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Salman Khan:Man of self contradictions

From the Blog hallopakistan*In my childhood, I heard a story about a KING who was cruel, disillusioned and weird. Once he thought to wear cloths as nobody wore before him. Many drapers came but nobody convinced him except two brothers who are too clever. They convinced the King that they will make a cloth which will only be visible to wise people but required lot of gold for its preparations. King ordered the cloth and after a year they handed over cloth to KING. Nobody even King able to see it but everyone hide it as it means you are not wise. King went to public and everybody praising the colour and texture of cloth. Two young boys were also in crowd who openly described what they were seeing nothing except underwear on King's body. Suddenly, crowd burst in laughter and embarrassing KING went back to ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7060835006539686050 Pakistani Blog Posts


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