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Wearing hunger on faces starving cute children

From the Blog tanveerrauf Wearing hunger on faces starving cute children Wander in lanes selling balloons, hungry children! The poisonous gunpowder smell is in atmosphere This perilous atmosphere will kill all lovely children Enraged ocean is erratic; May Almighty has mercy To collect sea-shells, gone to beach all my children The merciless skies now are at peace and tranquil Died of thirst on the beach; all beautiful children ……………………. bhuuk chehroñ pe liye chāñd se pyāre bachche bechte phirte haiñ galiyoñ meñ ġhubbāre bachche in havāoñ se to bārūd kī bū aatī hai in fazāoñ meñ to mar jā.eñge saare bachche kyā bharosa hai samundar kā ḳhudā ḳhair kare sīpiyāñ chunñe ga.e haiñ mire saare bachche ho gayā charḳh-e-sitamgar kā kaleja ThanDā mar ga.e pyaas se dariyā ke kināre bachche pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4555037122883753590 Pakistani Blog Posts


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