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Recent Reads: A Start For 2016

From the blog noorsplaceAccording to my Goodreads, I am ahead of my actual reading schedule that made me immensely happy. So I thought I should share my recent reads on the blog. All the books I got to read, have been interesting enough to discuss. Well, it doesn't necessarily mean they ALL were good, though. I am also preparing myself to snark on some of them. Wink. I have read 8 books so far. 7 of them are from my 2016 reading list. Only Sharp Object by Gillian Flynn was the one to come spontaneously. The list below is in a chronological order: from newest to oldest read. *The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson: *I just finished this book yesterday. When I started it, I suddenly thought it was boring and I might take few centuries to end it, if at all. But chapters after chapters, it became apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Five Things I Love That I Didn't Know

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBloggers Squad PK, the newest local blogging platform, came up with its first monthly tag to encourage blogging even more. Now, the topic 'Five Things I Love' is quite generic so we have the freedom to be creative with it. This blog post covers what I have learned about my own liking over the past few years. Even though they aren't surprising at all it is just that I didn't know until I started blogging, shopping, cooking and hearing people complain like when somebody said they don't like something and I thought but I totally do. I am sure you will be able to relate once you read through. [image: Dusty Rose Lipsticks] My lipstick heaven.*1. Dusty Rose Lipsticks * Prior to blogging, I had tried and quit all sorts of glosses and lipsticks because I could never find my perfect matcpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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