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2016 is Coming to an End

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writes It's 23rd December. Some of you might be really happy about it, since you're got your holiday season starting (winter vacations for my siblings has started) and other people have events like Christmas and New Years coming up. Unfortunately for me, I have neither of these things. You heard read right. I have no winter vacations and certainly no festival or holiday to look forward to as 2016 ends. So I figured I could do something all on my lonesome. First of all, I really stepped back and evaluated myself. Here are a couple of things I've picked up so far 1. I have not been blogging seriously. Most posts were written on a whim and I feel as though the quality bar has really plummeted. That's not what the Lunar Descent is about! 2. Continuing that last point, can you believe thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3372845188455801301 Pakistani Blog Posts


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