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From the blog maryamrezaI've been thinking of starting this online counseling/ advice sort of thing with friends for general life issues. Anonymous, of course. Keep in mind, my friends and I are all licensed psychologists so it's not just for the lols. Like I keep telling my kids at the school I work in, visiting a mental health professional isn't only for severe mental issues. It could be anything, even if it's as small as needing a time out and a place to de-stress. Everyone needs help, at some point or the other. No harm in asking for it when you just don't know how to deal with life. Studying issues, relationships, being a parent, dealing with parents, personal problems - you name it, we've all been there. I know I would have really liked it if I could reach out and ask someone about a problem in apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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