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Olympia Gym and Spa, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesOne of the things that I really wanted to do after graduating was to join a gym for maintaining my own health and fitness. I could not sign up previously because I only got free just as the gym hours for ladies ended at my local gyms. However, I am still sitting behind my laptop with a paunch (not really!); I recently got the chance of visiting *Olympia Gym and Spa at Avari Towers*. Even after graduation, I have been extremely busy so a day out especially for gym and spa was not only refreshing but motivating too. So last Sunday, I along with a few other bloggers were invited by Avari Towers to spend some quality time while chilling out at the Olympia Gym and Spa. After a little bit of socializing, my first instinct was to dive into the big blue POOL. However, that morning I hadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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