Where Gakkhars ruled
From the blog odysseuslahoriIt could have been a day warm and humid as it was in August 1553 when Kamran Mirza’s eyes last beheld the crenulated walls of Pharwala Fort starkly outlined against a blue Bhadon sky held up by billowing white cumulus. But it was crisply warm as we parked on flat ground above the Soan River running between us and the fort. Hathi Gate It had started out with Rehan Afzal and I talking about Pharwala. But then Pharanaz and her husband Naweed joined us too and we resolved to together visit it. Returning to the fort after eighteen years, I had forgotten that I had then entered by Hathi Gate by wading across the river, the same way as Babur had done back in the spring of 1519. There, behind the fortification Babur espied the steely gaze of Hathi Gakkhar, a man of gigantic stature and pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Criminal lies
From the blog mehmalLying is a normal human trait. Those of us who claim they never lie are also lying. We all lie...but most of our lies are harmless and just a tactic to save ourselves from getting into trouble. However, one should always draw a line when lies become vicious and/or malicious. Unfortunately, some people think it is okay to malign someone through a lie as long as it serves their purpose, not realising that it is criminal to do so. Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan is a glaring example of such criminal acts. He has repeatedly lied about various things but one of his most criminal lies was about renowned journalist and former caretaker Chief Minister Punjab, Mr Najam Sethi. For the last 18 months, Imran Khan and his cronies have been peddling a lie, without a shred of epakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Payfirma’s Payments Ecosystem (2014)
From the blog faisalkhan Here is something a client of mine prompted me to. Payfirma‘s depiction of the Payments Ecosystem (click on image to enlarge). [image: Payfirma Payments Ecosystem 2014]Credit & Source: Payfirma’s Blog. The post Payfirma’s Payments Ecosystem (2014) appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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