Tolerance for homosexuality in Islamic societies over the centuries
From the blog pakteahouse *By Syed Ali Raza Zaidi* [image: gay2] Ever since I finished ‘The Book of Saladin’ by Tariq Ali, I have been wondering whether the homosexuality was as prevalent in the medieval Islamic societies as the writer has portrayed or did he exaggerate the existence of the phenomenon a bit too far. Reading the reviews on the book on various websites, I also realised that most of the people were not really impressed by his, what they regarded as, overindulgence into the topic of sex and homosexuality. Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi seemed to have been surrounded by perverts of almost all the kinds (homosexuals, pederasts, adulterers and zoophiles). Two of his wives, Jamila and Halima, had sexual relations, his trusted scribe Imad al-Din al-Isphahani loved boys, even one of the top clerpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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