My Favorite Things
From the blog noorsplaceIt's safe to say I am back to carry on the iGraphy link up. I certainly have missed a lot of things. Including planning beautiful photo. Whew! Today I am sharing few of my favorite things (since the original list is a tad bit long) that can be photographed. The real happiness is never reflected in material. I got the idea in past few days when it rained after ages and the smell of soil made me realize how serene it was. Or the vibes of adventure travelling gave me, when I sat for hours to move towards countryside at my grands, it was beautiful just to be alone in motion with my thoughts. Happiness isn't materialistic but material can bring a lot of happiness too, if not entirely. *1. R A I N :* I love rain. I have always wished to live in/near a rain forest. Though I am aware howpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
From the blog faizansworld Unlike Malaysia, Indonesia, or the Caribbean, Pakistan is a country not known for too many islands. However, we do have one significant Island under our territorial range in the northern tip of the Arabian Sea known as Jazira Haft Talar, Sata Dip or "THE ASTOLA." Though its size is relatively small, it’s Pakistan's largest Island. In fact, its not the size of this place which enhances curiosity but the entire land area, strange and mysterious in many ways, and which frightened even the generals of Alexander the Great back in 325 BC. The place is a desert, a barren area and uninhabited land since the ancient times. There is not even a single tree on its surface or fresh water under its belly. But still somehow wild life exists here as if by some strange miracle. Having been thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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