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As I belonged to death thus I became lifeless

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_1klzzzicf140cg008wk484kcs_640] As I belonged to death thus I became lifeless Though awaken once; then again turned lifeless It is amusing; now I don't have any possession What I presented to you is now your possession Loneliness and weird place is frightful as a grave Who came to this bleak point to weep by the grave How to share my grief of this life's deep ocean As going deep found Shad lost in life's deep ocean ……………. thā ajal kā maiñ ajal kā ho gayā biich meñ chauñkā to thā phir so gayā lutf to ye hai ki aap apnā nahīñ jo huā terā vo terā ho gayā kaaTe khātī hai mujhe vīrānagī kaun is madfan pe aa kar ro gayā bahr-e-hastī ke umuq ko kyā batā.ūñ Duub kar maiñ 'shād' is meñ kho gayā Shad azeemabadi pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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