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میں کیوں لکھتا ہوں ؟

From the blog draslamfaheem کاغذ اور قلم بلکہ یوں کہنا مناسب ہو گا کہ قلم اور تختی کا بچپن سے قائم رشتہ اس وقت کی بورڈ اور سکرین میں بدل گیا جب میں نے انٹر نیٹ پر رنگ برنگے اردو بلاگ دیکھے،میں مشکور ہوں جناب مصطفٰی ملک صاحب کا جن کی تحریک نے مجھ جیسے طالبعلم کو اردو بلاگرز کی صف میں لا کھڑا کیا ،اور حقیقت یہی ہے کہ میں آج بھی کلاس میں سب سے آخری رو میں بیٹھا وہ طالب علم ہوں جسے اپنا سبق یاد نہیں ہوتا ۔ بس احساسات کی ایک دولت ہے جو بے چین کرتی ہے تو خیالات قلم کے ذریعے قرطا س پہ بکھرتے چلے جاتے ہیں اوریوں کمپیوٹر کے کی بورڈ پہ ٹھک ٹھک چلتی انگلیاں ان خیالات کو پردہ سکرین پر الفاظ کی صورت ڈھا ل دیتی ہیں جس کی نتیجے میں ایک ذہنی سکون اور ایک نامکمل سی آسودگی طبیعت میں در آتی ہے کہ میں نے اپنے حصّے کاکام مکمل کر لیااس لئے کہ ڈھنگ کی بات لوگ سن لیں گے شوروغوغا کے باوجود حسن حرفِ آرزو ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ خواہشوں اورpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Advertise Who You Are

From the blog dearrumiI used to think that one of the most accurate gauges of a nation's character was its traffic. You could tell, from the way they behaved on the road, the levels of civilisation and progress that a people had attained. If you come to Pakistan, the chaotic and busy traffic will tell you that, in […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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شبیر کی خاص اننگز، بنگلہ دیش سری لنکا کو روندتا ہوا نکل گیا

From the blog cricnama بنگلہ دیش نے پاکستان کو 'آئینہ' دکھا دیا ہے کہ صرف 26 رنز پر تین وکٹیں گرنے کے بعد مقابلہ کیسے جیتا جاتا ہے۔ شبیر رحمٰن کی 54 گیندوں پر 80 رنز کی اننگز فیصلہ کن ثابت ہوئی کہ جس کے دوران انہوں نے شکیب الحسن کے ساتھ 82 رنز کی شراکت داری قائم کی اور بنگلہ دیش کو مقابلے میں ایسا واپس لائے کہ سری لنکا پورا دم لگا کر بھی اسے اکھاڑے سے باہر نہیں کر پایا۔ 148 رنز کے تعاقب میں سری لنکا کا سانس 124 رنز پر ہی پھول گیا اور یوں بنگلہ دیش نے 23 رنز سے مقابلہ جیت لیا۔ بنگلہ دیش کے کپتان مشرفی مرتضیٰ نے ٹاس جیتا اور پہلے بلے بازی کا فیصلہ کیا۔ ہزاروں تماشائیوں کے فلک شگاف نعرے چند ہی لمحوں کے محتاج ثابت ہوئے کیونکہ پہلے اوور کی دوسری گیند پر محمد متھن اور اگلے اوور میں سومیا سرکار صفر کی ہزیمت سے دوچار ہوئے۔ ابھی اننگز ٹھیک سے سنبھلنے ہی نہیں پائی تھی کہ پانچویں اوور میں مشفق الرحیم کے رن آؤpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Remittance Alliance: Explainer Video

From the blog faisalkhanThe Remittance Alliance is no longer an academic pursuit. The remittance alliance is no longer just a dream. It is real. The *Money Transfer Alliance Program* is slowly gaining steam. Ever since the first article was published (See: Uberization of Money Transfer), the goal was to not make it an academic thing, but something practical that can be executed with an MSB or two. For the past couple of months, our partners have been doing just that. Getting the proof of concept validated. As we approach March 2016, we are now actively signing up MSBs and drawing them into the program. The concept is simple, *uberize* the money transfer companies and provide them with a front-end / back-end platform, operating guidelines and settlement agreement. The end result: The Alliance. A consolpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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شبیر کی خاص اننگز، بنگلہ دیش سری لنکا کو روندتا ہوا نکل گیا

From the blog cricnama بنگلہ دیش نے پاکستان کو 'آئینہ' دکھا دیا ہے کہ صرف 26 رنز پر تین وکٹیں گرنے کے بعد مقابلہ کیسے جیتا جاتا ہے۔ شبیر رحمٰن کی 54 گیندوں پر 80 رنز کی اننگز فیصلہ کن ثابت ہوئی کہ جس کے دوران انہوں نے شکیب الحسن کے ساتھ 82 رنز کی شراکت داری قائم کی اور بنگلہ دیش کو مقابلے میں ایسا واپس لائے کہ سری لنکا پورا دم لگا کر بھی اسے اکھاڑے سے باہر نہیں کر پایا۔ 148 رنز کے تعاقب میں سری لنکا کا سانس 124 رنز پر ہی پھول گیا اور یوں بنگلہ دیش نے 23 رنز سے مقابلہ جیت لیا۔ بنگلہ دیش کے کپتان مشرفی مرتضیٰ نے ٹاس جیتا اور پہلے بلے بازی کا فیصلہ کیا۔ ہزاروں تماشائیوں کے فلک شگاف نعرے چند ہی لمحوں کے محتاج ثابت ہوئے کیونکہ پہلے اوور کی دوسری گیند پر محمد متھن اور اگلے اوور میں سومیا سرکار صفر کی ہزیمت سے دوچار ہوئے۔ ابھی اننگز ٹھیک سے سنبھلنے ہی نہیں پائی تھی کہ پانچویں اوور میں مشفق الرحیم کے رن آؤpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The #100bookpact - Books 1-10

From the blog beanbagtalesSometimes undertaking a challenge is the only way to do things. Even though I consider myself to be an avid reader (at least that's what I keep telling everyone!), usually my book list at the end of the year doesn't have more than twenty books. Which is insane because I usually buy double this number of books every year. Social media can make one do crazy things. For me the #100bookpact is just that. This year I've decided to read, yes you've read it right, a 100 books. It did appear to be a pretty daunting task but so far I've managed to finish nine books. For someone who only read the Malazan series last year, nine books is pretty amazing! Here are the ten books with the briefest, most minuscule reviews. 1. Esmond in India by Ruth Jhabvala. Nostalgia, love, broken ideals and pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بے لاگ پر بلاگ

From the blog omer-urduویسے تو ارادہ یہ تھا کہ 'صلہ عمر' پر جب تک 'اول المسلمین' کے ترجمے کا کام مکمل نہیں ہو جاتا، میں کوئی دوسری تحریر شایع نہیں کروں گا۔ یہ ارادہ تو یہیں دھرے کا دھرا رہا ۔ مگر وہاں ایک دوسرا ارادہ چوپٹ ہو گیا ہے۔ اپنے جی میں پوری طرح ٹھان رکھا تھا کہ اب کی بار، لاہور ضرور جائیں گے۔ جاتے کیوں نہیں، آخر لاہور میں اردو بلاگروں کی منتخب کردہ تحریروں پر مشتمل پہلی کتاب، 'بے لاگ' کی رونمائی ہوpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Back HOME ~

From the blog illusionsandwordsTwo years of silence, endless sleepless nights, death wishes, depression and same misery. I feel nostalgic and I find myself back where I seek refuge. Writing is like a drug to me. The only beast I live with is inside me. I am no more the person I once was seems crazy, stupid or silly I don't know but I don't know how else people find their way back home. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What Plagues Thar

From the blog pakteahouse [image: Nomade-Huts-in-Thar-Desert-] *Ali Izhar Bajwa* Just a few days back in a routine news segment it was casually discussed that a certain number of malnourished children died in Thar. For anyone following the news regularly this is regular news and with other more ‘significant’ developments of recent taking the precious airtime Thar’s persisting distress has been reduced to a mere mention in the bulletins. The fact that was exponentially more striking in the case of this particular mention was that the mother who had brought her suffering child to the hospital not only had to endure the agony of losing him/her but to top it off did not have enough money to make the journey back. We are passing through a phase and cusp in the history of our country where we can smell optipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Karachi Whiz Kid and Pakistan’s First Hand Drawn Animated Flick

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* In 2012, a young, unassuming Pakistani musician from Karachi created waves after being selected as a TEDGlobal Fellow, following the success of his brilliant composition, Fire Fly, which went viral a year before. Sharing stage space at TEDGlobal – a conference that brings together trailblazers from across the world to deliver inspiring talks – with his idol, the renowned guitarist, Preston Reed, Usman Riaz was quickly propelled into fame. [image: TEDGlobal 2012: Usman Riaz and Preston Reed. (Photo by James Duncan Davidson)]TEDGlobal 2012: Usman Riaz and Preston Reed. (Photo by James Duncan Davidson) This year, while still in its initial stages, Riaz’s The Glassworker, Pakistan’s first hand drawn animated production, brings with it the magic and innocence ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Recent Reads: A Start For 2016

From the blog noorsplaceAccording to my Goodreads, I am ahead of my actual reading schedule that made me immensely happy. So I thought I should share my recent reads on the blog. All the books I got to read, have been interesting enough to discuss. Well, it doesn't necessarily mean they ALL were good, though. I am also preparing myself to snark on some of them. Wink. I have read 8 books so far. 7 of them are from my 2016 reading list. Only Sharp Object by Gillian Flynn was the one to come spontaneously. The list below is in a chronological order: from newest to oldest read. *The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson: *I just finished this book yesterday. When I started it, I suddenly thought it was boring and I might take few centuries to end it, if at all. But chapters after chapters, it became apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Five Things I Love That I Didn't Know

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBloggers Squad PK, the newest local blogging platform, came up with its first monthly tag to encourage blogging even more. Now, the topic 'Five Things I Love' is quite generic so we have the freedom to be creative with it. This blog post covers what I have learned about my own liking over the past few years. Even though they aren't surprising at all it is just that I didn't know until I started blogging, shopping, cooking and hearing people complain like when somebody said they don't like something and I thought but I totally do. I am sure you will be able to relate once you read through. [image: Dusty Rose Lipsticks] My lipstick heaven.*1. Dusty Rose Lipsticks * Prior to blogging, I had tried and quit all sorts of glosses and lipsticks because I could never find my perfect matcpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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لاہور کا نوحہ

From the blog CivilPakistanلاہور کی میت ہے ذرا دھوم سے نکلے [نئے شہر بساؤ اوراپنے شوق پورے کرو؛ ہمارے شہر کیوں ملیامیٹ کر رہے ہو!] روتی ہوئی حسرت دلِ مغموم سے نکلے واویلا کرو، بین کرو، اشک بہاؤ لاہور کی میت ہے ذرا دھوم سے نکلے اشراف کے خوابوں تلے کچلا گیا یہ شہر صیاد کے ہتھکنڈوں سے مسلا گیا یہ شہر آواز کہیں تو کسی حلقوم سے نکلے لاہور کی میت ہے ذرا دھوم سے نکلے جو روح تھی مر بھی چکی، اربابِ سیاست! لاشہ بہا لے جائے گا سیلابِ سیاست اس شہر کا قصہ دلِ مغموم سے نکلے لاہور کی میت ہے ذراد ھوم سے نکلے کتنی ہی عمارات جو پہچان تھیں اس کی کوچے و گزرگاہیں جو کہ جان تھیں اس کی نوحہ تو کسی کا لبِ مظلوم سے نکلے لاہور کی میت ہے ذرا دھوم سے نکلے وہ پیڑ، وہ برگد، وہ گھنے سیر کے رستے منزل سے کہیں بڑھ کے جو تھے خیر کے رستے اب قافلہ ان کا رہِ مسموم سے نکلے لاہور کی میت ہے ذرا دھوم سے نکلے اس شہرِنگاراں کو ہوس نے یوں اُدھیڑا جیسےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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عامر کی 'دلیرانہ' کارکردگی، لیکن پاکستان پھر ہار گیا

From the blog cricnama طویل عرصے بعد دنیائے کرکٹ نے تیز باؤلنگ کا ایسا نظارہ دیکھا ہوگا۔ محمد عامر نے پابندی بھگتنے کے بعد اپنے پہلے سب سے بڑے مقابلے میں شاندار باؤلنگ کی لیکن وہ ان "گناہوں" کو نہ دھو سکے کہ جو پاکستان کے بلے بازوں نے پہلے بیٹنگ کرتے ہوئے کیے تھے۔ صرف 83 رنز پر آل آؤٹ۔ معمولی ہدف کے تعاقب میں بھارت کو ابتدا ہی میں محمد عامر کی تباہ کن باؤلنگ کا سامنا کرنا پڑا لیکن ویراٹ کوہلی کی عمدہ اننگز کی بدولت بھارت کسی نہ کسی طرح بچ گیا اور سولہویں اوور میں پانچ وکٹوں کے نقصان پر ہی ہدف تک جا پہنچا۔ پاکستان کی ناقص بلے بازی اور بھارت کی شاندار آل راؤنڈ کارکردگی اپنی جگہ لیکن میچ کی اصل 'جھلک' محمد عامر کا وہ اسپیل تھا کہ جس میں انہوں نے دنیائے کرکٹ کے دل جیت لیے۔ بھارتی اننگز کی پہلی ہی گیند پر روہیت کے خلاف ایل بی ڈبلیو کی مسترد ہونے والی زوردار اپیل اور اگلی ہی گیند پر انہیں صفر پر ڈھیر کرکےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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عامر کی 'دلیرانہ' کارکردگی، لیکن پاکستان پھر ہار گیا

From the blog cricnama طویل عرصے بعد دنیائے کرکٹ نے تیز باؤلنگ کا ایسا نظارہ دیکھا ہوگا۔ محمد عامر نے پابندی بھگتنے کے بعد اپنے پہلے سب سے بڑے مقابلے میں شاندار باؤلنگ کی لیکن وہ ان "گناہوں" کو نہ دھو سکے کہ جو پاکستان کے بلے بازوں نے پہلے بیٹنگ کرتے ہوئے کیے تھے۔ صرف 83 رنز پر آل آؤٹ۔ معمولی ہدف کے تعاقب میں بھارت کو ابتدا ہی میں محمد عامر کی تباہ کن باؤلنگ کا سامنا کرنا پڑا لیکن ویراٹ کوہلی کی عمدہ اننگز کی بدولت بھارت کسی نہ کسی طرح بچ گیا اور سولہویں اوور میں پانچ وکٹوں کے نقصان پر ہی ہدف تک جا پہنچا۔ پاکستان کی ناقص بلے بازی اور بھارت کی شاندار آل راؤنڈ کارکردگی اپنی جگہ لیکن میچ کی اصل 'جھلک' محمد عامر کا وہ اسپیل تھا کہ جس میں انہوں نے دنیائے کرکٹ کے دل جیت لیے۔ بھارتی اننگز کی پہلی ہی گیند پر روہیت کے خلاف ایل بی ڈبلیو کی مسترد ہونے والی زوردار اپیل اور اگلی ہی گیند پر انہیں صفر پر ڈھیر کرکےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to keep and feed a muse

From the blog beanbagtalesRay Bradbury recommends a healthy diet for the muse consisting mainly of poetry. Read poetry everyday of your life, is one of the tips he gives in his book, The Zen of Writing. It's a great book. Easy to read and digest. Bradbury sounds like a friend. An older writer friend whom you visit occasionally and ask for advice over a cup of coffee, or a glass of whiskey, in a very by the way manner so it doesn't seem that that was the only reason you actually visited him. And he tells you, in a matter of fact way, to read poetry. Which, of course, is NOT the answer you were looking for. It wasn't the answer I was looking for either and this post isn't about how I turned to poetry and it changed my writing life forever. Far from it. After writing on and off since the past few months I'vpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistanis Sent $5 Billion to Relatives in India in 2015

From the blog riazhaqPakistanis sent nearly $5 billion to help their relatives in India in 2015, according to data released by the World Bank. This makes Pakistan the 4th largest source of foreign remittances to India, putting Pakistan ahead of Kuwait and the United Kingdom. Only United Arab Emirates, United States and Saudi Arabia sent more money to India. Source: Wall Street Journal With over 1.4 million Pakistanis born in India, there are literally millions of family connections between the two countries and millions of reasons a person in Pakistan might find a way to get money to relatives in India. The money could be sent for a brother in need, a cousin’s wedding, an uncle’s funeral or even to help educate a niece, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. I personally know people in mpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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~Walk Through Shades Nail Spa & Fashion House~

From the blog areejusmanI was invited at the Red Carpet and launch of this newly opened Nail Spa and Fashion House called Shades in Islamabad.What a glamour filled night it was.I ll highlight the details of this newly launched Nail Spa and Fashion House now.Enjoy! It was an exciting day and a very well organized and managed event by Rezz PR & Events.The social media teams and the socialites,VIP guests were there to make it a splendid & successful launch.It was filled with people,the social media persons were going crazy updating live while some ladies were busy trying and testing make up and nail colors on the make up floor. With Mariam Sheikh Operations Head at Shades With Rezz Aly Shah CEO Rezz PR & Events With the beautiful Natasha aka Natty Girls trying out make up products at Shades lapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How much is enough?

From the blog hammadmateenWhat's the strongest feeling in the world? Love? Wrong! It's hunger. What's the 2nd strongest feeling in this world? Love? Wrong! It's greed. In between hunger and greed, all other feelings and emotions float in the ocean of desire. Yet, … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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LALA Launches Flagship Store at Ocean Mall Karachi

From the blog sychhLALA Textiles proudly inaugurated their first Flagship store at Ocean Mall in Karachi featuring a diverse range of products comprising of unstitched printed fabric for both day wear, evening wear, roll fabric, a special signature series range and its debut LALA Pret. Photography Credits: Kashif-ud-Din & Take II pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Weekly majlis: Time change

From the blog ashrafiya 7:15 PM Sundays (Saudi Arabian Time) [image: ashrafiyamixlr] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Old friends vs New friends

From the blog kulsoom Friendship is a complicated subject to talk about when there are so many categories of friends that we as a social norm identify and categorize friends in. But I felt like pouring some of my personal observation and share experiences about new and old friendships. We usually start making friends when we are in pre school. Someone sitting next to us who we share lunch with or have seen crying and trying to make smile becomes our friend. We move on with schooling meeting new kids around and our priorities of making friends keep changing. Puberty hits and all of a sudden we need some more personal space to share our tiny little secrets so we evaluate friends on the basis of who are they connected to and if your word will be leaked out by any. Most of us make great friends during pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Reasons Afridi Must Retire

From the blog pkhope Shahid Afridi is having second thoughts about his announced retirement. Last year, he announced in the media that he would be retiring from all forms of Cricket after the Twenty20 World Cup in Bangladesh in 2016. But now he says that his family is pressuring him to not to. Well, nobody wants to leave the limelight but then everything has to go. Here are 5 reasons Afridi must retire: 1. Well, be must be man of his words and honor them. 2. Retirement is not a joke. Afridi has already played a long career and lately everybody was watching him just not being up to it. 3. Afridi has been blocking the way for many youngsters for a long time. Nobody is still sure whether he is a bowler or a batsman. In order to make way for young blood, he must just leave. 4. Hepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اظہر محمود پاکستان کے باؤلنگ کوچ بن گئے

From the blog cricnama پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ نے قومی ٹیم کے سابق آل راؤنڈر اظہر محمود کو ایشیا کپ اور ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی کے لیے قومی باؤلنگ کوچ مقرر کردیا ہے۔ وہ مستقل کوچ مشتاق احمد کی جگہ یہ ذمہ داری سنبھالیں گے جن کے بارے میں کہا جا رہا ہے کہ وہ مسلسل مصروفیات کے بعد کچھ عرصہ آرام کرنا چاہ رہے ہیں۔ مشتاق جون میں دورۂ انگلستان سے قبل ایک مرتبہ پھر قومی ٹیم میں ذمہ داریاں نبھانے آ جائیں گے۔ اظہر محمود گوکہ ڈومیسٹک ٹیموں کی کوچنگ کی ذمہ داری ادا کر چکے ہیں لیکن بین الاقوامی کرکٹ میں وہ کبھی اس درجے پر نہیں آئے۔ بتایا جا رہا ہے کہ اچانک اتنی بھاری ذمہ داری کی وجہ دراصل ٹی ٹوئنٹی میں اظہر محمود کا وسیع تجربہ ہے۔ اظہر نے 2007ء سے اب تک 225 ٹی ٹوئنٹی میچز کھیلے ہیں جن میں حال ہی میں وہ ماسٹرز چیمپئنز لیگ میں بھی کھیل چکے ہیں اور اس کے بعد اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کی جانب سے پاکستان سپر لیگ میں بھی شمولیت اختیار کی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ملعون نسلِ انسانی از مارک ٹوین

From the blog awaz-e-dost*پچھلے برس ایک کرم فرما کے لیے مارک ٹوین کا مضمون دی ڈیمڈ ہیومن ریس ترجمہ کیا تھا۔ ادب کے حوالے سے انتہائی محدود مطالعہ ہونے کی وجہ سے کبھی ادبی ترجمہ کرنے کی ہمت ہی نہیں ہوئی۔ یہ بچگانہ سی نوعیت کا ترجمہ بھی آپ احباب کے ساتھ ڈرتے ڈرتے بانٹ رہا ہوں۔* میں نے (نام نہاد) ادنیٰ حیوانات کے عادات و خصائل کا مطالعہ کیا ہے، اور انہیں انسان کے عادات و خصائل سے ملا کر دیکھا ہے۔ مجھے اس کا نتیجہ اپنے لیے باعثِ ذلت محسوس ہوا ہے۔ کیونکہ یہ مجھے مجبور کرتا ہے کہ میں 'انسان کے ادنٰی حیوانات سے عروج' کے ڈارونی نظریے کے ساتھ اپنی وفاداری سے اظہارِ برأت کر دوں؛ چونکہ اب مجھے صاف صاف لگتا ہے کہ اس نظریے کو ایک نئے اور زیادہ سچے نظریے سے تبدیل کر دینا چاہیئے، یہ نیا اور زیادہ سچا نظریہ 'اعلیٰ حیوانات سے انسان کا زوال' کہلا سکتا ہے۔ اس ناپسندیدہ نتیجے پر پہنچنے کے لیے میں نے اندازے یا قیاس کے گھوڑےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Picodi Aims to Become Biggest Coupon Site Network in the World

From the blog propakistani International Coupons, an e-commerce group that is the owner of a chain of coupon websites, has again announced the launch of several new coupon sites in different countries around the world, this time under a new brand name "Picodi". In November 2015, the company announced the launch of a new coupon site that will collect... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Diplo comes to PAKISTAN!!!!

From the blog pakmediablog What has everyone been buzzing about? All this chatter about Diplo in Pakistan? Is it really happening? We inquired with their official Radio Partner, Radio 1 FM 91, and got to know that it is REALLY going to happen. It is as good as it gets! Not only is the line-up interesting, but it paves […] Diplo comes to PAKISTAN!!!! is a post from: PakMediaBlog All Rights Reserved. This post Diplo comes to PAKISTAN!!!! is aggregated on PakMediaBlog. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سری لنکا کے لیے آسان مقابلہ مشکل فتح بن گیا

From the blog cricnama کوالیفائنگ مرحلے میں سروخرو ہو کر متحدہ عرب امارات ایشیا کپ کے مرکزی راؤنڈ میں پہنچا تو شائقین کے ایک حلقے نے 'یکطرفہ مقابلوں' کا شکوہ کرنا شروع کردیا لیکن سری لنکا کے خلاف اپنے پہلے ہی مقابلوں میں امارات نے ثابت کردیا کہ وہ اتنے کمزور نہیں جتنا انہیں سمجھا جا رہا ہے۔ وہ تو کپتان لاستھ مالنگا نے کچھ دم لگا لیا ورنہ 14 رنز کی کامیابی سری لنکا کے نصیب میں نہ ہوتی۔ امارات کے کپتان امجد جاوید نے ٹاس جیت کر پہلے سری لنکا کو بلے بازی کی دعوت دی۔ تلکارتنے دلشان اور دنیش چندیمال کی ابتدائی شراکت داری کو دیکھ کر تو لگا کہ امارات کا فیصلہ غلط ہوگیا۔ لیکن گیند باز اسے مقابلے میں واپس لائے اور اچانک ہی میچ کا نقشہ تبدیل کردیا۔ دونوں بلے بازوں نے پہلی وکٹ کے لیے ابتدائی 10 اوورز میں 68 رنز جوڑے تھے۔ دلشان نے 27 رنز جبکہ چندیمال نے سات چوکوں اور ایک چھکے کی مدد سے 50 رنز بنائے۔ لیکن ان دونpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Understanding the Trump Phenomenon in America

From the blog riazhaqDonald Trump, a political novice, has stunned the world with a string of successes in Republican primaries to become the leading candidate for the GOP (Grand Old Party, aka Republican Party) nomination for US President in 2016. The fear of a hostile takeover of the GOP by Trump has sent the party establishment into panic mode. What are the factors behind this development? Who are Donald Trump's supporters? What is motivating their anger and their disdain of the Republican party leadership? Let's try and answer these questions: *1. Changing Demographics and Economy:* When I first arrived in the United States in late 1970s, America had very different demographics. It was about 85% white. Most Americans with just a high school diploma enjoyed middle class living standards. Theypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Philosophy on Coursera

From the blog hadeelnaeemHere is what I am taking at the moment on Coursera and I would really like to recommend these to all of you. 1. Introduction to Philosophy This course is being … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Dad, my hero

From the blog mehmudahrehman Originally written for Gulf News 'Off the Cuff' Published: 16:45 October 11, 2015 [image: dad.jpg] "Papa?" I say gently, stroking his hair. His eyes are half open. He smiles and with a little bit of help from me, he sits up. "How are you?" I ask and envelop him in a big hug. He smiles serenely and asks how I am. When I ask him my name, he says, "I know who you are. Isn't that enough?" When I insist that he say my name, he shakes his head sadly. "I'm sorry but I can't quite remember." My eyes well up with tears. My Dad, who could recite sonnets of Shakespeare verbatim, the poetry of Ghalib and Allama Iqbal without pausing — today he struggles to remember the name of his daughter. I hold his hand and tell him my nampakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سوات سے ایک خط

From the blog theajmals میں ملالہ یوسف زئی اور تمام دنیا کو بتانا چاہتا ہوں کہ سوات امن [image: Swat Govt School] کی سرزمین ہے جس میں محبت کرنے والے لوگ بستے ہیں نہ کہ دہشتگرد *یہ ایک تصویر ہی بتا رہی ہے کہ سوات میں لڑکیوں کی تعلیم کا معیار اور ماحول کیا ہے* یہ سوات میں لی گئی حالیہ تصویر ہے جس میں لڑکیوں کا بینڈ ایک گورنمنٹ سکول میں اپنا ہُنر پیش کر رہا ہے میں پچھلے ہفتے (وسط فروری 2016ء) ایک تربیتی پروگرام کیلئے سوات گیا تھا ۔ میں نے بہت سے سرکاری اور نجی سکولوں کا دورہ کیا ۔ میں نے ان لڑکیوں اور لڑکوں کے سکولوں کا معیار تعلیم بہت عمدہ پایا ۔ تعلیم ہی نہیں بلکہ ان میں طلباء اور طالبات کیلئے صحتمند ہم نصابی اور غیر نصابی سرگرمیاں بھی دیکھنے کو ملیں *"ملالہ یوسف زئی" نے پاکستان کا منفی تصوّر پیش کر کے نوبل انعام حاصل کیا* *ملالہ نے دنیا کو بتایا* کہ لڑکیوں کو سکول نہیں جانے دیا جاتا اور نہ لڑکیوں کے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tolerance for homosexuality in Islamic societies over the centuries

From the blog pakteahouse *By Syed Ali Raza Zaidi* [image: gay2] Ever since I finished ‘The Book of Saladin’ by Tariq Ali, I have been wondering whether the homosexuality was as prevalent in the medieval Islamic societies as the writer has portrayed or did he exaggerate the existence of the phenomenon a bit too far. Reading the reviews on the book on various websites, I also realised that most of the people were not really impressed by his, what they regarded as, overindulgence into the topic of sex and homosexuality. Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi seemed to have been surrounded by perverts of almost all the kinds (homosexuals, pederasts, adulterers and zoophiles). Two of his wives, Jamila and Halima, had sexual relations, his trusted scribe Imad al-Din al-Isphahani loved boys, even one of the top clerpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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US Varsities – 23% women Sexually Assaulted This Year

From the blog iabhopal The Association of American Universities on Monday released the overall results of a survey that asked students at 27 universities about their experiences with sexual assault and sexual misconduct, drawing responses from more than 150,000 students. *At average 23 percent of female undergraduates at an array of prominent universities said this year they were victims of sexual assault and misconduct* according to one of the largest studies ever of college sexual violence. Most of the undergraduate women suffered incidents involving sexual penetration or attempted penetration and the rest were victims of sexual contact through force or in situations when they were incapacitated and unable to consent. The students said sexual assault and misconduct is extremely problematic at the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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L’Oréal Makeup Designer Paris launches ‘Life in Pink’ – A Beauty Film

From the blog sychhL’Oreal Paris, the world’s leading beauty brand launches “Life in Pink – A Beauty Film”. Inspired by the international campaign La Vie En Rose which saw renowned artist, John Legend, starring for L’Oreal Paris; the beauty film marks the launch of the brand’s Exclusive Pinks, lipstick collection, by Color Riche. An international declaration of love […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Temple’s Tale

From the blog iamzeeshanIf you were to pass by this particular street in Tando Wali Mohammad area, in Hirabad, Hyderabad, I am quite positive that you will notice this building right away. Tucked in the middle of all these modern structures, and British-era buildings is a temple, whose *shikhara* (spire) and a smaller umbrella-esque structure right beside it, will immediately catch your attention. Just below the traditional spire you will see the *long* name of the temple: Goswamiparshotam Gir Chela Goswaminihal Gir. It was initially built way back in 1895, making it a century old at least. However, it was rebuilt in 1945. The narrow entrance to the temple is a bit lower than the street level, and so is its ceiling. Once you enter the passage you will notice an old water-tap on the left, and a door pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پی ایس ایل سے بھی کوئی بلے باز نہ ملا، لیکن کیوں؟

From the blog cricnama پاکستان سپر لیگ اپنے اختتام کو پہنچی، بلاشبہ یہ ایک یادگار اور شاندار ایونٹ تھا کہ جس نے ملک میں کرکٹ کے حوالے سے جوش اور جنون کو نئی بلندیوں تک پہنچا دیا ہے۔ لیکن جس معاملے نے تشویش میں مبتلا کیا ہے وہ یہ کہ بیٹنگ میں کوئی غیر معمولی ٹیلنٹ سامنے نہیں آیا۔ لے دے کر پورے سیزن سے دو اسپن باؤلرز سامنے آئے کہ جنہیں 'پی ایس ایل' کی دریافت کہا جا سکتا ہے، اس کے علاوہ لیگ کا دامن خالی دکھائی دیا۔ پاکستان میں با اختیار طبقے کی منطقیں بھی عجیب ہیں، وہ مسائل کا ذمہ دار ان عوامل کو قرار دیتا ہے جو اس کے دائرۂ اختیار میں نہیں آتے لیکن جو چیزیں اختیار میں ہیں ان توجہ دے تو کئی مسائل جنم ہی نہ لیں۔ کرکٹ کا معاملہ بھی اس سے ہرگز جدا نہیں۔ ایک ایسے وقت میں جب ہمیں مستقبل کا جاوید میانداد، انضمام الحق یا محمد یوسف کہیں نظر نہیں آتا، اچھے بلے بازوں کی عدم موجودگی کا معاملہ جب بھی ارباب اختیار pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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4 Pakistanis Make it to Forbes 30 Under 30 List

From the blog propakistani Forbes Asian list of "30 Under 30" consists of four Pakistanis. The 2016 edition of the list was published today. The business magazine recognised 600 young game changers from 20 different fields, 30 from each field. The 30 Under 30 list of prominent figures from 2016's Social Entrepreneurship and Media Marketing category features four Pakistani's.... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Decay of the Educational System

From the blog chowrangi The wave of changing face of education swamped us, globally, around the oncoming of the new millennium. Prior to that, education still had value. Education was taught for the sake of educating minds. Opening the minds to knowledge and critical thinking. But, around the 2000s, education became just another money-churning business. An endlessly profitable business [...] The post Decay of the Educational System appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Money Transfer Alliance – Is it possible?

From the blog faisalkhanBackstory on Money Transfer Alliance For months I was obsessed with the idea of creating an alliance. People were skeptical, I was not. I was committed to it. The idea came about, from a question: “*What are the small and medium money transfer businesses doing to remain competitive today?*” Turns out, the best way to answer this question was to ask them. The long and short is: They are hurting. I did not have a solution, just bits and pieces. Then I read this article on Oyo Rooms – (21 Year old building India’s largest hotel network). One just has to read this article and juxtapose that thought to independent Money Transfer/Money Exchange companies world over and realize the potential. I decided to concentrate my efforts in the US first. The US has a very expensive and restripakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Believers: Genuine vs Fake

From the blog kashifshahzadapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The 12th Edition of Pakistan’s Biggest Bridal Extravaganza Telenor Bridal Couture Week to Hit the City Of Lights in May

From the blog sychhEntering into its 6th successful year, the 12th edition of Pakistan’s biggest bridal extravaganza, Telenor Bridal Couture Week is slated to be held from May 6 to May 8, 2016 at the Palm, Karachi. Organized by Pakistan’s numero uno general entertainment network HUM Network Limited, TBCW in its 12th installment will present the latest bridal […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Talfiq: Permissible & impermissible

From the blog ashrafiya An individual inquired regarding the ruling of Umrah being necessary ( *wajib*) for a taxi driver traveling frequently to the blessed city of Makkah. If in this particular case an exemption was possible (from Hanafi fiqh ruling). *Sayyidi wa sanadi *Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) replied, ‘Yes, due to the hardship involved this individual can act on the non-Hanafi ruling and not perform Umrah on his each and every frequent visit.’ Another individual inquired about acting on the non-Hanafi ruling of trimming few hairs instead of cutting or shaving the whole scalp. *Sayyidi wa sanadi* replied, ‘No. Follow the Hanafi ruling (shaving completely or cutting one fourth the length of the hairs on the scalp provided they are longer than the space between two pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The shrink plastic pendant effect.. Naz is really enjoying this these days

From the blog ozairrao [image: The shrink plastic pendant effect.. Naz is really enjoying this these days] The post The shrink plastic pendant effect.. Naz is really enjoying this these days appeared first on Ozair Rao. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog telecompk Pakistan’s top property portal has consolidated its position as the undisputed leader of the region’s property portal industry further by launching Property Index – a first for the country as well as the wider South Asian region. With real-time, accurate data now simply a few clicks away, this index promises to be an invaluable tool for the discerning investor. Traditionally, decisions regarding real estate have been clouded by speculation due to a dearth of complete, readily available information. With this development, that limitation is now a thing of the past. Investors can now analyse trends and track the performance of the real estate market over a period of time, going as far back as January 2011. has painstakingly created the index withpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 24 فروری 2016

From the blog seems77 شخصیت پرستی، بت پرستی سے ذیادہ خطرناک ہے، کیونکہ بت کا دماغ نہیں ہوتا جو خراب ہو جائے، لیکن جب آپ انسانوں کی پوجا کرتے ہیں تو وہ فرعون بن جاتا ہے۔ Visit and Like My Facebook Page "Everything Close To My Heart" : pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tech Love: Brainwavz Omega Earphones Review

From the blog noorsplaceThe tech junkie in me is squealing with happiness as I write this post. I might not be the *tech-est* techie out there, but I love to know about new gadgets and tech products out there. Earphones top the list in my area of interest. When Brainwavz sent me Omega Earphones* for a review, I knew they were going to be an interesting product. I have already used their S0 Earphones (you can read the review here) and was looking forward to trying these from the range. They came in this cool packaging, a plastic-like product box, wrapped in a huge bubble wrapping that looked adorable. The Brainwavz guys are pretty generous when it comes to handing out extra accessories and stuff. They come with extra ear tips, which I am very grateful about since I am always losing mine and end up tossinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sigma Beauty Makeup is GAME

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies [image: Sigma Pink Makeup] SigmaBeauty Makeup PR Samples* Affiliate Links*Remember the time when Sigma only did brushes and they were all the rage until they started collaborating with YouTube gurus and even brought out eyeshadow palettes? The brand has since proved itself by always coming up with unique ideas and the year 2015 marked a fantastic evolution in terms of makeup ranges. The most noticeable range that brought in heaps of new releases came out in October, called Sigma Pink, which as you can tell was for breast cancer awareness. The makeup in the collection is luckily here to stay and none of it was limited edition. Sigma Pink brought with it Aura Powder (face powder), Embellish Lash (mascara), Line Ace (eyeliner), Power Crayon (lip crayon), Power Stick (lipstick), Powpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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HEC Announces University Rankings for 2015

From the blog propakistani HEC has published the latest edition of its annual rankings for 129 Pakistani universities. Quaid-e-Azam University took the honors as Pakistan’s best university. It was followed by University of Punjab (UoP) in Lahore and National University of Science and Technology (NUST). While the top two have maintained the spot for quite some time, NUST jumped... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Television Advertising is a Fascinating Profession for MBAs

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Asad Rizvi, Managing Director Walter Pakistan, delivered a session on Advertising to an MBA class of Marketing Strategy on 27 January 2016 at the Lahore School of Economics. As always, he received both complete attention and deep gratitude of the young and eager MBA participants. Asad informed them that he had been in the advertising industry since 1995, and had never looked back. This is because advertising is the heart of marketing – look at Apple, Coke and Pepsi, driven by creative ads. Thus, a mystique has been created around advertising, enveloped as it is with glamour. But what people forget to understand is that it is not magic – advertising is underpinned by science. With advertising comes branding. Brand is nothing but an emotional reaction, as the narratives of ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Pakistan Fashion Design Council set to introduce a brand new platform: The PFDC Fashion Active

From the blog sychhIn continuation of the PFDC’s commitment to drive, elevate and innovate within the business of fashion, The Pakistan Fashion Design Council is proud to introduce the PFDC FASHION ACTIVE, launching with their inaugural exhibition on February 26, 2016. The PFDC Fashion Active [TPFA] is a brand new platform whereby the PFDC endeavors to introduce a […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Stifling dissent in Southasia

From the blog beenasarwar I earlier posted about resistance to the stifling of dissent in India, and why as a Pakistani it matters to me. The trend is visible in other parts of Southasia too, including of course Pakistan about which I’ve written a fair amount. Here’s an update from Bangladesh, where defamation, sedition cases and the attempts to silence the independent media are underway, as well as Chattisgarh, India. [image: article-jtuxsszald-1455534764] Smiles and sedition. Photo: Andrew Biraj, Reuters “Mahfuz Anam, the editor of the leading English language newspaper *The Daily Star* is the subject of an orchestrated vilification campaign following comments that he made on a talk show relating to the publication in his paper eight years ago of uncorroborated corruption allegations against the curpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Devotional worship

From the blog ashrafiya After the congregational maghrib salah Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) went to the older section of the Prophet’s mosque (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him). Making sure that he was within the limits of the original mosque (near to the blessed raudha just behind the *riyadh al jannah*). There he prayed the *awabeen* salah with extreme devotion. The standing (*qiyam*), bowing (*ruku*‘) and prostrations (*sujood*) were exceptionally prolong. This was followed by a long dua. ‘And remember the name of your Lord, and devote yourself to Him with exclusive devotion’Al-Muzzammil : 8 Those accompanying him were unable to keep pace with him and finished their *awabeen* routine early. In spite of being a traveler (*musafer*) Sayyidi completedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Samsung To Release Gear S2 Classic

From the blog telecompkSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced the Samsung Gear S2 classic 3G as the first device in the market to be equipped with an eSIM compliant to GSMA Consumer Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) architecture. “At Samsung, we aim to meet and anticipate consumers’ needs and the development of the first GSMA-compliant eSIM is further example of our pursuit of meaningful innovation,” said Yunsang Park, Senior Vice President of R&D Office, Mobile Communications Business at Samsung Electronics. “We are excited to introduce Samsung Gear S2 3G classic as not only a starting point for more devices to be connected globally, but as a step forward in our commitment to support the development of the IoT market ” Samsung has played an instrumental role in driving cross-industry collaboratiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"United we win" اسلام آباد پہلا پی ایس ایل چیمپئن

From the blog cricnama اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے جب پاکستان سپر لیگ کے پہلے سیزن کا آغاز شکستوں کے ساتھ کیا تھا تو کسی کو یقین نہیں تھا کہ وہ اس مقام سے واپسی کرے گا اور بالآخر "شوٹنگ اسٹار" ٹرافی جیت لے گا۔ 'مردِ حق' مصباح الحق کی زیر قیادت، ڈین جونز کی زیر تربیت اور وسیم اکرم کی زیر نگرانی یونائیٹڈ مسلسل چار فتوحات کے ساتھ فائنل میں پہنچا اور یہاں ٹاس جیتنے کے بعد کھیل کے ہر شعبے میں میدان مارا۔ پھر باآسانی 6 وکٹوں سے کامیابی حاصل کی اور تاریخی لمحہ اپنے نام کرلیا۔ کوئٹہ کے لیے یہ ایک دل شکستہ مرحلہ تھا کہ جس نے اپنی ناقابل یقین کارکردگی سے خود کو منوایا لیکن فائنل میں اسلام آباد کی فتوحات کے سلسلے کو نہ توڑ سکا۔افسوسناک بات یہ ہے کہ راؤنڈ مرحلے کے دونوں مقابلوں میں کوئٹہ نے اسلام آباد کو شکست دی تھی لیکن "بڑے مقابلے" میں وہ نتیجے کو نہ دہراسکا۔ کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز کے کیون پیٹرسن وہ بدنصیب ہیں جو لگاتاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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MoIT to Initiate Rs. 3 Billion Worth of New Project During Next Fiscal Year

From the blog propakistani The Special Communication Organization (SCO) will get a major share of funding under the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) 2016-17. The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoIT) has proposed four new projects of the organization against a demand of Rs 1146.8 million, documents revealed. The Ministry has demanded Rs 1146.8 million for four new... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Food + Cricket + Passion = Food Panda Super League

From the blog pakmediablog Have you participated in the Food Panda Super League yet? Well, today is the last day and it’s never too late to cherish good cricket (Oh yes, Quetta Gladiators and Islamabad United is going to be totally worth the watch) with good food. How? Foodpanda is running its own online food tournament so while you […] Food + Cricket + Passion = Food Panda Super League is a post from: PakMediaBlog All Rights Reserved. This post Food + Cricket + Passion = Food Panda Super League is aggregated on PakMediaBlog. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Week in Review # 48: Different Perspectives

From the blog usmansheikh “I can’t get through to him/her.” All of us have been in situations where we have experienced this frustration. If the issue is not resolved quickly it escalates into conflict. At the core of the issue are two different perspectives clashing. Each person believes that their perspective is correct. This may be due to past experience or having knowledge the other person doesn’t have. However, knowing the right answer and forcing their perspective on another is usually futile. In a conversation only one perspective can be discussed at any one point in time. When two perspectives are being discussed concurrently is when problems begin to start. At this point each party is consciously/subconsciously rejecting the other person’s perspective. *When we reject a perspective without lipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"United we win" اسلام آباد پہلا پی ایس ایل چیمپئن

From the blog cricnama اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے جب پاکستان سپر لیگ کے پہلے سیزن کا آغاز شکستوں کے ساتھ کیا تھا تو کسی کو یقین نہیں تھا کہ وہ اس مقام سے واپسی کرے گا اور بالآخر "شوٹنگ اسٹار" ٹرافی جیت لے گا۔ 'مردِ حق' مصباح الحق کی زیر قیادت، ڈین جونز کی زیر تربیت اور وسیم اکرم کی زیر نگرانی یونائیٹڈ مسلسل چار فتوحات کے ساتھ فائنل میں پہنچا اور یہاں ٹاس جیتنے کے بعد کھیل کے ہر شعبے میں میدان مارا۔ پھر باآسانی 6 وکٹوں سے کامیابی حاصل کی اور تاریخی لمحہ اپنے نام کرلیا۔ کوئٹہ کے لیے یہ ایک دل شکستہ مرحلہ تھا کہ جس نے اپنی ناقابل یقین کارکردگی سے خود کو منوایا لیکن فائنل میں اسلام آباد کی فتوحات کے سلسلے کو نہ توڑ سکا۔افسوسناک بات یہ ہے کہ راؤنڈ مرحلے کے دونوں مقابلوں میں کوئٹہ نے اسلام آباد کو شکست دی تھی لیکن "بڑے مقابلے" میں وہ نتیجے کو نہ دہراسکا۔ کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز کے کیون پیٹرسن وہ بدنصیب ہیں جو لگاتاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ad Talk: Tarang strikes again with desi Cinderella

From the blog periodicreflectionsTarang is back with a new ad. This time the fairy tale is Cinderella, the characters drop in straight from the set the set of Disney Khoobsurat. Tarang has always been about "in your face" Lollywood style; the loud colors, … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Healthy Banana Pancakes

From the blog bakefresh So lately I convinced myself that there is no substitute to healthy eating. The white poison as we call it namely sugar, flour, white rice and salt are the main culprits to all sorts of problems. Occasional indulgence and controlled portions of these are recommended to maintain healthy weight, heart, mind, skin and basically the entire body. I have always been a scratch baker (not cook really), probably because I have grown up seeing my mum and aunt baked everything at home. From birthday cakes to doughnuts and pizzas. My kids love pancakes for breakfast and even for their lunch boxes and lately I tried banana pancakes that turn out amazing without compromising on texture and fluffiness. Sweetness and color was not same though. Paired with pure maple syrup, honey or dark chocopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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لغت "معین الادب معروف بہ معین الشعراء" از منشی غلام حسین آفاق بنارسی

From the blog muhammad-warisایک دوسری جگہ اس لغت کا تذکرہ آیا ہے تو میں نے یہی بہتر سمجھا کہ اپنے بلاگ پر بھی اس لغت کا تعارف لکھ دوں کہ دیگر دوست بھی اس سے استفادہ کر سکیں۔ نام ۔ معین الادب معروف بہ معین الشعراء مصنف۔ منشی غلام حسین آفاق بنارسی ناشر: سنگ میل، لاہور سن اشاعت - 2003ء (طبعِ جدید)۔ قیمت - 600 روپے الفاظ کی تذکیر و تانیث جاننا اردو زبان کا ایک اہم حصہ ہے اور متنازع فیہ بھی اور وہ اس لیے کہ اہلِ زبان یعنی دہلی اور لکھنو کے اساتذہ ایک ہی لفظ کو مذکر اور مونث دونوں طرح سے استعمال کرتے رہے ہیں اور شاعر حضرات کے لیے اس کو جاننا اور بھی زیادہ ضروری ہے کیونکہ شعر میں اگر کسی لفظ کی جنس غلط باندھ دی جائے تو اس پر اعتراض ضرور وارد ہوتا ہے۔ اردو قواعد میں تذکیر و تانیث پر باقاعدہ بحث کی جاتی ہے اور الفاظ کی جنس کے اصول بھی بتائے جاتے ہیں۔ لغات میں بھی عام طور پر کسی لفظ کی جنس واضح طور پر لکھی جاتی ہےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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~Review:Olor Pakistan Range of Deodorants~

From the blog areejusmanSummer is just around the corner.So I think its the best time to introduce some new deodorants in our daily routine.Recently Olor Pakistan introduced new range of deodorants and body sprays.Today I am reviwing all three of them. The three fragrances that are introduced are Rosy Raspberry :Raspberry & Vanilla Glamorous Gold : Lilac & Amber Vibrant Violet: Iris & Black currant *~WHAT I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE DEODORANTS~* Overall these deodorants are definitely worth buying as they last a good period of hours.But what is best about these is that they maintain the scent for longer time too.Its not like that you sprayed it and then after some time it isnt there at all.Even as a deodorant it has a great staying power.I love to keep one always in my gym bag as its a necessity for a gympakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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میری ڈائری ۔ کب یاد میں تیرا ساتھ نہیں

From the blog theajmals میں پہلے بھی اپنی ڈائری سے فیض احمد فیض کے اشعار نقل کر چکا ہوں ۔ میں دسمبر 1964ء اور جنوری 1965ء میں ایک دوائی کے شدید ردِ عمل کے سبب 4 ہفتے ہسپتال میں صاحبِ فراش تھا ۔ وقت گذارنے کیلئے ایک ڈاکٹر صاحب نے فیض احمد فیض کا مجموعہ اشعار "زنداں نامہ" لا دیا تھا کہ وقت بھی گذرے اور ذہن پر بوجھ بھی نہ پڑے ۔ فیض احمد فیض نے یہ اشعار جیل میں عمر قید کی سزا کاٹتے ہوئے اپنی یورپین بیوی کی یاد میں لکھے تھے ۔ اہم بات یہ ہے کہ 1972ء میں شروع ہونے والے دور میں علامہ اقبال ۔ الطاف حسین حالی وغیرہ کو تعلیمی نصاب اور ذرائع ابلاغ سے نکال کر فیض احمد فیض صاحب کے اشعار کو وطن کی محبت قرار دیتے ہوئے ٹی وی اور دوسرے ذرائع پر پیش کیا جاتا رہا [image: 1965, 130-132] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How We See Pakistani Scientists and Educationists.

From the blog pakteahouse By Abuzar Wp There is a homosexual person currently working as an Associate Head of Physics Department at Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT). Unfortunately, the genetic make-up of the sex chromosome turned out to be XX and that means the being is a female. Most important of all is she is a Parsi by belief system- a Zoroastrian, which means she is certainly a non-Muslim and all these reasons are enough for us to judge, damn and ridicule her. [image: CAMBRIDGE, MA-SEPTEMBER 20: MIT Quantum Astrophysicist Nergis Mavalvala in an MIT lab, September 20, 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Photo by Darren McCollester/for MacArthur Foundation)] CAMBRIDGE, MA-SEPTEMBER 20: MIT Quantum Astrophysicist Nergis Mavalvala in an MIT lab, September 20, 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Content and Software Development to Get Sub Sector Status in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani The government is considering sub-sector status for the “Content and Software Development” within Information Technology (IT), revealed the documents available. The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications, in a document prepared for the Parliament, has stated that IT exports have risen by 41% in 2014-15 as compared to previous year. Content and software development is... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Laddu Pullover v 2.0

From the blog ummeyusuf The sweater for my son was done during the week, and a brief spell of rain, brought down the temperature low enough for him to wear it during this winter. I used my laddu pattern for the design with a few bits of modifications. Firstly, I upsized it. Secondly, I knit the sleeves in same color as the body. Thirdly, I joined the sleeves and body and knit the yoke in round. Fourthly, I incorporated some cable into the raglan decreases. Despite all the modifications , the sweater knit up quite fast. My son approves of it and gives it a high score of nine out of ten. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The cast and crew of the upcoming major Pakistani movie “Bachana” (Including Sanam Saeed (lead actress), Mohib Mirza (lead actor), Ali Sher, Rizwan Saeed, Salman Saeed, Hira Tariq, Zubair Malik, Asfar, Mustafa, Sadd Azhar, Maira Sarfraz and Shumail Butt) came to Lahore School of Economics to promote their movie on Feb 10, 2016. Session was started by a short speech on the revival of Pakistan Cinema after which cast and crew took over. They gave insightful answers to all the various film and Pakistani Cinema related questions asked by the students. Other than this the crew also showed behind the scenes videos of Sanam, Mohib and Adeel Hashmi (guest role). The film is scheduled to be released on the 26th February, 2016. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cisco, Ericsson and Intel Joins Hands to Develop 5G Routers

From the blog pakzilla Cisco announced that it will begin collaborating with Ericsson and Intel to develop and trial the industry’s first 5G (fifth generation mobile networks) router which may offer Gbps speed. The companies predict that the new next-generation 5G routers will help common and business customers alike to have faster networking speeds, lower latency, and the ability to handle more internet-connected devices at a time. This collaboration of industry leaders and 5G pioneers will help to enable secure, ultra-high speed wireless bandwidth. The solution will offer Gigabit-per-second speeds by combining Cisco’s enterprise networking innovations with Ericsson’s advanced 5G mobile networking technology and Intel’s next-generation 5G silicon. The collaboration was announced as both companies (pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tarek Fatah vs Riaz Haq on India, Pakistan and Muslims

From the blog riazhaqTarek Fatah, Canadian Muslim writer and broadcaster, and Riaz Haq, a Pakistani-American blogger, debate the following: In a 2013 interview with Times of India, Tarek Fatah said, “Pakistan will soon disintegrate”. Is this a prediction or a wish? Why is he such a strong and vocal supporter of Baloch insurgents? If Pakistan does disintegrate, what will be its fall-out for the region and the world? When Tarek Fatah was asked in an NDTV interview about Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban, why did he criticize Muslims, Obama and western liberals rather than address the question directly? Why is Tarek Fatah seen in the company of well-known anti-Islam bigots like Robert Spencer and Frank Gaffney on Fox News and as a guest of honor of RSS student wing ABVP at JNU in India? Why does Tarek Fatahpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Light Up

From the blog maryamrezaI've been thinking of starting this online counseling/ advice sort of thing with friends for general life issues. Anonymous, of course. Keep in mind, my friends and I are all licensed psychologists so it's not just for the lols. Like I keep telling my kids at the school I work in, visiting a mental health professional isn't only for severe mental issues. It could be anything, even if it's as small as needing a time out and a place to de-stress. Everyone needs help, at some point or the other. No harm in asking for it when you just don't know how to deal with life. Studying issues, relationships, being a parent, dealing with parents, personal problems - you name it, we've all been there. I know I would have really liked it if I could reach out and ask someone about a problem in apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Turk-American Relations & the Kurdistan Divide

From the blog pakteahouse By Tanveer Arain A new debate has sparked when the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan had said earlier on Friday that, the United States supplied weapons that had been used against civilians by a Syrian Kurdish Militia Group – the same group that Ankara blamed for the deadly suicide bombing this week. Turkey has blamed the Syrian Kurdish Militia Group (YPG) for the suicide car bomb attack on Wednesday that killed 28 people, most of which were soldiers. However, the Kurdish freedom Hawks (TAK), a group that once had links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), took responsibility for the bombing and threatened more attacks in a statement on their website. It was said that the bomber was a 26 year old Turkish National. [image: 475266080-1] Modal Trigger A Kurdish protestor pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Swat – Land of Peace NOT Terrorists' Den

From the blog iabhopal I want to tell Malala Yousafzai and the whole world that this is Swat. This is the land of peace and lovely people NOT the land of terrorists. This one picture can explain, what is the standard of education for girls in Swat. [image: Swat Govt School] *This is a current picture of a Band of girls performing in a government school.* Last week I visited Swat for a training program. I visited many schools (Government & private) and found very good standard of education for boys and girls. Not only education but there are many co-curricular and extra curricular activities for students. *Malala got the Nobel prize for portraying negative image of Pakistan.* Malala told the international community that girls are not allowed to go to school, proper rights are not given to them, there pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif watches Academy Award Nominated Documentary "A girl in the river" by Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy

From the blog sychhA special screening of Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's Academy Award nominated film "A Girl in the River – The Price of Forgiveness" was held at the Prime Minister House today in Islamabad. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, had earlier met with Academy Award winning filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy in Islamabad to discuss the […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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#StandwithJNU… "But what about Pakistan?"

From the blog beenasarwar I wrote this piece a couple of days ago for on why I, as a Pakistani, am bothered about what's happening in India – and also what people like me have to deal with from hyper-nationalists on both sides of the border. Also see this post from New Pakistan raising the question of whether the applause in Pakistan for political dissent in India means that such dissent is acceptable in Pakistan too – with reference to the young cricket enthusiast Umar Daraz in Pakistan, arrested for raising an Indian flag. Also see this excellent piece by Rubeena Mahato in *Nepali Times* raising alarm bells about South Asia's constricted freedoms. JNU crisis: But what about Pakistan? Beena Sarwar · Feb 19, 2016 · 05:30 pm [image: JNU crisis: But what about Pakistan?] For the past few days, tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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افسانہ : موم کی مریم ۔ جیلانی بانو

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalموم کی مریمجیلانی بانو "موم کی مریم" جیلانی بانو ہی کا نہیں، اردو افسانے کا بھی ایک آبرو مند نمائندہ ہے۔ جیلانی بانو 1935ء میں حیدرآباد دکن میں پیدا ہوئیں، جہاں ان کے والد شاعر حیرت بدایونی بہ سلسلۂِ ملازمت مقیم تھے۔ دسمبر 1953ء میں پہلا افسانہ لکھا۔ اس کے بعد سے آج تک مسلسل لکھ رہی ہیں اور پاکستان اور بھارت کے معروف ادبی رسائل لے لئے لکھتی ہیں۔ افسانوں کا پہلا مجموعہ "روشنی کے مینار" 1958ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس کے بعد دو اور مجموعے "نروان" اور نغمے کا سفر" شائع ہوئے۔ تین ناولٹ "جگنو اور ستارے" 1964ء میں اور ایک ناول "ایوانِ غزل" 1977ء میں شائع ہوا۔ متعدد ڈرامے بھی لکھے۔ "موم کی مریم" پہلی مرتبہ رسالہ اور ادب لطیف (لاہور) میں چھپا تھا۔ آج بھی اندھیرے میں لیٹا میں خیالی ہیولوں سے کھیل رہا تھا۔ اور جب بھی اندھیرا چھا جاتا ہے۔ تم نہ جانے کہاں سے نکل آتی ہو۔ جیسے تم نے تاریکی کی کھوکھ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Port Grand Turkish Festival Review and Pictures

From the blog flavorsinlife I dont want to start with an exaggeration about the Port grand Turkish festival held on 19,20 and 21st Feb . All I know is that I enjoyed hanging around with family accepting the fact that the organizers were trying their best to put it up nicely but somehow there were several factors that accounts […] The post Port Grand Turkish Festival Review and Pictures appeared first on Flavors in Life. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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InfoTech Set To Provide EBM With Latest Cloud Services

From the blog telecompk *Lahore, 3rd February 2015: *InfoTech Pvt. Ltd, Pakistan’s leading systems integrator and Technology solutions provider is proud to sign the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for a three-year term with English Biscuit Manufacturers (EBM). EBM, the pioneer and a market leader of packaged biscuit manufacturing in Pakistan signed this enterprise agreement which is a manageable volume-licensing program that offers the best value to EBM by providing the flexibility to grow on software licenses all under a single agreement and also visualize the roadmap to latest cloud services and offerings from Microsoft. Mr. Naseer A Akhtar, CEO & President of InfoTech commented on this project, “Pakistan is transforming digitally and InfoTech prides itself on being the part of this transformation. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Teacher Education in Transition: A Reform Program in Initial Teacher Education in Pakistan : Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2014

From the blog mikhan7 Teacher Education has been transforming throughout the world to cater to the emerging needs of quality education. Significant developments have taken place nationally and internationally in political, economic, and cultural fields, influencing education in general and teacher education in particular. The quality of education depends to a great extent on the quality of teachers. And, the quality of teachers depends on the way they are educated and trained. Pakistan has a vast education sector and a huge teaching force but teacher education in the country has not been keeping pace with modernization and development globally. Teacher education curricula, dissemination, evaluation and implementation revolved around traditional models for decades. However, there has been a growing pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog iamzeeshan Credit/ Copyright: Areesha KhawajaOne thing, leading to another, leading to this outburst of words which formed the following freeverse. I had asked my good friend, Areesha, if she had any artwork related to 'dreams'. Long story short, she read my poetry, and quite fortunately, loved it. And made this beautiful piece of art you see above. Well, thank you Areesha, both for this, as well quoting the poem on your page. I love the piece you did. Areesha happens to be a wonderful artist. For this particular piece you can visit: and for the rest of her work: The dreams, that I *tap* into, what are they? Are they echoes, from an alternate reality? From a parallel world? Do they hold anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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شرجیل اور عمران خالد نے ناممکن کو ممکن کر دکھایا، اسلام آباد فائنل میں

From the blog cricnama اسلام آباد کے دیوانے پرستاروں کے علاوہ شاید ہی کسی کو توقع تھی کہ یونائیٹڈ "سیمی فائنل" میں پشاور زلمی کو شکست دے دیں گے، یعنی ایسی ٹیم کو کہ جس کے ہاتھوں اسلام آباد کو سیزن میں دو شکستیں ہوئی تھیں۔ لیکن پلے آف 3 میں اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے شرجیل خان کی طوفانی اننگز اور اس کے بعد عمران خالد کی نپی تلی باؤلنگ کی بدولت تاریخ کا دھارا پلٹ دیا اور 50 رنز سے کامیابی حاصل کرکے 'فیورٹ' پشاور زلمی کو اعزاز کی دوڑ سے باہر کردیا۔ سیزن کے بدترین آغاز کے بعد اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے بہت زبردست واپسی کی اور مسلسل چار مقابلے جیتتا ہوا فائنل تک پہنچ گیا ہے۔ جہاں مصباح الیون کا مقابلہ کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز سے ہوگا کہ جس نے پلے آف 1 میں پشاور ہی کو شکست دے کر فائنل میں جگہ پائی تھی۔ اب پاکستان کی کرکٹ تاریخ کے ایک بہت بڑے دن پر یعنی 23 فروری کو اسلام آباد اور کوئٹہ باہم مقابل ہوں گے۔ جبکہ پشاور شاندارpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Airways registered as PIA selloff becomes imminent

From the blog chowrangi According to recent news, government of Pakistan has registered a new organization Pakistan Airways as a 'premium service subsidiary' of the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Secretary Privatisation Commission Ahmed Nawaz Sukhera last week confirmed the government's intent to move ahead with privatisation of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), Dawn reports. "Currently, it is under consideration to [...] The post Pakistan Airways registered as PIA selloff becomes imminent appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نیکی کا سفر

From the blog ayeshaزندگی میں اپنے لئےاور اپنوں کے لئے ہم ہمیشہ ٹائم نکالنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں۔ کیونکہ ٹائم یعنی وقت کی کمی کا رونا عام ہے۔ لیکن اسی وقت میں دوسروں کے لئے سوچنا اور اسی سوچ پر عمل کرنا دونوں مشکل کام ہے۔ میری اس رائے سے سب ہی اتفاق کریں گے۔ اورسب سے بڑی بات کہ کسی کا دکھ سننا اور دکھ کا مداوا کرنا وہی کرسکتا ہے جس کو اس دکھ کا احساس ہو۔ جب تک خود پہ نہیں بیتتا اس دکھ یا درد کا اندازہ نہیں ہوتا۔ میری بات یا میرا سفر یہی سے شروع ہوتا ہے۔ تھیلیسمیا کےلئے کام کرنا میری فیملی کو اس لئے بھی اچھا لگتا ہے کہ شائد اس درد یا دکھ یا یوں کہ لیں کہ بھائی نومان، سلمان اور Ayesha Mehmood اس تکلیف سے گزرہے ہیں۔ اور سمجھ سکتے ہیں کہ کس تکلیف اور اذیت سے گزرا جاتا ہے۔ اللہ تعالی کی مصلحت یا حکم خداوندی کےماں اور ابا اپنے بچوں کے ساتھ دوسرے تھیلیسمیا کے بچوں کیلئے شروع ہی سے کیمپ ارینج کرتے تھے۔ اپنی میمنpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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