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Remittance Alliance: Explainer Video

From the blog faisalkhanThe Remittance Alliance is no longer an academic pursuit. The remittance alliance is no longer just a dream. It is real. The *Money Transfer Alliance Program* is slowly gaining steam. Ever since the first article was published (See: Uberization of Money Transfer), the goal was to not make it an academic thing, but something practical that can be executed with an MSB or two. For the past couple of months, our partners have been doing just that. Getting the proof of concept validated. As we approach March 2016, we are now actively signing up MSBs and drawing them into the program. The concept is simple, *uberize* the money transfer companies and provide them with a front-end / back-end platform, operating guidelines and settlement agreement. The end result: The Alliance. A consolpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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