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Federated Identity Management: A consensus based approach towards solving the KYC problem

From the blog faisalkhanA Tangential Stroll Ask anyone who has ever owned a mobile phone (or two) and an email address (or two) and they will tell you, managing contacts can be a pain in the ass! Despite all the advances made in apps, OS, APIs, data sharing, etc. *contact management* remains to be a stone under everyone’s shoe. I’ve always wondered why it is so difficult to sync contacts and remove duplicate entries, etc. Turns out, just like each contact app is different in nomenclature and fields, so is the world on the whole. Addresses, Telephone, ZIP Codes, State/Provinces etc. and the whole method of addressing each other varies from country to country. I don’t cite all this from a theoretical view point, but rather from experience. Consider the following four issues I faced recently: 1. I wopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Check out my lovely ass!

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Check out my lovely ass!: A blog post from Lahore Girls at The largest Pakistani Models network... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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