Rakaposhi: A Place for Delicious and Fine Taste of Food
From the blog cheflingtales Last week, I decided to have something very desi, simple and more traditional food, so I decided to try this restaurant named "Rakaposhi". Rakaposhi, located in Seher Commercial Phase 7 is known as a place for well-defined traditional Desi and Chinese food. It's been only 2 years for Rakaposhi in the Karachi food market and it has managed to create a place in the hearts of food lovers. Anyone living in Defense, Karachi can easily find this restaurant in Seher Commercial, in the same lane as Burger Shack and Café Khouso. I went to Rakaposhi to have dinner and found the whole ambiance completely cozy and quite homely. The entire setup of the restaurant was simple yet beautiful. It is a small restaurant, having a seating of 15-20 people at a time that also offers food delivery spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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