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The 12th Edition of Pakistan’s Biggest Bridal Extravaganza Telenor Bridal Couture Week to Hit the City Of Lights in May

From the blog sychhEntering into its 6th successful year, the 12th edition of Pakistan’s biggest bridal extravaganza, Telenor Bridal Couture Week is slated to be held from May 6 to May 8, 2016 at the Palm, Karachi. Organized by Pakistan’s numero uno general entertainment network HUM Network Limited, TBCW in its 12th installment will present the latest bridal […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Talfiq: Permissible & impermissible

From the blog ashrafiya An individual inquired regarding the ruling of Umrah being necessary ( *wajib*) for a taxi driver traveling frequently to the blessed city of Makkah. If in this particular case an exemption was possible (from Hanafi fiqh ruling). *Sayyidi wa sanadi *Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) replied, ‘Yes, due to the hardship involved this individual can act on the non-Hanafi ruling and not perform Umrah on his each and every frequent visit.’ Another individual inquired about acting on the non-Hanafi ruling of trimming few hairs instead of cutting or shaving the whole scalp. *Sayyidi wa sanadi* replied, ‘No. Follow the Hanafi ruling (shaving completely or cutting one fourth the length of the hairs on the scalp provided they are longer than the space between two pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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