took a trip to NYC. Here, we are interviewing two Bangladeshi migrants at SAPNA, a Bronx-based non-profit helping migrant women from South Asia. *Thrilled and touched to see my class listed among a student's favorite classes at Princeton, where I was a visiting professor of journalism last fall. Here's what he wrote: * Kevin: I can't stress it enough: *Journalism (JRN 457): "Politics, Causes, and Culture in a Changing Media Landscape*," essentially a journalism ethics class, is by far my favorite course that I've had at Princeton. Pakistani journalist Beena Sarwar led the course, and brought all of her friends; almost every week we were visited by the who's who in journalism. We talked to some pretty incredible people, including journalistspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ramadan 1438

From the blog ashrafiya Each and every moment of Ramadan is precious. Therefore, use time wisely. New post are not scheduled for this month. There are more than 2000 posts on this site. Please, benefit from them. Posts regarding Ramadan can be found here and here. muhtaj e dua 'abd pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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