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Summer Looks for Different Skin Tones feat. Original Minds

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Makeup for Medium Skin Tone] This collaboration has been in the pipeline for ages and it is something I have been looking forward to the most since the beginning of my semester break. *Isobel* and *Marian*, from the *Original Minds*, suggested we should together come up with makeup looks that go with our complexions as we all fall in different skin tone categories, and that sounded like a great idea. You can see complete details of our looks on their blog by clicking here. Don't we look bomb? ;) Here is a sneak peek of Isobel's and Marian's looks and then you can find mine. [image: Summer Look for Fair Skin Tone]Isobel from Original Minds *Isobel* loves going au naturel and if you have a similar skin tone, you should check out the complete details of her makeup look in pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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she’s even closer than my heart to me

From the blog tanveerrauf[image: sad-girl-broken-heart-0839_lovepicturex-blogspot-com] While old friendship ended on a petty matter But it disclosed some people’s character Should I call it my repute or disrepute? My love affairs reached there before me For she’s even closer than my heart to me But in foggy tears, she couldn’t identify me Weirdness shadowed my fate in such a way Wherever I went, misfortune followed me Fragrance of sweet memories safe in mind As I often enhance memories’ odor with me What a weird tale, I was dearly loved at night But was considered wrongdoer with the sunrise Khatir Ghaznavi go zara si baat per bersoN ke yaarane ga’ay laikin itna to huwa, kuch log pehchane ga’ay maiN ise shuhrat kahooN ya apni ruswaii kahooN mujh se pehle us gali meN, mere afsaane ga’ay yuN to woh meri rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rally Australia (WRC): multiples of five

From the blog cricnamaAll right. Well, take care yourself. I guess that’s what you’re best, presence old master? A tremor in the Force. The last time felt it was in the presence of my old master. I have traced the Rebel spies to her European languages are members. Nico Rosberg held off Mercedes team-mate and rival Lewis Hamiltonpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Same Tools, New Looks Challenge

From the blog noorsplaceI'm so excited to share this post. I had been thinking about doing a challenge sort of post but everything I came across was either too mainstream or too hard to handle. Ugh! So I started brainstorming and made my own. Same Tools, New Looks Challenge. Basically, I'll use same makeup tools to make two different looks. Each will be different (yay!) so here's the first look I created. The make up I am using : Born Pretty* Store's : brush / eye shadows / lip crayon / black pencil 1. Staring with the eyes, I did a slight cat eye with thick black strokes. Once it's done. Move on to next step. 2. Using white eye shadow as a highlighter. 3. Just above the eye liner, add two thick strokes of golden & brown eye shadow, for a glittery cat eye. 4. Time to use the lip crayon. I love this shadepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ban on Communist Parties in Ukraine exposed the fakeness of revolution

From the blog hallopakistanUkrainian justice minister recently announced a ban on Communist parties of Ukraine to participate in elections despite Ukraine is now part of West and USA who are champions of democratic values. I still not heard any condemnation from Brussels or Washington against this undemocratic decision because Communist parties are not crabbing the power through any illegal means rather through due course of elections. If people of Ukraine with free will opt for Communist party then they must allowed to run country according to their manifesto and this is spirit of democracy. If level playing field is not provided to everyone in Ukraine then it means that revolution in Ukraine against ex-president was fake and orchestrated by Western intelligence agencies and their cronies both in media anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lahore Journal of Economics (January - June 2015)

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics In the first article published in this issue of the Lahore Journal of Economics, titled “Private School Participation in Pakistan, Quynh T. Nguyen and Dhushyanth Raju of the World Bank look at the extent and nature of private school participation at the primary and secondary levels in Pakistan. The authors find that private school students tend to come from urban, wealthier, and better-educated households than government school students. They also find that the characteristics of private school students relative to their government school peers and the former’s composition differ in important ways across Pakistan’s four provinces. Also, private school participation among children varies largely from one household to another rather than within households, and to a greater extent pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Boosts Electronic Surveillance to Fight Terror

From the blog riazhaqPakistan is building digital surveillance capacity to rival America's NSA with broad public support in the country, according to a report by London-based Privacy International. "Attacks against civilian targets in Pakistan’s cities have also fed popular support for communications surveillance and other efforts to register and monitor the civilian population, including national databases and mandatory SIM card registration", says the report. Pakistan requires universal SIM card registration by fingerprint, and maintains a national biometric ID database. Pakistan has seen nearly 60,000 of its citizens die in incidents of terrorism since the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2002, according to data reported by South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP). What is happening in the country now fopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to download Windows 10 DVD Image ISO without hassle

From the blog basitali [image: win10b] If you are waiting for a notification, an automatic update, an icon to click in your task bar or any other intimation from Microsoft for a free Windows 10 upgrade, you may be out of luck. Some of us have received the download but for those who are still waiting for a way to download Windows 10, the method is actually pretty simple. This is how I am doing it right now: Here wo go… *How to Download Windows 10 without waiting for invitiation, notification, signup or anything. Plain ISO download.* 1. Go here: 2. Download respective Windows 10 download tool 3. It will download a small exe. Run it. If you want to upgrade, select upgrade and move next. 4. I wanted an ISO file, I selected ISO and next nepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Where Gakkhars ruled

From the blog odysseuslahoriIt could have been a day warm and humid as it was in August 1553 when Kamran Mirza’s eyes last beheld the crenulated walls of Pharwala Fort starkly outlined against a blue Bhadon sky held up by billowing white cumulus. But it was crisply warm as we parked on flat ground above the Soan River running between us and the fort. Hathi Gate It had started out with Rehan Afzal and I talking about Pharwala. But then Pharanaz and her husband Naweed joined us too and we resolved to together visit it. Returning to the fort after eighteen years, I had forgotten that I had then entered by Hathi Gate by wading across the river, the same way as Babur had done back in the spring of 1519. There, behind the fortification Babur espied the steely gaze of Hathi Gakkhar, a man of gigantic stature and pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Criminal lies

From the blog mehmalLying is a normal human trait. Those of us who claim they never lie are also lying. We all lie...but most of our lies are harmless and just a tactic to save ourselves from getting into trouble. However, one should always draw a line when lies become vicious and/or malicious. Unfortunately, some people think it is okay to malign someone through a lie as long as it serves their purpose, not realising that it is criminal to do so. Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan is a glaring example of such criminal acts. He has repeatedly lied about various things but one of his most criminal lies was about renowned journalist and former caretaker Chief Minister Punjab, Mr Najam Sethi. For the last 18 months, Imran Khan and his cronies have been peddling a lie, without a shred of epakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Payfirma’s Payments Ecosystem (2014)

From the blog faisalkhan Here is something a client of mine prompted me to. Payfirma‘s depiction of the Payments Ecosystem (click on image to enlarge). [image: Payfirma Payments Ecosystem 2014]Credit & Source: Payfirma’s Blog. The post Payfirma’s Payments Ecosystem (2014) appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Judicial Commission Report; Recurring Floods; ISIS Threat; Japan Re-Militarization

From the blog riazhaqHow will judicial commission report impact Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI)? Will there be a split in PTI? Will it hurt Imran Khan's and his party's popularity? Will Nawaz Sharif and his PMLN colleagues behave badly after the report? Is a new political party emerging in Pakistan with many disgruntled members of existing parties? Is the Pak military behind it? What will such a party look like? Why are there recurring floods in Pakistan almost every year? Meting glaciers? Heavier monsoons rising from increasing fresh water layer in Bay of Bengal? What can or should be done about it? Monsoon Movement Across South Asia Source: BBC Who will fill the vacuum left in Afghanistan by US troop withdrawal? Taliban? ISIS? Al Qaeda? Afghan government? Why is Japan militarizing? Is it to countpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Stars of tears

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: TEARS] When I was flooded with your memory I adorned my lashes with stars of tears pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان آٹھویں نمبر پر براجمان، چیمپیئنز ٹرافی میں شرکت کے امکانات مستحکم

From the blog cricnamaسری لنکا کو اسی کے میدانوں میں شکست کا مزہ چکھانے والی پاکستان ٹیم ایک روزہ ٹیموں کی عالمی درجہ بندی میں آٹھویں نمبر پر آگئی ہے یوں اس کے چیمپیئز ٹرافی 2017ء میں شرکت کے امکانات مزید روشن ہوگئے ہیں۔ دوسری طرف شکست خوردہ سری لنکا کی ٹیم بدستور پانچویں نمبر پر موجود ہے تاہم وہ سیریز ہارنے کے باعث 3 پوائنٹس کھو چکی ہے۔ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کی جانب سے جاری ہونے والی تازہ درجہ بندی میں پاکستان 90 پوائنٹس کے ساتھ آٹھویں نمبر جبکہ ویسٹ انڈیز 88 پوائنٹس کے ساتھ نویں نمبر پر موجود ہے۔ اگر ویسٹ انڈیز ماہ ستمبر تک سرفہرست ٹیموں میں سے کسی ٹیم کو سیریز ہرانے میں کامیاب ہوا تو پاکستان کے لیے مشکلات پیدا ہوسکتی ہیں۔ یاد رہے کہ ذرائع ابلاغ میں ویسٹ انڈیز اور بھارت کے درمیان سیریز طے پاجانے کی خبریں گردش کر رہی ہیں۔ پانچ ایک روزہ مقابلوں کی سیریز میں 3-2 سے شاہینوں کی فتح کے بعد نہ صرف قومی ٹpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Salman Khan:Man of self contradictions

From the blog hallopakistan*In my childhood, I heard a story about a KING who was cruel, disillusioned and weird. Once he thought to wear cloths as nobody wore before him. Many drapers came but nobody convinced him except two brothers who are too clever. They convinced the King that they will make a cloth which will only be visible to wise people but required lot of gold for its preparations. King ordered the cloth and after a year they handed over cloth to KING. Nobody even King able to see it but everyone hide it as it means you are not wise. King went to public and everybody praising the colour and texture of cloth. Two young boys were also in crowd who openly described what they were seeing nothing except underwear on King's body. Suddenly, crowd burst in laughter and embarrassing KING went back to ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نیکی اوربدی کا تصور

From the blog khawarking یہ جو نیکی اور بدی کا تصور ہے ناں ؟ اس کے متعلق ،میرے اردگرد کے کم ہی لوگ جانتے ہیں ۔ یہ جو نیکیاں ہیں ناں جن کے کمانے کے طریقے مولوی لوگ بتاتے ہیں ۔ اور یہ جو گناھ ہیں ناں جن کے معاف ہوجانے کی نوید سناتے ہیں ۔ یہ ساری نیکیاں اللہ کے لئے کی جانے والی نیکیاں ہوتی ہیں اور ، یہ سارے گناھ اللہ کی نافرمانی کے گناہ ہوتے ہیں ،۔ دس گنا کی نیکیاں ، ستر گنا کی نیکیاں اور عام نیکیوں کی مقدار جو بتائی جاتی ہے ان کی حثیت یہ ہوتی ہے کہ اللہ کے پاس ایک اکاؤنٹ اپ کے نام کا کھلا ہوا ہے جس میں اپ کی نیکیاں جمع ہو رہی ہیں ۔ عبادات سے اپ اپنے اس اکاؤنٹ کو بھر رہے ہیں ۔ اور گناھ ہیں جو آپ قرضہ لے رہے ہیں ۔ روز محشر اپ کے اکاؤنٹ کا بیلنس کیا جائے گا ، اگر نیکیان زیادہ ہوئیں تو اپ اللہ کی نظر میں سرخرو ہوئے اور اگر گناھ زہادہ ہوئے تو اللہ کی رحمت اور بخشش کے ساتھ ساتھ رسول اللہ کی سفارش وغیرہ سے کام چل pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Creature from Jekyll Island

From the blog faisalkhanThe Federal Reserve System Anyone who is in Banking & Payments and is a bit of a history buff, would know essential flow of how our money is made. I use the word *flaw* deliberately, because that is what it is. Money today is created out of thin air. It has been for decades now. There is no tangible commodity at the back end to cover it. It is all created at will and then pushed into the money supply. There is indirect taxation because of this, i.e. *inflation* that is a monster by itself to deal with. Now, whether you are a history buff or not, conspiracy theorist or not, the following videos and books are illuminating at the very least, and for those who dig deeper into it, *eye-opening* would be the term that comes to mind. There is a great documentary (on which I will pospakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nilofer’s Corner: Interview with Seemi Ezdi Candidate for Islamabad Local Bodies UC 42 Election 2015 area f/10: 2,3,4 PTI

From the blog pakteahouse *By Nilofer Qazi* [image: Seemi Ezdi] With the local bodies elections planned in Islamabad I thought it would enlightening to speak to a candidate before the elections and ask her a few questions on my mind. Since there is little information available thus far why not ask the candidates themselves. I hope to be able to ask similar questions from other candidates vying for seats in Islamabad. Today I ask Seemi Ezdi a woman standing for chairman of UC 42 which is sector f/10 in Islamabad what are some of her views: 1. * Question:* how many sections is Islamabad been divided into for the local bodies election? *Ans: * Islamabad has been divided into 79 Union Councils 1. * Question:* who & how did they choose areas divisions ? *Ans:* They divided the areas accordinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Favorite Things

From the blog noorsplaceIt's safe to say I am back to carry on the iGraphy link up. I certainly have missed a lot of things. Including planning beautiful photo. Whew! Today I am sharing few of my favorite things (since the original list is a tad bit long) that can be photographed. The real happiness is never reflected in material. I got the idea in past few days when it rained after ages and the smell of soil made me realize how serene it was. Or the vibes of adventure travelling gave me, when I sat for hours to move towards countryside at my grands, it was beautiful just to be alone in motion with my thoughts. Happiness isn't materialistic but material can bring a lot of happiness too, if not entirely. *1. R A I N :* I love rain. I have always wished to live in/near a rain forest. Though I am aware howpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog faizansworld Unlike Malaysia, Indonesia, or the Caribbean, Pakistan is a country not known for too many islands. However, we do have one significant Island under our territorial range in the northern tip of the Arabian Sea known as Jazira Haft Talar, Sata Dip or "THE ASTOLA." Though its size is relatively small, it’s Pakistan's largest Island. In fact, its not the size of this place which enhances curiosity but the entire land area, strange and mysterious in many ways, and which frightened even the generals of Alexander the Great back in 325 BC. The place is a desert, a barren area and uninhabited land since the ancient times. There is not even a single tree on its surface or fresh water under its belly. But still somehow wild life exists here as if by some strange miracle. Having been thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Last Leg

From the blog odysseuslahoriHighway S-1, from Alam Bridge where it splits of off N-35, is still as it was the last time I travelled on it in 2010. I left Snowland Hotel at Skardu at 5:00 AM. Owned by Jafar who I know since 1990, this is a lovely property a little ways outside town as one approaches from the west. Though it has limited accommodation, its lovely garden and cherry trees make up for everything. ‘Here Continents Collided’ On my two days in Skardu I spent my free time walking about in the garden eating cherries straight off the trees. The hotel staff, kind as ever and surely following Jafar’s instructions, would see me and come up with a plateful of freshly picked and washed fruit. And this was no extra charge. That has been the way at Snowland for the past many years and that is the reason I prpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rain fall

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: large] Rain fall and fast wind was there since evening Lightning and thunder was there too since evening I walked to find happiness in dark gloomy clouds Heart turned unhappy, was gloomy since evening The moon and stars hid somewhere in the clouds Indications were obvious, ambiance since evening The day remained also in search of single season In autumn sunset fast wind blew since evening Spent entire life span yet never got any incentive Whatever got was a punishment since evening pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سوال کیجئے!۔

From the blog umairmalikجب میں چھوٹا تھا تو ٹی وی پہ نیلام گھر لگا کرتا تھا، سب گھر والے بیٹھ کر دیکھا کرتے تھے۔ طارق عزیز صاحب مہمانوں سے مختلف سوالات کیا کرتے تھے اور انعامات دیا کرتےتھے۔ ہال مہمانوں سے بھرا ہوتا تھا اور سوالات ہر طرح کے ہوتے تھے۔ مذہبی بھی، سائنسی بھی، تاریخی بھی، […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Charpai a delight

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: weaving-a-charpai-with][image: JLF--040][image: 31cc9169e68ffd9de9784e53bef85fd3] [image: APP53-13 LAHORE: September 13 - Labourers busy in knitting the traditional iron bed (Charpai) for the customers on the banks of canal. APP photo by Mustafa Lashari] APP53-13 LAHORE: September 13 – Labourers busy in knitting the traditional iron bed (Charpai) for the customers on the banks of canal. APP photo by Mustafa Lashari [image: b9e1c88a8d670e0cf94821a374dd1170][image: palang] [image: palang 2] [image: Biggest_Charpai,D.G.Khan] [image: charpai hotel sawat pakistan] [image: char-pai] Charpai literally means four legs—- char means four and pai means legs. It's a simple framed structure held together by the four vertical wooden parts and four horizontal parts by a simple ten onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Two Pakistan(s)

From the blog hallopakistan*Yesterday, I got call from old gang to come to Centaurs Mall Islamabad for movie which got my immediate nod as offer not only include movie but dinner as well which was sponsored by one of best friends. There is nothing more serene than time spend with your buddies of study days. Because at that time we make friends on vibes rather on benefits and this is reason why this friendship flourishes every time you meet. I met my school day friend in UK and just after seeing each other we cross a voyage which spread over a decade. We started cracking jokes on each other and started our conversation from where we left a decade ago. Even my flat mates got surprised to see amount of frankness with each other by keeping in mind my fiend's professional profile who at such a young age is rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mobilink Masti!

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Mobilink Masti!: A blog post from Mobile Phone Numbers at The largest Pakistani Models network of... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چار مناظر اور ہمار ا فکری اور معاشرتی بحران

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: حارث اظہر منظر 1: ایک سرکاری دفتر میں کچھ سرکار ی اور غیر سرکاری تنظیموں کے لوگ بیٹھے ہوئے ہیں ۔چائے کا پرتکلف دور چل رہا ہے اور یہ آپس میں قہقہے بکھیرتے ہوئے اس بات پر گفتگو کررہے ہیں کہ اب سیلاب آنے والا ہے اور اس سیلاب کے قہر کی بدولت آپس میں امداد کی بندر بانٹ کیسے کرنی ہے؟ اور ان کے چہروں پر طمانیت کے آثار نمایاں ہیں۔ منظر2: ایک مشہور جامعہ یونیورسٹی کے لان میں جنڈر سٹڈیز کے استاد اور ایم فل کے طلباء بیٹھے ہوئے ہیں۔ ان کے استاد ان سے مخاطب ہوتے ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ جو کچھ بھی میں کلاس کے اندر آپ کو پڑھا رہا ہوں وہ اس پر عمل بالکل نہ کریں کیونکہ اس سے عقل ،شعور اور سوال کے دروازے تمہارے ذہنوں پر دستک دیں گے۔ طلباء بھی ان کے قول پر ایمان لے آتے ہیں اور اسی ایم فل کا ایک طالب علم کہتا ہے کہ جامعات میں لڑکیوں کی تعلیم پر پابندی ہونی چاہیے۔ منظر 3: میرے ایک عزیز دوست کےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Eid 2015

From the blog noorsplace Eid days just passed by and here I am, clenching my whole eidi money so tightly and daydreaming about spending them all at my favorite stores. Oh yas! My whole Eid revolved round dawats (traditional parties, to be exact) and dressing up, of-course. The first day was too busy that I only took few selfies, spent time with family and slept the whole day away, never wanting to wake up again. It's like, eid is celebrated for three days officially. In between going out, celebrating & everything, I absolutely loved the third day. That's where everyone got together in a little casual style and actually got to talk how Ramadan went and stuff. My third day outfit was almost from Zaful*. I am saying almost because I got top & the bracelet from them. This floral print was absolutely perfect pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Negotiating Freedom of Expression

From the blog razarumiThe unresolved debate on freedom of expression was reignited when Islamic militants killed 14 staffers of French magazine Charlie Hebdo last January, ostensibly for the cartoons that offended Muslim sentiments. Earlier this year, two secular bloggers were hacked to death in Bangladesh. In other countries such as Russia and Iran, writers and journalists languish in […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog najwapervinI was going through all my posts today. It was interesting to go through the chronicles of my past and revisit the uncertainties and doubts I had. Its even more interesting to see how far I've come from them. How my plans turned into reality and how my dilemma shaped into a decision over time. It gave me an insight, a realization that all that I'm worried about today would be over tomorrow. There were posts about how I love neurology, a post a few months later about how I wasn't so sure about it anymore and then another one on how I'm confused between Neurology and Internal medicine. Well, here I am today, 4 years later, an Internal medicine resident ! I'm in 2nd year of my Internal medicine residency. Residency, something that seemed so distant and hard to get into is already pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan's Rising College Enrollment and Graduation Rates

From the blog riazhaqThere are over 3 million students enrolled in grades 13 through 16 in Pakistan's colleges and universities, according to Pakistan Higher Education Commission report for 2013-14. The 3 million enrollment is 15% of the 20 million Pakistanis in the eligible age group of 18-24 years. In addition, there are over 255,000 Pakistanis enrolled in vocational training schools, according to Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA). Graduation Day at NED Engineering University For 1300 Graduates in 2013Pakistani universities have been producing over half a million graduates every year since 2010, according to HEC data. The number of university graduates in Pakistan increased from 380,773 in 2005-6 to 493,993 in 2008-09. This figure is growing with rising enrollment andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Proud to be Pakistani

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Pak 4] [image: pakistan1] [image: Pak 8] [image: Pak 10] [image: Pak2] [image: Pak 11] [image: Pak5] [image: Pak3] [image: Pak6] [image: Pak7] [image: Pak9] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PHB Ethical Beauty Mineral Makeup Review and Swatches

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: PHB Ethical Beauty Makeup Review and Swatches]PHB Ethical Beauty Makeup PR Samples* I am a beliver even if imperfect, but that does not mean I do not want to perfect my belief. Such is the case of choosing the right makeup products. With the spike in social awareness, a lot of us have been striving to turn to makeup products that are organic and cruelty free. The brands that aren't atleast organic outweigh the ones that are so discovering brands that can provide the former competition is always something I find pleasing. PHB is one such brand, based in UK, that takes pride in being vegan, cruelty-free and in addition to that is certified halal, which is something every Muslim would appreciate. Thanks to Halal Certified Cosmetics Pakistan on Facebook for bringing PHB to Papakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A beautiful rendition of Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s poem – Gham na kar – by Shahram Azhar

From the blog pakteahouse We are sharing this beautiful rendition of Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s poem sung by Shahram Azhar. PTH pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple Music

From the blog newsApp Store: Copyright AFP , 2015 , according to Business Recorder. Apple Music and the App Store were among online offerings listed as having trouble at a support Web page posted by the California company behind iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple Watch and Macintosh computers. "Users are experiencing a problem with the services listed above," Apple said on the page, not offering specifics regarding whatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why India, Pakistan treat their Nobel laureates shamefully

From the blog razarumiThere is a common thread – of undervaluing our achievers; and looking at ideas, values and contributions from the jaundiced lens of partisan politics. In the early 1990s, as students of development economics we were told that Amartya Sen, an Indian, had contributed path-breaking insights into welfare economics. We learnt how he had shown the […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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State of Mobile Commerce Growing like a weed (Q1 2015)

From the blog faisalkhan Criteo’s report on State of Mobile Commerce is *worth* reading. It has some amazing facts/statistics about the market. The summary slide can be seen below: [image: State of Mobile Commerce Growing like a weed (Q1 2015)] State of Mobile Commerce Growing like a weed (Q1 2015) The report in full can be downloaded from here. The post State of Mobile Commerce Growing like a weed (Q1 2015) appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan's Karakoram Glaciers Growing or Shrinking?

From the blog riazhaqA recent headline in Pakistan's Express Tribune newspaper declared: "Pakistan's glaciers melting faster than rest of the world". A few days later, I heard an ex-Met Department officer in Pakistan repeat the same alarm on a Geo TV show "Capital Talk" anchored by Hamid Mir. Are these people right? Recognizing it's too important an issue to let go, I decided to look into the facts and data as reported in science journals. Quickly, I came upon "Karakoram Anomaly". I learned that it's a term used to describe the fact that, unlike other mountainous regions, the Karakoram glaciers which supply most of Pakistan's river water are growing rather than shrinking. Baltoro Glacier in Karakoram National Park in Pakistan Pakistan is home to the most heavily glaciated area outside the polar regpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جنید جمشید سے چند اہم سوالات

From the blog pakteahouse "یہ بلاگ پوسٹ اس سے پہل دنیا پاکستان میں پوسٹ ہوچکا ہے. پاک ٹی ہاؤس اسے اپنے قارئین کی دلچسپی اور موضوع کی اہمیت کے پیش نظر کراس پوسٹ کررہا ہے." تحریر: علی ارقم [image: JJ2] قرآن میں خواتین کا نام لے کر تذکرہ نہ کرنے کی جنید جمشید کی مجوّزہ تشریح ، اس حوالے سے شدید تنقید اور جْنید جمشید کی جوابی وضاحت کے بعد چند سوالات اْبھرتے ہیں، شاید جْنید جمشید یا اْن کا فین کلب اس کی وضاحت بھی کردے۔ سوال نمبر ۱: اللہ تعالٰی کی جانب سے قرآن میں سوائے حضرت مریم کے کسی عورت کا نام لے کرتذکرہ نہ کرنے کی جنید جمشید کی وضاحت کیا جنید جمشید کے اپنے ذہن کی اختراع ہے یا اس کے لئے وہ کوئی حدیث، کسی صحابی، تابعی یا تبع تابعی کی طرف سے قول یا کوئی تفسیری حوالہ پیش کر سکتے ہیں؟ سوال نمبر۲: اگر یہ جْنید جمشید کی اپنی ذہنی اختراع ہے تو کیا انہیں علم ہے کہ قرآن کی تشریح میں ایسی جسارت کو تفسیر بالرائے کہاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple Watch

From the blog newsSlice Intelligence: But others see promise in its popularity with internet-savvy young people, according to Express Tribune. Media outlets last week jumped on a study by research firm Slice Intelligence suggesting that, based on a large sampling of email receipts in the United States, orders for Apple Watch have plunged 90% since the week that the wearable computing gadget made its debut.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Role of Religion

From the blog iabhopal “If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, then error will be. If God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy. If the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will. If the power of the gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of this land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end.” (Said: Denial Webster, one of the best orators of America) pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan needs MEDIA TRUSTS rather MEDIA TYCOONS

From the blog hallopakistan*If you asked any Pakistani who about are the most powerful people in Pakistan; you get variety of answers which includes Generals, Judges, Politicians, Mullahs, Business Tycoons, Feudal Lords etc. Very rarely people tell you that media houses owners who within no time can make anyone hero or villain. They not only own media empires but also other businesses which nobody can touch due to their clout. They are simply untouchables as they set agenda. They have brigades of journalists and political analyst at disposal which can shape the people opinion about government performance and other socio-political issues. Even if they unable to shape opinion they at least confuse the audience on any issue. * *I belong to generation when there was only PTV in market to get latest updates. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Payment Laws: Comedy of Errors & Omissions

From the blog faisalkhanPrologue Last year I wrote, what I thought to be candid (read: fair) assessment of State Bank of Pakistan’s newly released license application for becoming a Payment Service Operator (PSO) or a Payment Service Provider (PSP). The two articles can be read here: - How State Bank of Pakistan just killed the Payments & Fintech Startup Industry of Pakistan. - Murder on Chundrigar Road: How SBP killed the payments/fintech startup industry. The reaction from SBP, in particular from the Payment System’s Department was disappointing: I am essentially now a *persona non grata* at SBP. Doesn’t surprise me one bit. With the nincompoops at the helm of affairs at PSD, one really cannot expect them not to get fidgety and resort to all sort of nefarious attempts to discredit orpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rangers vs MQM-PPP in Sindh; India-Pakistan Ties; Eid in America; US-Iran Deal's Impact on Pakistan

From the blog riazhaqHow's Eid celebrated in America? Is it different from how it is celebrated in Pakistan? What do Pakistani-Americans do on Eid? What will be the impact of Iran Deal on Pakistan and the Middle East? How will it help US and Iran and other powers, including India, strategically, economically and politically? Can the Israel lobby still sabotage this deal? Are Pakistan Rangers targeting MQM and going easy on PPP in Sindh? Will Pakistan Army succeed in containing or eliminating MQM's militant wing? What is the PPP strategy in cooperating with Pakistan Rangers? Will MQM leaders be convicted of either money-laundering or murder or both charges in British Courts? How will it impact MQM as a political party in Pakistan? Will new leadership reform and recreate the party? Are India-Pakistanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ain Defla Province

From the blog newsAin Defla province: The ambush took place on Friday night at the start of the Eidul Fitr holiday marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, according to Pakistan Today. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed the attack in an unverified statement posted online late on Saturday night. The El Khaber newspaper, citing security sources, reported earlier in the day that troops werepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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صدق فرید 

From the blog ashrafiya گفتگو میں کیے معرکے سر بہت کچھ بهی جوہر عمل کے دکھاتا نہیں آرزوئے محض سے نہ منزل ملے سوئے منزل قدم اک اٹهاتا نہیں انکی چوکھٹ پہ دل کو لیے جاتا ہے دل کو چوکھٹ مگر یہ بناتا نہیں سر جهکاتا ہے مسکین صورت لیے دل مگر در پہ اک پل جهکاتا نہیں زور بازو سے عالم مسخر ہوا نفس سرکش مگر قابو آتا نہیں کارگاه جہاں کے بکهیڑوں میں گم اصل جو کام ہے یاد آتا نہیں جناب فرید صدیقی صاحبpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Un-classify Me, Please

From the blog dearrumiThere’s a folder on my hard drive marked ‘incomplete’. It’s not a folder of design projects, it’s a folder of incomplete, half-baked ideas and blog posts for It’s a reminder to me, every time I sit down to write a post, that forcing it is not an option for my writing. That I’m not […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Over the Babusar Pass

From the blog odysseuslahoriAt 2:30 AM the moronic waiter of the Abbottabad guest house came banging at my door. In direct contravention to what he and many others believe to be divine injunction, he was forcing upon me *sehri*, the predawn meal to begin a fast that I should not be observing for being a traveller. But phooey to divine order as long as some idiots more concerned with my hereafter than their own can impose their will upon me. The road near Jalkhad: 10 years ago, no one could have imagined such a road through Kaghan! I left Abbottabad about six. The road to Mansehra was almost empty and I made the twenty-four kilometres in about thirty minutes. Back in the military academy days in late 1971, we used to do exercises along this road, then almost deserted. All that went past was a car every hourpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Microsoft Money Transmitter Licenses

From the blog faisalkhanMicrosoft Money Transmitter Licenses As of 19th of July 2015, Microsoft has amassed 16 money transmitter licenses. The big 3 (New York, California and Texas) are still not on the list. Here is the up to date list. [image: Microsoft Money Transmitter Licenses] Microsoft Money Transmitter Licenses The post Microsoft Money Transmitter Licenses appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Look at Pakistani-American Community as it Celebrates Eid in Traditional Style

From the blog riazhaqEid-ul-Fitr celebration this year marked the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan with many large prayer congregations across America. Muslims wore colorful outfits. There were servings of traditional foods and deserts in outdoor *melas* (fairs) for Muslim families and their friends in all major cities of the United States. Most celebrated on Friday while others waited till Saturday. Some security fears for American Muslims had arisen after an unfortunate shooting incident in which a US-born Palestinian-American young man killed four marines at a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Along with the other Americans, Muslims too mourned for the Chattanooga dead and they prayed for peace for all of America and the world. Fortunately, Eid celebrations have so fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جدید سائنس اور ہماری سوچ

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: عماد ظفر امریکی سپیش شپ کی خلا میں پلوٹو سیارے کے گرد موجودگی سائینس کی ایک اہم پیش رفت ہے اور بین الاقوامی دنیا میں اس پر بحث مباحثہ جاری ہے ساری دنیا میں میڈیا پر آپکو لوگ اس اہم پیش رفت پر بولتے اور پروگرامز کرتے نظر آئیں گے۔ اور اس سائینسی کامیابی کو انسانی فکر انسانی شعور کی کامیابی قرار دے رہیں ہیں۔ ہم لوگوں نے خلائی سائینس کی اس اہم پیش رفت پر وہی کیا جو ہم برسوں سے کرتے آ رہے ہیں کچھ دیر کو میڈیا پر خبر چلی اور اس کے بعد پھر اپنی اپنی دنیا میں مست۔ذرا غور کیجیے کہ ہم لوگوں کا رویہ سائینس کے بارے میں کیا ہے اور ہم کتنی ریسرچ اور پیسہ سائینس پر خرچ کرتے ہیں ۔جدید دور میں سائینس میں ترقی کیے بغیر آپ ترقی کا تصور بھی نھیں کر سکتے ۔یہ سائنس ہی ہے جس نے ٹیکنالوجی سے لیکر ایجادات اور صحت سے لیکر تعلیم غرض زندگی کے ہر شعبے میں ایک انقلاب برپا کر دیا ۔اور آنے والے ہر لمpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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French President Francois Hollande and Aryton Senna

From the blog newstalented driver: He is the first Formula One driver to perish from a racing accident since triple world champion Aryton Senna in San Marino in 1994. "Jules fought right to the very end, as he always did, but today his battle came to an end," the Bianchi family said in a statement posted on Facebook in the early hours of Saturday. "The pain we feel is immense and indescribable." The gifted youngpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Poetry: July Edition

From the blog noorsplace Today's Eid. Ramadan flew by in a whiz. I couldn't blog all week because: 95% of crappy internet service and 5% of my sleepiness developed during fasting. Yawn. But I have been working on my poetry skills even more (yay!) , it was one of my new year resolutions to write a lot, as much as I can. I'll be publishing new poems every month. Let's see how far my collections can go. "If I could tell you how our souls see, You might like how beautiful our world could be, There are imperfections and raw beauty, That revolves around people like us and their glee, Maybe we've stopped loving the things that set us free, Or there's just an invisible boundary, So just close your eyes and let the pain flee, I hope it sets off your heart from the cage of worry." Diminish the pain of being all alpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Last Minute Eid Shopping - Mini Haul

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Thredz]Thredz Orange Kurta - 3995 PKR Thredz Green Pants - 1945 PKR Thredz Dupatta - Around 1000 PKRIt is the first day of Eid-ul-Fitr in Pakistan so Eid Mubarak, butterflies! I'm hoping you all are safe and sound and excuse me for my absence. I fell extremely ill this Monday, but Alhamdulillah recovering now. I am not the extravagant kind when it comes to Eid shopping and usually I start pulling pieces together months in advance so here are just a few things that I picked this week as last minute bits and bobs, which mainly always are shoes. As far as Eid dresses are concerned, I had bought one from Thredz a couple months back which I will show you in another post and that was supposed to be my main Eid outfit. Other than that I got a few kameez shalwars and tradition oupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple Google and Smartphones

From the blog newssmartphones: Industry giants like Ford and Toyota are considering cooperating on systems to integrate smartphones into future models, according to a Bloomberg report, something which would bring them into competition with Apple Carplay and Google Android Auto, according to Business Recorder. Carplay and Android Auto came out more than a year ago and are now gradually finding their way into newpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog ashrafiya In the last ten days of Ramadan Darul Uloom becomes a *khanqah*. Seekers from abroad and different cities of Pakistan come to stay and be in the company of their spiritual mentors. The environment is spiritually charged. Addressing the seekers gathered in his office *sayyidi wa sanadi *Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) instructed, ‘Each of you staying here should write the details of your daily routine ( *ma’moolat*) and give it to me after *taraweeh* salah. I will review it (make necessary changes as needed) and return it back after fajr salah.’ Office, Darul Uloom Karachi, 23 Ramadan 1436/ 11 July 2015 In reply to an old seeker *sayyidi* wrote, *‘Alhamdulillah* all *mamoolat* are good May Allah accept all. Taqi’ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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We expect more sensitivity and serenity from Junaid Jamshed

From the blog hallopakistan *Google Image * *Junaid Jamshed came to limelight in 80's after his national song "DIL DIL PAKISTAN". Later we came to know that he left Pakistan Air Force to persuade career in Music. His band saw amazing success as Pakistani youth of 80's desperately wanted some real change in music scene as it was mostly dominated by classical singers at that time. He and his band members looks and family non-traditional background also helped them along their fresh music to reach the zeal of popularity. Later on, band was dismantled due to internal rifts and Junaid start performing solo.* *However, his successful career saw a continuous decline due to emergence of new generation of pop singers including Abrar Ul Haq, Ali Azmat, Haroon Rashid, Ali Haider, Faakir Mehmood, Hadiqa Kiani, Jawadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Federated Identity Management: A consensus based approach towards solving the KYC problem

From the blog faisalkhanA Tangential Stroll Ask anyone who has ever owned a mobile phone (or two) and an email address (or two) and they will tell you, managing contacts can be a pain in the ass! Despite all the advances made in apps, OS, APIs, data sharing, etc. *contact management* remains to be a stone under everyone’s shoe. I’ve always wondered why it is so difficult to sync contacts and remove duplicate entries, etc. Turns out, just like each contact app is different in nomenclature and fields, so is the world on the whole. Addresses, Telephone, ZIP Codes, State/Provinces etc. and the whole method of addressing each other varies from country to country. I don’t cite all this from a theoretical view point, but rather from experience. Consider the following four issues I faced recently: 1. I wopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Check out my lovely ass!

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Check out my lovely ass!: A blog post from Lahore Girls at The largest Pakistani Models network... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Flesh Trade

From the blog pakteahouse Ironically, world that takes pride in the ease and efficiency with which international trade is conducted along the global lines of production and supply, there exists a less prosperous side to commerce. In the dark corners of economy human trafficking still thrives as a rampant trans-border phenomenon. Even in this modern era, with lofty claims to protection of fundamental human rights, this hideous form of organized crime has managed to challenge our credibility as a civilization. Beyond the illegal trade in arms and drugs, here, at the lowest ebb of humanity, individual bodies are sold and bought at statistics that alarm and disgust at once. According to U.N Secretary Ban Ki-moon, addressing the 13th U.N Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, no country is immunepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Alan Turing and Movie Interstellar

From the blog news: Its sharp edges and multi-coloured shell is supposedly inspired by the spaceship called Endurance in the movie Interstellar, according to Express Tribune. TURING ROBOTIC INDUSTRIES The sleek device, however, has a slightly dated chipset and processor. Named after famous British cryptographer Alan Turing – who cracked the Nazi encryption machine Enigma during World War II, the 5.5-inch, fullpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog iabhopal Eid Mubarak to all Muslim brothers and sisters کل عام و انتم بخير While going to and coming back from Eid prayer, please, keep reciting the following Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, la ilaha il-Allah wahdahoo la shareeka lahoo Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, la ilaha il-Allaho wa Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar wa lillahil hamd, Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, la ilaha il-Allaho wa Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar wa lillahil hamd, Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, la ilaha il-Allaho wa Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar wa lillahil hamd, Allaho Akbar kabeera wa hamdoo lillahi katheera wa soob-han Allaho bookratan wa aseela pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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عیدالفطر ۱۴۳۶

From the blog ashrafiyapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Battle Through Laziness

From the blog greatlyrandom[image: Cat sleeping on Couch]I love my couch too!I know it's been long (almost ages) since I last blogged, but I am finally done with all my high school exams and will now be blogging frequently. My exams ended like a month ago and I thought I wouldn't do ANYTHING and just chill out. Before even a week could pass with this newfound resolution, I was dreading to do something. Actually, my emotional state was quite funny at that time. I wanted to do something but at the same time, I didn't want to do anything. You could call it extreme laziness. I even grew tired of being a couch potatoe! Sure, I watched a lot of animes and movies and TV and all that, but then I started feeling like "*Come on! Another movie?? Do they ever end??*" I actually wanted all the movies in the world to enpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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منصوبے ای منصوبے

From the blog khawarking مشن ملکی ترقی و بی ڈی ممبر ۔ مشن نظام مصطفے اور بلدیاتی جمہوریت ، مشن روشن خیالی اور احتساب !!۔ ان مشنوں کے ساتھ ساتھ سیاستدانوں کی فارمنگ کاکام بھی جاری و ساری تھا ،۔ مشن کشمیر کی آزادی تو ملکی تاریخ کا سب سے لمبا مشن بن چکا ہے ۔ اس صدی کی دوسری دہائی میں میں ملک کے کرپٹ ترین ، بدنام ترین حادثاتی سیاستدان نے مندرجہ بالا سب مشنوں کے مقابلے میں ایک مشن شروع کیا تھا مشن جمہوریت ! اس کرپٹ ، اور بد نام بندے نے چالاکی سے اپنے مخالفوں اور اور فارمی سیاستدانوں کو بھی ساتھ ملا لیا ، اپنے مخالفوں کو جو گیڈر سنگھی اس نے سنگھائی ، گمان غالب ہے کہ اس گیڈرسنگی کا نام بھی جمہوریت ہی ہے ۔ مشنوں اور منصوبوں کے ماہرین ، بد نام بندے کے اس مشن ، مشن جمہوریت کو سبوتاژ کرنے کے لئے سخت جدوجہد کر رہے ہیں ۔ فوج کو اقتدار میں انے سے روکنے کے منصوبے کو جمہوریت کا نام دیا گیا ہے ۔ جس pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Identity 3.0 – The Evolved Digital Identity

From the blog faisalkhan Gigya's recently published white paper, "The 2015 State of Consumer Privacy & Personalization", reveals an increasing acceptance of innovative authentication methods by consumers in the US and UK, specifically biometric methods like fingerprint and signature authentication to make payments. The study calls this the evolution of a new digital identity: Identity 3.0. As seen in the image below, consumers seem to prefer logging in through a social network due to the ease of use. [image: gigya report] At the same time, most US and UK consumers also expressed concerns about the privacy of their data and how it is used by companies and brands. [image: gigya report data privacy] The post Identity 3.0 – The Evolved Digital Identity appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cabinet Committee Flood and Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif

From the blog newsflood situation: Addressing the meeting, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that all institutions concerned should remain fully alert in view of rains and possible flood situation, according to Daily Times. He said that Cabinet Committee on Flood should ensure implementation of decisions and measures in this regard. Cabinet Committee on Flood presented a report with regard to visit topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Big steps - 5 years at a time

From the blog flat-tidingsNot everyone envisions a life of pleasantries. Being one of the wretched few, hoping everything will be taken care of by the Almighty, I functioned like a bee... not exactly busy, but tolling away, skirmishes, hate-mails and awkward silences having been the most difficult to tackle. Amidst the topsy-turvy scarfin-scarfout life, I found myself a perfect companion. Let's just hope he doesn't run away soon. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چار حروف سے چکا چوند روشنی

From the blog mahmoodulhaqجب دھوپ کی شدت بڑھتی ہے تو بادلوں کے برسنے کے انتظار میں آنکھیں بار بار آسمان کی طرف اُٹھتی ہیں۔ جب بادل برسنا شروع کریں اور پانی ٹخنوں سے اوپر بہنا شروع کر دے تو دونوں ہاتھ آسمان کی طرف اُٹھ جاتے ہیں۔جب سردی بدن کو کپکپانے لگے تو گرم لحاف ہو یا ہوا بدن کو راحت پہنچاتے ہیں۔ سخت گرم مرطوب ہواچلنے لگے تو برف کا ایک ٹکڑا ہتھیلی پر رکھنے سے وجود میں ٹھنڈک کا احساس بھر جاتا ہے۔ موسمی تغیرات کے اثرات تو اجسام پر تقریبا ایک جیسے احساس ہی پیدا کرتے ہیں۔ برس ہا برس کی زندگی بار بار موسموں کے آنے جانے کے احساس سے لبریز ہوتی ہے۔اُکتاہٹ کا شکار اس لئے نہیں ہوتے کہ تبدیلی کی اُمید واثق ہوتی ہے۔ کامل یقین ہوتا ہے کہ سدا اسی کیفیت میں زندگی نہیں گزرے گی۔شائد اجسام کی طاقت اتنی ہی برداشت رکھتی ہے۔ ہر گزرتا لمحہ نیا احساس دلاتا ہے۔ ہر پل اجسام کائنات میں گردش مدار میں ہر روز آگے بڑھتے ہیں۔ یہاںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بابے مراد کا مشورہ

From the blog khawarking جبری بھرتی یا کہ لام پر جانا کہتے تھے ، جنگ عظیم کے لئے فوج جانے کو ۔ ان دنوں کا ایک واقعہ بڑا مشہور ہے کہ جب جبری بھرتی والی ٹیم سرگودے کے گاؤں گاؤں گھوم کر جواب بھرتی کر رہی تھی ۔ یہ ٹیم گورے افسر کی سربراہی میں جب ایک گاؤں پہنچی تو اس گاؤں والوں نے گورے صاحب کو بتایا کہ بات کرنی ہے تو بابے مراد سے کر لو !!۔ بابا مراد بھینسیں چرانے بیلے گیا ہوا تھا ، آدمی دوڑائے گئے کہ بابے مراد کو لایا جائے ۔ بابا مراد جب آیا تو اس کو وہ سب معاملات بتائے گئے کہ ہٹلر ایک ظالم انسان ہے جس کی وجہ سے عالمی امن خطرے میں پڑا ہوا ہے سرحدیں غیر محفوظ ہیں ، برطانیہ کی شہ رگ جیسے علاقوں پر قبضے کئے ہوئے ہے ، بڑا شرارتی ہے ، شر انداز ہے ، قاتل ہے لٹیرا ، دہشت پسند ہے ، ظالم ہے ۔ بس جی کچھ اس طرح کا نقشہ کھینچا جیسا امریکہ نے طالبان کے متعلق کھینچا تھا یا کہ صدام حسین کے خلاف کھینچا تھا یا کہ قذافی کے خلpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Few Astonishing Photos Of Karachi

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 53f3460960854-1-640x38 4Karachi Port]Karachi Port [image: 53f3456c6c37d-1-640x384Empress Market.] Empress Market[image: 7478003764_fb472b3690_b-640x427Bahadurabad Chowrangi] Bahadurabad Chowrangi[image: Clifton Flyover] Clifton Flyover[image: 8654750317_28cbe408d7_b-1-640x408Karachi, the city of sky scrapers] Karachi, the city of sky scrapers[image: Empress_Market_at_Sunset-640x475 Empress Market, Saddar.] Empress Market, Saddar[image: It’s the KPT Fountain, third tallest in the world.] It’s the KPT Fountain, third tallest in the world[image: KPT-Interchange-Karachi-640x420KPT interchange] KPT interchange.[image: tumblr_nq08jjPTIL1s4ixmuo3_1280-640x427This is a beautiful view of sunset at a beach in Karachi.] a beautiful view of sunset at a beach in Karachi[image: 1049pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ہمارے بچپن کے رمضان المبارک

From the blog mbilalm[image: Ramzan in childhood] بھلے زمانے کی بات ہے کہ خلیل میاں فاختہ اڑایا کرتے تھے اور تب میڈیا پر "رمضانی ٹرانسمیشن" نہیں ہوتی تھی۔ روزہ کشائی کی بجائے افطاری ہوا کرتی تھی۔ ویسے ہم کوئی "انیس سو پتھر" کے زمانے کے بھی نہیں اور نہ ہی قائم علی شاہ صاحب ہمارے ہم جماعت تھے۔ ہمارا بچپن گزرے تو ابھی جمعہ جمعہ آٹھ دن ہوئے ہیں۔ خیر ہمارے بچپن میں تو رمضان کی سب سے مزے کی چیز عید کارڈ اور تراویح ہوتی تھی۔ تراویح میں بچہ پارٹی خوب تفریح کیا کرتی۔ جیسا کہ ایک بچے نے حاجی صاحب کو حالتِ سجدہ میں← مزید پڑھیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bloomberg News

From the blog news: Its origins could not be immediately established, according to Express Tribune. The report appeared on a site called, rather than Twitter shares jumped on the report, which was distributed on the Internet and closely resembled Bloomberg news website. Twitter did not immediately offer additional comment. The domain was registered in Panama to Who IsGuard, apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تاریخی فیصلہ، چنئی سپر کنگز اور راجستھان رائلز پر پابندی

From the blog cricnamaطویل انتظار کے بعد بالآخر انڈین پریمیئر لیگ کا دوسرا رخ دنیا کے سامنے آ ہی گیا، جس کے بعد تحقیقاتی کمیشن نے چنئی سپر کنگز اور راجستھان رائلز کو دو سال کے لیے معطل کردیا ہے۔ بھارتی سپریم کورٹ کی جانب سے مقرر کردہ آر ایم لودھا پینل نے چنئی سپر کنگز کے سابق عہدیدار گروناتھ مے یپن اور راجستھان رائلز کے سابق مالک راج کندرا پر تاحیات پابندی لگا دی ہے کہ وہ کرکٹ اور اس سے متعلقہ کسی سرگرمی میں حصہ نہیں لے سکتے۔ گروناتھ بھارتی کرکٹ بورڈ کے سابق صدر و بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کے موجودہ سربراہ این شری نواسن کے داماد ہیں۔ دونوں کو آئی پی ایل 2013ء میں مقابلوں پر شرطیں لگانے اور دونوں ٹیموں کے اسپاٹ فکسنگ میں ملوث ہونے پر یہ پابندی سہنا ہوگی۔ دریں اثناء سپر کنگز اور رائلز اپنے متعلقہ مالکان انڈیا سیمنٹس اور جے پور آئی پی ایل پرائیوٹ لمیٹڈ کی وجہ سے آئندہ دو سال آئی پی ایل میں شرکت نہیں کرسکیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Andre Russell

From the blog newsLendl Simmons Fudadin: However, Simmons let loose in the fifth, smashing 14 runs off Andre Russell, according to Pakistan Today. The boundaries remained scarce, with only two fours and a six being hit in the next five overs, but both batsmen kept the score ticking with singles and twos. Amazon Warriors, having been inserted, began slowly, with the openers Lendl Simmons and Fudadin scoring justpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Washington’s Nuclear Hypocrisy

From the blog iabhopal “The world organisation debates disarmament in one room and, in the next room, moves the knights and pawns that make national arms imperative.” – E B White Why is the United States embarking on a trillion dollar nuclear modernisation programme that is highly dangerous, directionless, expensive, and does nothing to make the country safer? This is a question being asked by a number of strategic experts but no satisfactory answer has yet been provided. It is clear now that the US will be spending almost $1 trillion maintaining and modernising its nuclear arsenal over the next thirty years which will do nothing to address the real security threats from the non-state actors. According to a 2014 report published by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), the US pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Long Live Democracy; No Way to Stop Corrupt Politicians to Come into Power

From the blog blog-from-parisFew days ago, National Accountability Bureau (NAB) submitted a report about 150 mega corruption cases in the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC). The SC has expressed dissatisfaction over the report saying it is incomplete. This report mentioned high profile politicians, including current Prime Minister of Pakistan and Chief Minister of Punjab. Shehbaz Sharif, CM of Punjab, in a press conference denounced the report. Later, Hamza Shehbaz, the son of CM, said that they had never made any settlement with NAB. In this program, Rauf Klasra and Amir Mateen, in presence of Kashif Abbasi, present proofs of payment by Sharif family to NAB. The court fined Nawaz Sharif, and Hamaza Shehbaz, his nephew, paid 70 million PKR to NAB. In other words, Nawaz Sharif is convicted from the court. And, topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ghassoul Clay mask review !

From the blog lubbyz *Hello lovely readers !* *For the past month I've been trying and testing out Zakia's Moroccan Ghassoul Clay Powder for skin and hair. I have been so obsessed with trying to put as much natural products on my skin and hair as possible. Using a lot of chemicals and harsh ingredients really has done a number on my skin and hair. Keep reading to find out more about this amazing mask !* *Ghassoul clay powder comes from deep within Atlas mountains in Morocco. This clay is formed naturally from volcanic and thermal activities. The clay is actually extracted in large chunks but through a special process it is turned into a fine powder like form. There are many minerals that are found in Ghassoul clay which help absorb impurities from skin. In order to make a mask you just simply needpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog hallopakistan*It's shame that a country of 180 million people with more that 70 million middle class and 7-8 million diaspora spreading across continents has no film industry. This country is Pakistan who has every potential to be big market for films. Pakistan has exceptionally good actors, writers, musicians, singers who proved their worth in recent times while working for Bollywood. * *Why Pakistan not become hub of films? Finance and market is not issue as nation we love to invest in any project and though we not pay our taxes but we have many billionaires in every city. Number of cinemagoers is again not issue because we love movies, music and spend time with each other. * *The issue is only absence of initiative and government support which since inception not realized that you can'tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Kapray launches its first flagship store in Karachi

From the blog pakmediablog Kapray launched its first flagship store on 5th July 2015 in Dolmen Mall Clifton Karachi. Kapray is Pakistan’s first fast fashion brand that offers trendy products at a great price and amazing quality. Kapray is an omni channel, fast fashion retailer. Since Kapray controls its processes in the supply chain starting from fabric construction to […] Kapray launches its first flagship store in Karachi is a post from: PakMediaBlog All Rights Reserved. This post Kapray launches its first flagship store in Karachi is aggregated on PakMediaBlog. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Week in Review #27: Success is a Question of When, Not If

From the blog usmansheikh There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come. As entrepreneurs we are constantly challenging the status quo. Breaking down barriers and working outside of our comfort zones. To the average person our decisions and choices do not make sense most of the time. This is understandable, as we face rejection and failure almost everyday. However there is something inside us that keeps us wanting to push forward. It defies logic and rational reasoning. There are far easier paths that we could traverse, yet we choose to create our own. We are searching for the perfect confluence of the idea, timing and team. There is a lot written about finding the right idea or assembling an all star team. The one thing that is far more elusive ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Model Girls

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Model Girls: A blog post from Pakistani Hot Girl at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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As I wrote thy name on wind,

From the blog tanveerrauf[image: fantine_by_gothiclolilightning-d5suxni] *As I wrote thy name on wind,* *Clouds swarming in eyes* *Then shower of downpour * pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cameron Crowe and Amy Pascal

From the blog newsSony: As it turns out, they were all on point, according to Express Tribune. Ill-conceived and terribly miscast, Cameron Crowe messy, uneven and inscrutable new film is every bit the train-wreck former Sony co-chairman Amy Pascal believed it to be. PITCHFORK There was no shortage of negative comments about Aloha in the plethora of internal Sony emails leaked as a result of last year infamouspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Eid Collections – Spotlight

From the blog sychhGeneration: Generation will be launching five distinct collections this Eid–Ul–Fitr. The brand’s Denim Glam collection draws inspiration from fancy insects and bugs and features 10 unique designs in acid washed denim. The collection features clean and sporty cuts on fine denim and chambre fabric glammed up with stones and adda work retailing between Rs. 3200 […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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