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Well Said – Syed Mustafa Kamal

From the Blog pkhope Syed Mustafa Kamal, Pakistan Sarzameen Party had a display of power in Paka Qila, Hyderabad. Syed Mustafa Kamal's speech was generally positive. There was some criticism on MQM as well as government. Mr Kamal said we are to witness anniversaries of death of our loved ones and students. He has raised questions that after seeing all these turmoil what we have learnt, are our schools safe now? We have lost one generation of lawyers in Quetta bomb blast. All these points raised by him are valid and needing answers. We must say Well Said. Positive notes in his speed must be supported with open minds. Here are some points needed clarifications: He was mayor from October 2005 to February 2010, during his time as had witnessed killing of more than 50 people in Karachi on visit of Juspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog diaryofshirin Jo Paas hai woh Duur hai Jo Duur hai woh Paas hai Yehi poori baat hai pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1086871426197725683 Pakistani Blog Posts


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