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Understanding the Trump Phenomenon in America

From the blog riazhaqDonald Trump, a political novice, has stunned the world with a string of successes in Republican primaries to become the leading candidate for the GOP (Grand Old Party, aka Republican Party) nomination for US President in 2016. The fear of a hostile takeover of the GOP by Trump has sent the party establishment into panic mode. What are the factors behind this development? Who are Donald Trump's supporters? What is motivating their anger and their disdain of the Republican party leadership? Let's try and answer these questions: *1. Changing Demographics and Economy:* When I first arrived in the United States in late 1970s, America had very different demographics. It was about 85% white. Most Americans with just a high school diploma enjoyed middle class living standards. Theypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Philosophy on Coursera

From the blog hadeelnaeemHere is what I am taking at the moment on Coursera and I would really like to recommend these to all of you. 1. Introduction to Philosophy This course is being … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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