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India's Demonetization Disaster: Modi Likens Critics to Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused his critics of his demonetization decision of "brazenly standing in support of the corrupt and the dishonest" and equated their criticism with the "firing at the borders by Pakistan in a bid to provide cover to infiltrators", according to the Indian media reports. *Diverting Attention:* Modi's attempt to use Pakistan to divert his people's attention from India's internal problems is not new. In fact, it's part of a pattern that seems to work in India. But why is it? What makes so many Indians so gullible? To answer this question, let us look at the following quote from Indian writer Yoginder Sikand's book "Beyond the Border": *"When I was only four years old and we were living in Calcutta (in 1971) was clear that "Pakistan"pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8414019761395066038 Pakistani Blog Posts


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