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The Great Opportunity Is Where You Are'

From the blog odysseuslahoriTwenty-seven year-old Ali Buksh comes from a poor Shahwani Brahui family of Mastung. His father is a watchman with the Meteorology Department at Quetta. It was no small miracle that on his father's meagre salary Ali Buksh managed to complete eight grades of school — especially when there were six other brothers as well. Then, in order to augment the small income, it was into the grind of unskilled construction labour for him. Over time, realising that this was not the end-all, he learned driving. By and by he got a license and became a pick-up truck driver. That was a good deal better than the back-breaking labourer's work, but working as a paid driver Buksh's income was never more than two hundred rupees a day. The rattle-trap that he drove would habitually break down and more pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shopping girls with secret camera

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Sexy Girl Movies : Shopping girls with secret camera, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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