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India/Pakistan: Thought leaders try to build a bridge to peace

From the blog beenasarwar[image: AKA-pix-collage] Just a few of the hundreds putting their weight behind the resolution. Collage by Farhan Ahmed *Without expecting overnight transformation, over 500 eminent signatories from both countries are hoping to create a ripple effect that changes how citizens and governments view each other. *My piece in *The Wire* about the recent citizens' resolution that urges South Asian giants India and Pakistan "to take all steps possible towards improving relations" and aims to counter the prevailing atmosphere of hostility between the two nuclear-armed neighbours. [image: Chomsky] Chomsky: Happy to endorse this "excellent statement" Can the endorsements from significant, leading thinkers create a ripple effect of a "pebble thrown in a pond", as one political leader hoppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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