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More Americans Support Torture

From the blog iabhopal The United States has a higher tolerance for torture than any other country on the U.N. Security Council, and Americans are more comfortable with torture than citizens of war-ravaged countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Ukraine. Those are two key findings reported by the International Committee of the Red Cross on Monday, in a new report highlighting global perspectives on war. The data comes during a renewed debate over torture in the United States. In the presidential election in November, Americans picked Donald Trump, who has endorsed the use of waterboarding and, he said in February, "a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding" to extract information from terrorism suspects. Trump appears to have backed away from his commitment to torture since consulting with his nominepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sama' a

From the blog ashrafiya Data Ganj Baksh Ali Hujwari writes about Khawaja Abu Ahmed Al Muzafer (Allah have mercy on them) , 'On a very hot summer day I visited him in a unsettled state. He inquired, What do you desire? I replied, Sama'a (audition). He immediately called for the cantors (*qawwal).* During the sama'a session I remained extremely agitated. Eventually when I calmed down he inquired, How much did you enjoy this? I replied, O Sheikh! Very much indeed. The Shaikh continued, A day will come when the sound of the sama'a and the cry of a crow will become same for you. The influence of sama'a is prior to witnessing the Reality (*mushahida). *After *mushahida *the desire for sama'a will vanishes. *'* *Kasheful mahjoob, *p 100 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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