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Decay of the Educational System

From the blog chowrangi The wave of changing face of education swamped us, globally, around the oncoming of the new millennium. Prior to that, education still had value. Education was taught for the sake of educating minds. Opening the minds to knowledge and critical thinking. But, around the 2000s, education became just another money-churning business. An endlessly profitable business [...] The post Decay of the Educational System appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Money Transfer Alliance – Is it possible?

From the blog faisalkhanBackstory on Money Transfer Alliance For months I was obsessed with the idea of creating an alliance. People were skeptical, I was not. I was committed to it. The idea came about, from a question: “*What are the small and medium money transfer businesses doing to remain competitive today?*” Turns out, the best way to answer this question was to ask them. The long and short is: They are hurting. I did not have a solution, just bits and pieces. Then I read this article on Oyo Rooms – (21 Year old building India’s largest hotel network). One just has to read this article and juxtapose that thought to independent Money Transfer/Money Exchange companies world over and realize the potential. I decided to concentrate my efforts in the US first. The US has a very expensive and restripakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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