Television Advertising is a Fascinating Profession for MBAs
From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Asad Rizvi, Managing Director Walter Pakistan, delivered a session on Advertising to an MBA class of Marketing Strategy on 27 January 2016 at the Lahore School of Economics. As always, he received both complete attention and deep gratitude of the young and eager MBA participants. Asad informed them that he had been in the advertising industry since 1995, and had never looked back. This is because advertising is the heart of marketing – look at Apple, Coke and Pepsi, driven by creative ads. Thus, a mystique has been created around advertising, enveloped as it is with glamour. But what people forget to understand is that it is not magic – advertising is underpinned by science. With advertising comes branding. Brand is nothing but an emotional reaction, as the narratives of ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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