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A Look at Pakistani-American Community as it Celebrates Eid in Traditional Style

From the Blog riazhaqEid-ul-Fitr celebration this year marked the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan with many large prayer congregations across America. Muslims wore colorful outfits. There were servings of traditional foods and deserts in outdoor *melas* (fairs) for Muslim families and their friends in all major cities of the United States. Most celebrated on Friday while others waited till Saturday. Some security fears for American Muslims had arisen after an unfortunate shooting incident in which a US-born Palestinian-American young man killed four marines at a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Along with the other Americans, Muslims too mourned for the Chattanooga dead and they prayed for peace for all of America and the world. Fortunately, Eid celebrations have so fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8987367660764643235 Pakistani Blog Posts


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