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Same Tools, New Looks Challenge

From the blog noorsplaceI'm so excited to share this post. I had been thinking about doing a challenge sort of post but everything I came across was either too mainstream or too hard to handle. Ugh! So I started brainstorming and made my own. Same Tools, New Looks Challenge. Basically, I'll use same makeup tools to make two different looks. Each will be different (yay!) so here's the first look I created. The make up I am using : Born Pretty* Store's : brush / eye shadows / lip crayon / black pencil 1. Staring with the eyes, I did a slight cat eye with thick black strokes. Once it's done. Move on to next step. 2. Using white eye shadow as a highlighter. 3. Just above the eye liner, add two thick strokes of golden & brown eye shadow, for a glittery cat eye. 4. Time to use the lip crayon. I love this shadepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ban on Communist Parties in Ukraine exposed the fakeness of revolution

From the blog hallopakistanUkrainian justice minister recently announced a ban on Communist parties of Ukraine to participate in elections despite Ukraine is now part of West and USA who are champions of democratic values. I still not heard any condemnation from Brussels or Washington against this undemocratic decision because Communist parties are not crabbing the power through any illegal means rather through due course of elections. If people of Ukraine with free will opt for Communist party then they must allowed to run country according to their manifesto and this is spirit of democracy. If level playing field is not provided to everyone in Ukraine then it means that revolution in Ukraine against ex-president was fake and orchestrated by Western intelligence agencies and their cronies both in media anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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