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3 Pakistani Cities To Visit On Your Winter Vacation

From the Blog cheflingtales Well, it's almost the end of December and the kids are going a little crazy waiting for their winter holidays. It's a relief for me as well because it tends to get really cold as December wraps up, and it's a difficult job getting them up and ready for school. Also, I'm just about ready for a break from the daily routine. At this time of year, we usually pack up and visit our parents, but this time I wanted to do something different; something that will be a memorable experience for my children as time goes on. Pakistan is full of breathtaking locations. There are just so many that they're sure to make you fall in love with this country all over again. Amidst all the political and social chaos, it seems to me as if we have forgotten the beauty that our beloved country has to opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5986095456770124120 Pakistani Blog Posts


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