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Underneath the Quilt: Female homoerotic desire, the zanana as a sexualized space, and challenging patriarchal constructions of marriage and the "oppressed" Muslim wife

From the blog sesapzaiPre-post: This is a research paper I wrote in one of my gender studies graduate classes, and it's currently being considered for publication. Of course, I can not, and will […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Off The Beaten Track

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans, with his thick, curly dark hair combed back, he could be an intense, brooding hero in a desi Indie flick, or a reluctant villain in a hit drama serial. Slim, self-assured and self-contained, Shahvaar Ali Khan has depth. And beneath all the layers there is a sense of restlessness. Seating himself into a wicker chair on Mocca's rooftop in Lahore, he lights up a cigarette and listens attentively. Not one to shoot his mouth off, he weighs his words carefully before responding. [image: Shahvaar Ali Khan]Shahvaar Ali Khan With an intriguing career graph that has flowed from advertising, music, acting, and then back to advertising, the young ad-man is quick to state; "Advertising is the *most *consistent factor in my life." Acpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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