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We expect more sensitivity and serenity from Junaid Jamshed

From the blog hallopakistan *Google Image * *Junaid Jamshed came to limelight in 80's after his national song "DIL DIL PAKISTAN". Later we came to know that he left Pakistan Air Force to persuade career in Music. His band saw amazing success as Pakistani youth of 80's desperately wanted some real change in music scene as it was mostly dominated by classical singers at that time. He and his band members looks and family non-traditional background also helped them along their fresh music to reach the zeal of popularity. Later on, band was dismantled due to internal rifts and Junaid start performing solo.* *However, his successful career saw a continuous decline due to emergence of new generation of pop singers including Abrar Ul Haq, Ali Azmat, Haroon Rashid, Ali Haider, Faakir Mehmood, Hadiqa Kiani, Jawadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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