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A Temple’s Tale

From the blog iamzeeshanIf you were to pass by this particular street in Tando Wali Mohammad area, in Hirabad, Hyderabad, I am quite positive that you will notice this building right away. Tucked in the middle of all these modern structures, and British-era buildings is a temple, whose *shikhara* (spire) and a smaller umbrella-esque structure right beside it, will immediately catch your attention. Just below the traditional spire you will see the *long* name of the temple: Goswamiparshotam Gir Chela Goswaminihal Gir. It was initially built way back in 1895, making it a century old at least. However, it was rebuilt in 1945. The narrow entrance to the temple is a bit lower than the street level, and so is its ceiling. Once you enter the passage you will notice an old water-tap on the left, and a door pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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