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آج کی بات۔۔۔۔۔ 30 دسمبر 2016

From the Blog seems77 آج کی بات کسی کو کُچھ دینا ہے تواسےاچھاوقت اور دُعا دو کیونکہ تم ہرچیز واپس لے سکتے ہو مگر کسی کو دیا ہوا اچھا وقت اور دُعا واپس نہیں لے سکتے ۔ Visit and Like My Facebook Page "Kuch Dil Se - کچھ دل سے ღ " : pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

All the Good Things of 2016

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesthat happened to me. Since this is the last blog post of 2016, I figured it should end on a happy note. I've decided to open up my happy jar and see what I've accumulated over the year. I may not have written ALL of the happy things down, but I've written a few and I can make do with them. In case you don't know what a happy jar, it's basically a jar or a container that you put slips of paper in describing the good thing that happened to you in the day. You fold it up and put it inside the jar. I made myself this little project so that I could open the slips whenever I'd feel depressed, so I would remember all the times I was happy and I'd know that there is so much more to me than the situation I'm feeling helpless in. Thankfully, I have not come across a single occasion in thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7912953887429651288 Pakistani Blog Posts


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