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From the blog iamzeeshan Credit/ Copyright: Areesha KhawajaOne thing, leading to another, leading to this outburst of words which formed the following freeverse. I had asked my good friend, Areesha, if she had any artwork related to 'dreams'. Long story short, she read my poetry, and quite fortunately, loved it. And made this beautiful piece of art you see above. Well, thank you Areesha, both for this, as well quoting the poem on your page. I love the piece you did. Areesha happens to be a wonderful artist. For this particular piece you can visit: and for the rest of her work: The dreams, that I *tap* into, what are they? Are they echoes, from an alternate reality? From a parallel world? Do they hold anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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