All the Good Things of 2016
From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesthat happened to me. Since this is the last blog post of 2016, I figured it should end on a happy note. I've decided to open up my happy jar and see what I've accumulated over the year. I may not have written ALL of the happy things down, but I've written a few and I can make do with them. In case you don't know what a happy jar, it's basically a jar or a container that you put slips of paper in describing the good thing that happened to you in the day. You fold it up and put it inside the jar. I made myself this little project so that I could open the slips whenever I'd feel depressed, so I would remember all the times I was happy and I'd know that there is so much more to me than the situation I'm feeling helpless in. Thankfully, I have not come across a single occasion in thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post