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How to download Windows 10 DVD Image ISO without hassle

From the Blog basitali [image: win10b] If you are waiting for a notification, an automatic update, an icon to click in your task bar or any other intimation from Microsoft for a free Windows 10 upgrade, you may be out of luck. Some of us have received the download but for those who are still waiting for a way to download Windows 10, the method is actually pretty simple. This is how I am doing it right now: Here wo go… *How to Download Windows 10 without waiting for invitiation, notification, signup or anything. Plain ISO download.* 1. Go here: 2. Download respective Windows 10 download tool 3. It will download a small exe. Run it. If you want to upgrade, select upgrade and move next. 4. I wanted an ISO file, I selected ISO and next nepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9103363422558029851 Pakistani Blog Posts


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