Army major who 'tied' Kashmiri man to jeep honoured
From the blog iabhopal The incident had deepened the army-civilian divide and sparked violent protests in the militancy-hit valley. Reports Rahul Singh of Hindustan Times, New Delhi (India). May 22, 2017 Indian Standard Time An army major, who was in the eye of a storm for allegedly tying a Kashmiri man to a jeep to use him as a human shield, has been awarded the army chief's commendation card. Confirming the development, army spokesperson Colonel Aman Anand said the officer had been awarded the Chief of Army Staff's Commendation (COAS) card for "sustained efforts in CI (counter insurgency) operations". The army found itself in the middle of a firestorm after the surfacing of a video clip that showed a man tied to the fender of a Rakshak jeep and paraded through villages. A day after the video clippakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* *God listens. God knows. God, within muscle and bone. * In 2014, in the winter of my sibling's year-long medical treatment, I lay in my bed heartbroken, unable to sleep. The loneliness was piercing, acute. It was only then did my self-imposed single-ness feel like an albatross around my neck. What was I punishing myself for, I thought, as I tossed and turned, warm tears dampening the pillow below my cheek. And then, parallel to the pain, I felt something surge through me – it felt like hysteria, it was feral and frightening. I sat up and prayed. I closed my eyes, placed my hands on my chest and prayed to God to help me lessen my burden; I asked God for a companion, someone sincere and kind who would stand by me and help me through my difficult patch. I prayedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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