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Government Expects to Level Off Circular Debt in Power Sector This Year

From the blog propakistani Minister for Power Omar Ayub Khan has said that the circular debt in the power sector is expected to level off soon and will hopefully start falling this year. The minister said that a massive investment from China has helped reduce the power outage, but more time is required to control the damages caused by years of mismanagement. He stated that the circular debt, which currently stands at Rs. 1.4 trillion ($10.1 billion), will begin to come down after the hike in electricity tariffs. "All of a sudden, after January 1, you have a leveling off of the circular debt, because the new tariff has kicked in," Khan said on Tuesday. He said that the government plans to pay off the arrears from the previous years with extra revenue accumulated from the hike in tariff. Within three topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Group Decision-Making: Evidence from a framed field experiment with community organisations in Pakistan

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Dr. Hamna Ahmed (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, CREB, Lahore School of Economics) attended the international conference on Economic Development in South Asia held 7-8 January, 2019 in Kalutara, Sri Lanka. The conference was organised by The Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS) in collaboration with the South Asia Research Network (SARN) of the Centre for Global Business (CGB), and Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability (CDES), Monash University Australia. The conference provided an opportunity for researchers and policy makers from the South Asia region and Monash University, Australia to interact with each other and deepen collaborative links on major development challenges facing South Asia. Ms Ahmed presented her paper titled "Grouppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Takaful, The Islamic way forward!

From the blog smartchoice Islamic finance has developed mainly in two directions namely Islamic banking and Islamic insurance (Takaful). While information about Islamic banking is being increasingly disseminated, features, models and structures of Takaful are little known particularly in Pakistan. Purpose of this brief article is to describe main features and models of Takaful system operating in various parts of the world and its growing industry and prevelane in Pakistan. All human beings are invariably exposed to the possibility of meeting catastrophes and disasters giving rise to misfortunes and sufferings such as death, loss of limbs, accident, destruction of business or wealth, etc. Notwithstanding the belief of all Muslims in Qadha-o-Qadr, Islam provides that one must find ways and means to avoipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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یاد رکھنے کی باتیں

From the blog theajmals 1 ۔ ماضی کو بدلا نہیں جا سکتا 2 ۔ لوگوں کی رائے آپ کی اصلیت نہیں بتاتی 3 ۔ ہر کسی کی زندگی کا سفر مختلف ہوتا ہے 4 ۔ وقت گزرنے کا ساتھ بہتری آتی ہے 5 ۔ کسی کے متعلق فیصلہ اپنا کردارظاہر کرتا ہے 6 ۔ ضرورت سے زیادہ سوچنا ہریشانی پیدا کرتا ہے 7 ۔ خوشی انسان کے اپنے اندر ہوتی ہے 8 ۔ مثبت سوچ کے نتائج مثبت ہوتے ہیں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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CPR and Choking Care Workshop – Lahore – March 30 & 31

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeCardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at any age, anytime, anywhere. Are you prepared to give care (CPR) to save lives? Yes or NO? What next then? Get trained. Save a life. You will be glad you did. FATSAL is pleased … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hitting The Right Notes: Pakistani Music's Comeback

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* After refining her craft in music production in Canada for five years, Haniya Aslam, returned to Pakistan last year to pick up from where she left off. A part of the local music scene for over a decade, Aslam thinks that the new phase in Pakistani music, that's swiftly unfolding, is an exciting one. Haniya Aslam. Photo courtesy of: Coke Studio "I've been noticing a lot of young musicians who are really blowing my mind," she says, "They're all experimenting in completely different styles of music and the quality of their songwriting and production is *so* much better that what we were doing in our time." Having produced 'Maa Behn Ka Danda,' an anthem against patriarchy by the Pakistani girl band, Garam Anday, in 2018, Aslam believes that the revival of Pakistpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سال کی ایک اور گرہ

From the blog seems77 سال کی ایک اور گرہ گرہ کی ہے یہی گنتی کہ تا بروز شمار ہوا کرے گی ہر اک سال آشکار گرہ گرہ سے اور گرہ کی امید کیوں نہ بڑھے کہ ہر گرہ کی گرہ میں ہیں تین چار گرہ مرزا غالب نے یہ معلوم نہیں کس کی سالگرہ پر کہا تھا، مگر حقیقت ہے کہ ہم ہر سال اس سال کی گرہ کو گنتے چلے جاتے ہیں، نئی سالگرہ پر نئی امیدیں لیے اگلی سالگرہ کا انتظار کرتے ہیں اور اسی طرح سالہاسال گزر جاتے ہیں۔ وقت اور عمر کے ساتھ بھی اس دن کی اہمیت ہماری زندگی میں کم نہیں ہوتی ہاں بس وہ بچپن اور لڑکپن والا جوش نہیں رہتا مگر پھر بھی اپنوں کی طرف سے ایک پیغام کا انتظار رہتا ہے اور پیغام ملنے کی صورت میں دل میں ایک خوشی سی محسوس ہوتی ہے کہ "آج ہماری سالگرہ ہے، دیکھو اس کو یاد ہے نا" :) [image: Image result for birthday to me] کوئی بھی منطق کوئی بھی دلیل اس چھوٹی سی خوشی کی اہمیت کم نہیں کرپاتی ہے۔ لہٰذا میرا تو ماننا pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PM Imran Orders Removal of Discriminatory Sign Boards at Social Clubs in Islamabad

From the blog propakistani In an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Imran Khan has ordered the removal of all discriminatory sign-boards and notices from social clubs and other public places that restrict the free movement of domestic servants. The premier passed the order while chairing a high-level meeting regarding the GSP Plus status of Pakistan. The order will not only end the class-discrimination in such places but will also encourage people to finally break the shackles of our colonial past. The issue had first emerged in 2017 when a picture of the sign-board at Islamabad Club reading "maids and ayas are not allowed beyond this point" surfaced on social media. Several social clubs in Islamabad which count among its members' senior government bureaucrats, politicians and diplomats barred the entrypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سال کی ایک اور گرہ

From the blog seems77 سال کی ایک اور گرہ گرہ کی ہے یہی گنتی کہ تا بروز شمار ہوا کرے گی ہر اک سال آشکار گرہ گرہ سے اور گرہ کی امید کیوں نہ بڑھے کہ ہر گرہ کی گرہ میں ہیں تین چار گرہ مرزا غالب نے یہ معلوم نہیں کس کی سالگرہ پر کہا تھا، مگر حقیقت ہے کہ ہم ہر سال اس سال کی گرہ کو گنتے چلے جاتے ہیں، نئی سالگرہ پر نئی امیدیں لیے اگلی سالگرہ کا انتظار کرتے ہیں اور اسی طرح سالہاسال گزر جاتے ہیں۔ وقت اور عمر کے ساتھ بھی اس دن کی اہمیت ہماری زندگی میں کم نہیں ہوتی ہاں بس وہ بچپن اور لڑکپن والا جوش نہیں رہتا مگر پھر بھی اپنوں کی طرف سے ایک پیغام کا انتظار رہتا ہے اور پیغام ملنے کی صورت میں دل میں ایک خوشی سی محسوس ہوتی ہے کہ "آج ہماری سالگرہ ہے، دیکھو اس کو یاد ہے نا" :) [image: Image result for birthday to me] کوئی بھی منطق کوئی بھی دلیل اس چھوٹی سی خوشی کی اہمیت کم نہیں کرپاتی ہے۔ لہٰذا میرا تو ماننا pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Well Almost Naked

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Well Almost Naked, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog shahzebnajamfor Papa — the paterfamilias one by one the old guard passes on and oceans away we grow old, too. Long before my grandfather was my grandfather, he was a boy who went to a large, colonial boarding school in the foothills of the Himalayas. At dawn, they would all wake, bleary-eyed, and run a […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Three Restaurants with some of the best views in Pakistan

From the blog cheflingtales One of the most important factors for any major restaurant is the view it offers to its customers. Here are three restaurants with undeniably impressive views. This list is based on the scenic beauty offered by these establishments. *Kolachi do Darya (Karachi)* Kolachi do Darya is located on the coastline of Karachi. From the main seating area, the view of the ocean is undeniably mesmerizing. The cold breeze coming from the ocean while you enjoy your meal under the moonlight. This restaurant, however, opens after 6 pm. Kolachi serves some the best Desi dishes in Karachi especially their barbecue section. The staff at kolachi is also very well trained and attentive. *Food Specialty: * Malai boti *Monal (Islamabad)* Monal is atop the Margalla Hills in Islamabad. It offers a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog randomlyabstractI mean if you didn't pronounce Chaos as ˈkeɪɒs you would of course call it cha-os. Hello weirdness and lack of presence. Internal presence. LITERALLY, I mean, I could very well call it quits now. Where it = this thing I am thinking about aka with a blank mind. I don't wanna call it ˈkeɪɒs … Continue reading Chaospakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سانحۂِ ساہیوال – واردات سے واویلے تک

From the blog urdu میں خبروں سے دلچسپی رکھتا ہوں اور خبرناموں سے نفرت کرتا ہوں۔ اس کی میرے پاس بڑی ٹھوس وجہ ہے۔ دنیا کی ہر وہ چیز جس سے انسان کا رزق وابستہ ہو جائے اپنی تقدیس اور پاکیزگی کھو بیٹھتی ہے۔ پیسا مذہب تک کو ایک دھندے کی شکل دے دیتا ہے، صحافیوں کی بک بک […] یہ نگارش سانحۂِ ساہیوال – واردات سے واویلے تک اول اردو نگار پر شائع کی گئی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Three Restaurants with some of the best views in Pakistan

From the blog cheflingtales One of the most important factors for any major restaurant is the view it offers to its customers. Here are three restaurants with undeniably impressive views. This list is based on the scenic beauty offered by these establishments. *Kolachi do Darya (Karachi)* Kolachi do Darya is located on the coastline of Karachi. From the main seating area, the view of the ocean is undeniably mesmerizing. The cold breeze coming from the ocean while you enjoy your meal under the moonlight. This restaurant, however, opens after 6 pm. Kolachi serves some the best Desi dishes in Karachi especially their barbecue section. The staff at kolachi is also very well trained and attentive. *Food Specialty: * Malai boti *Monal (Islamabad)* Monal is atop the Margalla Hills in Islamabad. It offers a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog randomlyabstractI mean if you didn't pronounce Chaos as ˈkeɪɒs you would of course call it cha-os. Hello weirdness and lack of presence. Internal presence. LITERALLY, I mean, I could very well call it quits now. Where it = this thing I am thinking about aka with a blank mind. I don't wanna call it ˈkeɪɒs … Continue reading Chaospakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Innovation and technological upgradation in the Sialkot manufacturing sector

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Dr. Azam Chaudhry (Professor and Dean faculty of Economics) of the Lahore School of Economics presented his research findings at a conference "Development in Punjab: Setting New Priorities in Agriculture and Industries", jointly being organized by the Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR) and the International Growth Center (IGC) in partnership with the Finance Department (FD) and Planning and Development Department (P&DD), Government of Punjab, on 22 January 2019 at Lahore. Dr. Azam presented his research on 'Innovation and technological upgradation in the Sialkot manufacturing sector'. He reported how a misalignment of incentives between workers and firm owners led to firms not adopting cost cutting practices. For detailed presentation, visit here. The event was pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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straight from the book - Milkman

From the blog beanbagtales"There was food and drink. The right butter. The wrong butter. The tea of allegiance. The tea of betrayal. There were 'our shops' and 'their shops'. Place names. What school you went to. What prayers you said. What hymns you sang. How you pronounced your 'haitch' or 'aitch'. Where you went to work. And of course there were bus-stops. There was the fact that you created a political statement everywhere you went, and with everything you did, even if you didn't want to". *(Milkman - Anna Burns)* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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خوشی اور بشارت کے اسباب و ذرائع ۔۔۔۔۔۔ خطبہ جمعہ مسجد نبوی (اقتباس)۔۔ 25 جنوری 2019

From the blog seems77[image: No photo description available.] خوشی اور بشارت کے اسباب و ذرائع خطبہ جمعہ مسجد نبوی (اقتباس) 19 جمادی اولی 1440 بمطابق 25 جنوری 2019 امام و خطیب: ڈاکٹر جسٹس عبد المحسن بن محمد القاسم ترجمہ: شفقت الرحمٰن مغل بشکریہ: دلیل ویب فضیلۃ الشیخ ڈاکٹر جسٹس عبد المحسن بن محمد القاسم حفظہ اللہ نے 19 جمادی اولی 1440 کا خطبہ جمعہ "خوشی اور بشارت کے اسباب و ذرائع" کے عنوان پر مسجد نبوی میں ارشاد فرمایا، جس میں انہوں نے کہا کہ اسلام انسانی جذبات کا خیال رکھتا ہے اور ہمیشہ خوش رہنے کی تلقین کرتا ہے، دوسروں کو خوش رکھنا اسلام میں عبادت کا کام ہے، بشارت دینا انبیائے کرام کی سنت اور ذمہ داری بھی ہے، آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم بھی داعیان اسلام کو مختلف علاقوں میں بھیجتے ہوئے اس چیز کی خصوصی تلقین فرماتے تھے اور خود بھی اپنے صحابہ کو بشارتیں دیتے تھے۔ درج ذیل اعمال اور افراد کو اسلام میں بشارpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sailor on a busy Road

From the blog abdullah-afzalfew flashes from the past and i realized................... when i was driving today, i focused on the path which lay ahead.... round about, turns, lane, indicator, brake, red light......... In between i talked with my wife........... sang broken lines of songs for my daughter who sat behind.......... And rarely, very rarely, i glanced at the rear mirror...... what i left behind.......... Looking back helped me in making corrections ......... driving better............... I left places and people not because i wanted to..... because it was meant for...... I have to reach my destiny and i can't stop..... can't look back all the time...... But when i do, it strengthens me......helps me in driving better. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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خوشی اور بشارت کے اسباب و ذرائع ۔۔۔۔۔۔ خطبہ جمعہ مسجد نبوی (اقتباس)۔۔ 25 جنوری 2019

From the blog seems77[image: No photo description available.] خوشی اور بشارت کے اسباب و ذرائع خطبہ جمعہ مسجد نبوی (اقتباس) 19 جمادی اولی 1440 بمطابق 25 جنوری 2019 امام و خطیب: ڈاکٹر جسٹس عبد المحسن بن محمد القاسم ترجمہ: شفقت الرحمٰن مغل بشکریہ: دلیل ویب فضیلۃ الشیخ ڈاکٹر جسٹس عبد المحسن بن محمد القاسم حفظہ اللہ نے 19 جمادی اولی 1440 کا خطبہ جمعہ "خوشی اور بشارت کے اسباب و ذرائع" کے عنوان پر مسجد نبوی میں ارشاد فرمایا، جس میں انہوں نے کہا کہ اسلام انسانی جذبات کا خیال رکھتا ہے اور ہمیشہ خوش رہنے کی تلقین کرتا ہے، دوسروں کو خوش رکھنا اسلام میں عبادت کا کام ہے، بشارت دینا انبیائے کرام کی سنت اور ذمہ داری بھی ہے، آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم بھی داعیان اسلام کو مختلف علاقوں میں بھیجتے ہوئے اس چیز کی خصوصی تلقین فرماتے تھے اور خود بھی اپنے صحابہ کو بشارتیں دیتے تھے۔ درج ذیل اعمال اور افراد کو اسلام میں بشارpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Face in Mirror

From the blog iabhopal Show your best face to the mirror, and you will be happy with the face looking back at you. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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4 things to do every time you begin to write a blog post

From the blog flavorsinlife The questions of creating content for your blog comes first when you start a new blog. Even if you have defined your niche, done with brainstorming and mind mapping for the best fit keywords, you still have to strategically use the art of expressing yourself through your words. Words that bring value, information and portrays… The post 4 things to do every time you begin to write a blog post appeared first on Passive Income Blogging. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Adobe PDF Reader Cracked Apk All Features

From the blog penofmen Adobe created the PDF two decades ago and its PDF editor has remained the kingpin of the category, despite what many users felt was its exorbitant price. But a couple of years back, Acrobat adopted a cloud subscription model that now makes it more affordable for folks without an enterprise budget. [image: Image result for download button png] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Govt Extends Deadline for Mobile Phone Registration, Again!

From the blog propakistani The government has once again extended the deadline for smartphone registration for another 20 days, local media reports said. The media reports have quoted State Minister Hammad Azhar saying that the deadline for phone registration with Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has been pushed until February 15. He was quoted while addressing a ceremony related to World's Customs Day at Wahga Border today. He said the government is moving to make Pakistan a smuggling-free country and that after February 15, all the non-registered mobile phone will be blocked in the country. ------------------------------ ALSO READ Govt Has Reduced Taxes on Mobile Phones, Not Increased Them ------------------------------ He stated that the mini-budget was rolled out to introduce a business apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Part 2: History of Top Leadership Blunders in Pakistan

From the blog riazhaqWhat are the key sources of the current crises faced by Pakistan? Can any of these be traced to blunders committed years ago by Pakistani leaders? Here's part 2 of the discussion started earlier. Was it a blunder for General Zia to join the United States and Saudi Arabia in support of the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union in 1980s? Did it help achieve Pakistan's objective of weakening the Pashtun Nationalists led by Abdul Ghaffar Khan's son Abdul Wali Khan who opposed the creation of Pakistan? What if Pakistan had not supported the Afghan Resistance in 1980s? Did it promote militarization of religious fanatics in Pakistan? Was it a mistake for Benazir Bhutto to give birth to the Taliban? Was General Musharraf's seizure of Kargil heights in 1999 in Kashmir a blunder? How wapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Flappy Bird Mod APK No Falling/ Crash

From the blog penofmen Flappy Bird Mod APK – Behind this simplicity hides a great deceit – is extremely difficult to keep the bird Bird Flappi in position. Too late-click, or too early leads to touch the pipe. And still, Game Over. You can be angry, mad, throw the phone, but it's still you continue to play, for Flappy Bird is incredibly addictive. Now you can fly through all hurdles and make the most of it. High scores, brag with your friends or boast on you Facebook! We have got you covered, well, thank later, may be? Download link: [image: Image result for download button png] Just download the APK, install it as you'd do with any APK file (The same old method of turning Unknown sources feature on). As Google does not allow Modified APKs being against its business model. You can still manage to gepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Hasn't Changed its Policy Towards Israel: Foreign Office

From the blog propakistani Pakistan Foreign Office has categorically denied all the reports claiming that it has softened its policies towards the controversial state of Israel. The Spokesperson of Foreign Office, Dr. Mohammad Faisal, while responding a question during weekly press brief on Thursday, stated that there is no change in Islamabad's policy towards Tel Aviv. He was asked this question amid reports of a Jewish Pakistani being granted permission to visit Israel. Without commenting on the incident, Dr. Faisal said Pakistan's policies towards the Jewish state are unchanged. As per details, a Jewish Pakistani named Fishel Khalid had applied for permission through an app of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Oct 28. ------------------------------ ALSO READ First Ever Jewish Pakistani Granted Permipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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شِفاء اور شفا میں فرق

From the blog theajmals جو الفاظ ہم روز مرّہ بولتے ہیں اِن میں سے کچھ ہم غلط تلفّظ کے ساتھ بولتے ہیں اور ہمیں احساس ہی نہیں ہوتا کہ ہم غلط معنی والا لفظ بول رہے ہیں جبکہ بعض اوقت وہ معنی قابل سر زنش یا ندامت ہوتے ہیں میں ایک سے زیادہ بار لکھ چکا ہوں کہ پڑھنے اور مطالعہ کرنے میں فرق ہوتا ۔ پڑھنے سے آدمی پڑھ پُخت تو بن جاتا ہے لیکن عِلم سے محروم رہتا ہے ۔ ہر آدمی کو چاہیئے کہ ہر لفظ جو وہ پڑھے اس کے معنی اُسی وقت تلاش کر کے ذہن نشین کر لے ۔ جب وہ لفظ عادت بن جائے تو اپنی غلطی کا احساس ختم ہو جاتا اِس کی بنیادی وجہ یہ ہے کہ ہم دوسروں کے احتساب میں تو سرگرداں رہتے ہیں لیکن خود احتسابی کے قریب نہیں جاتے مسلمان ہونے کے ہم بڑے دعویدار ہیں لیکن الله کریم کا فرمان یا ہم غور سے پڑھتے ہی نہیں یعنی فر فر پڑھ جاتے ہیں اس پر غور نہیں کرتے کیونکہ الله عزّ و جل ہمیں خود احتسابی کا حکم دیا ہے اور عیب جُوئی سے منع فرمایاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کائنات کے سربستہ راز - 5

From the blog mahmoodulhaq"AMAZING" Formula: not a magic trick | There can be only one: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ISPR Rejects Indian Media's False Propaganda Against Pakistan Army

From the blog propakistani Pakistan Army has categorically denied an Indian newspaper's report that Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, approached his Indian counterpart for peace talks. A leading Indian newspaper reported today that the two army chiefs have served "together in a UN Peacekeeping force in Congo a decade ago" and that General Bajwa used his previous connection to bring India on peace table. Here's what Hindustan Times report said, "Gen Bajwa, concerned about Pakistan's international isolation and a faltering economy, quietly reached out to archrival India about resuming peace talks, but the response was tepid". According to the newspaper, the outreach was directed at Gen Rawat. The two army chiefs served together in a UN Peacekeeping force in Congo a decade ago, that report adpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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افغان اور پنجابی

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 23 جنوری 2019

From the blog seems77 ⇒ آج کی بات ⇐ جب لوگ آپ پر تنقید کرتے ہیں ، تو آپ کو اپنی خامیوں کا پتہ چلتا ہے۔ جب لوگ آپ سے حسد کرتے ہیں تو آپ کو اپنی خوبیوں کا پتہ چلتا ہے۔ تبصرہ کرکے اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں۔۔ شکریہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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4 most Weird Meat eating practises from around the world – Disgust alert!

From the blog cheflingtales When we think of different types of meat we would normally think of something like chicken or beef but as it turns out people will eat virtually anything that moves. Here are 4 animals you could never think off eating and yet some folks actually eat them. *Rats* *Image source: Google* When we look at rats the last thing we are thinking about is how it will taste dipped in the marinara sauce but people from southeastern Asian countries like Cambodia, Philippines, Burma, and Thailand actually eat them, sometimes even on a weekly basis. One of the main reasons for this was severe poverty and lack of proteins. This practice is still carried out on a large scale mainly in slums. *Dogs* *Image source: Google* In any normal situation we think of dogs and puppies as cute or maybe pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Full Text of Mini Budget Speech by Asad Umar, Minister Finance

From the blog propakistani Mr. Speaker It is an honor for me to present to the house a package of investment and export promotion measures for industrial revival which addresses all the key challenges that the economy is facing but also lays the foundations for macroeconomic stability and growth in coming years. Mr. Speaker Pakistan is confronted with serious economic challenges requiring strong corrective actions. These challenges are an outcome of weaknesses in the economy, making country vulnerable to external and internal shocks, and causing economic instability. While ominous signs were emerging in the economy as far back as 2016, the government was repeatedly urged to prevent the developing economic crises. Not only were no steps taken to arrest the trend of ballooning deficits but in fact a delpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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4 most Weird Meat eating practises from around the world – Disgust alert!

From the blog cheflingtales When we think of different types of meat we would normally think of something like chicken or beef but as it turns out people will eat virtually anything that moves. Here are 4 animals you could never think off eating and yet some folks actually eat them. *Rats* *Image source: Google* When we look at rats the last thing we are thinking about is how it will taste dipped in the marinara sauce but people from southeastern Asian countries like Cambodia, Philippines, Burma, and Thailand actually eat them, sometimes even on a weekly basis. One of the main reasons for this was severe poverty and lack of proteins. This practice is still carried out on a large scale mainly in slums. *Dogs* *Image source: Google* In any normal situation we think of dogs and puppies as cute or maybe pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 23 جنوری 2019

From the blog seems77 ⇒ آج کی بات ⇐ جب لوگ آپ پر تنقید کرتے ہیں ، تو آپ کو اپنی خامیوں کا پتہ چلتا ہے۔ جب لوگ آپ سے حسد کرتے ہیں تو آپ کو اپنی خوبیوں کا پتہ چلتا ہے۔ تبصرہ کرکے اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں۔۔ شکریہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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When nudge comes to shove: Demand for commitment in microfinance contracts

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Farah Said (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, CREB, Lahore School of Economics) attended the American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting held 4-6 January, 2019 in Atlanta, USA. The annual meeting, held in conjunction with the American Social Science Association (ASSA), comprises of over 500 paper and panel sessions allowing esteemed economists from around the world to present their work. The conference was an excellent opportunity to present cutting-edge research conducted at the Lahore School and receive feedback on on-going work. Ms. Said presented her paper "When nudge comes to shove: Demand for commitment in microfinance contracts", co-authored with Uzma Afzal (University of Nottingham), Giovanna d'Adda (University of Milan), Marcel Fafchamps (Stanford pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Post # 3 - Finding my mojo, not mojo jojo

From the blog beanbagtalesThe curses have come upon my writing. I think it's the 'my-writing-must-be-perfect' curse where I keep re-writing and editing and re-writing, eventually to delete it all. It can even be 'who-will-read-this?' curse which means that I almost always don't write what I feel like writing. Images of certain people (who shall not be named) keep popping into my mind as I write each word and you guessed it right, eventually the document finds its way into the trash bin. The worst one is the 'what-will-people-think?' curse which sort of hovers over everything I do. This final one usually stops me from sharing anything I write with anyone. Power Puff Girls reducing Mojo Jojo to a pulp So you see, I've lost my mojo. And I ain't no Power Puff girl to beat these curses to smithereens only tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Wishful thinking

From the blog snowysensationDoes IK needs a reminder that he is the Prime Minister and is responsible to provide justice to the victims of Sahiwal Incident?!? Advertisementspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 good and bad books that newbie bloggers must read

From the blog flavorsinlife For newbie bloggers, reading booth good and bad books of blogging are important. Yes ! the bad ones too, because it will not only tell you what you must do but also what you must not do ! Back when I knew nothing about blogging and I wanted to start from scratch, I decided to… The post 10 good and bad books that newbie bloggers must read appeared first on Passive Income Blogging. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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First day at KU

From the blog randomlyabstract First day after four years of being a student, i return to your premises with a role reversed. I notice you with new eyes, and a very conscious emotionality. You carry so many stories. And a piece of my heart. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چور کہیں کے!

From the blog urdu "وقت پہ سونا وقت پہ اٹھنا اچھا ہوتا ہے اور ویسے بھی راتوں کو تو الو جاگتے ہیں چور کہیں کے!"٭ وہ ہنس دی تھی میں بھی ہنسا تھا —– شبنم کے امکان سے باہر ایک نمی محسوس ہوئی سناٹے نے انگڑائی لے کر کچے خواب کو نگلا اور چوکنا ہو کر بیٹھ گیا —– […] یہ نگارش چور کہیں کے! اول اردو نگار پر شائع کی گئی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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First day at KU

From the blog randomlyabstract First day after four years of being a student, i return to your premises with a role reversed. I notice you with new eyes, and a very conscious emotionality. You carry so many stories. And a piece of my heart. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔ 22 جنوری 2019

From the blog seems77 ↖ آج کی بات ↗ اپنی خواہش کو کبھی ضرورت مت بنانا کیونکہ ضرورت مند پھر کبھی غیرت مند نہیں رہتا۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Inertia and Public Bureaucracy: The Imprint of Bureaucrat

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Shaheen Naseer, PhD, Assistant Professor at Lahore Schoolof Economics presented the paper, "Inertia and Public Bureaucracy: The Imprint of Bureaucrat", co-authored with Klaus Heine (Professor at Erasmus University), in the poster session at the American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting 4-6 January, 2019 held in Atlanta, USA. The American Economic Association (AEA) is the most prestigious professional Association for Economics scholars where the most eminent scholars in the field share their on going research. Shaheen shares that the poster session provided the unique opportunity to give a discussion/ presentation of their work for the entire three days of the conference in the AEA highly visible location. This was a great opportunity to showcase our research and get tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What am I wearing?

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore Girls : What am I wearing?, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Blame Game Continues

From the blog snowysensation The incomplete JIT report is here and it confirms that the driver,'Zeeshan', was a terrorist. The so called 'operation' was done on the information provided by the Intelligence Agencies! The Operation was done in such a professional way that they opened fire at the car after hitting the car and the car stopped. Then they took out minor children and opened fire again and then left the children at a petrol station. Wow! I mean it is the same old Pakistan not the 'Naya Pakistan' as it was claimed to be by the C.M. Buzdar or Chauhaan or F. Chaudhary! The CTD officers, who carried out the so-called operation, will be tried under the section 320 and the I.G being transferred or dismissed. How can the higher officials roam around freely like that. Is this how an organisations carry opakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Imprisoned Saudi Scholar dies – Another victim of MBS

From the blog mtrtmk Prominent Saudi scholar Ahmed al-Amari dies in prison: Activists … Yahya Assiri, director of the London-based ALQST rights group, said al-Amari was arrested from his home in August amid a crackdown that also included the arrest of one of his close associates, Muslim scholar Safar al-Hawali. Al-Hawali, 68, was detained shortly after he published a 3,000-page book which included attacks on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and the ruling Saudi royal family over their ties to Israel. … pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Opposition comes together against govt.

From the blog mehmalPakistan's Opposition parties have finally come together and forged an alliance against the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. On Tuesday, Leader of the Opposition Shehbaz Sharif hosted a lunch in his chamber at Parliament House for other Opposition leaders. Interestingly, this luncheon meeting was attended by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leadership in full force. Former President Asif Ali Zardari and party chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, after meeting Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Mr. Sharif, announced a joint political strategy. Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry termed this alliance an 'alliance for the restoration of corruption'. He was alluding to the corruption cases against the leadership of both parties. Former Prime Minister Nawaz Shapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What 'tabdeeli'?!

From the blog snowysensation Sahiwal massacre has left it's marks deep upon my soul. I still can not fathom the fact that the killers are still at large. The Prime Minister has said that after he returns from Qatar, he will give 'exemplary punishment' to those involved and will bring reforms in thr Police Department. The Law Minister still claims that the driver that was killed was a terrorist and the family was 'collateral damage'. There are a numbers of questions raised with the incident that need to be addressed and Prime Minister thought that Qatar visit is of prime importance rather than providing justice to those who were murdered brutally in cold blood. The Prime Minister has waited this long to bring reforms in the Police Department! The DPO Pakpatan was transferred within a night when he stopped pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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History of Top Leadership Blunders in Pakistan Part 1

From the blog riazhaqWhat are the key sources of the current crises faced by Pakistan? Can any of these be traced to blunders committed years ago by Pakistani leaders? Pakistan's Gen AK Niazi Signing Surrender in East Pakistan Was it a blunder for Pakistan's founders to align with the United States early on? What was the alternative for a nascent cash-strapped state that faced imminent economic collapse? Who other than the United States had the deep pockets to help Pakistan in 1947 when the Soviet Union, Europe and Japan lay in ruins at the end of WW II? Would the construction of big dams and irrigation system in Pakistan have happened without the US help? Would the Green Revolution have come about if the US did not help? US Aid in 66 Years Was the passage of the Objectives Resolution in 1949 among thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hard Work

From the blog iabhopal Hard work never killed any body but, general outlook is, why take a chance ? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog snowysensation My taya( father's elder brother) was shot dead 9 years ago when he tried to stop the burglars from snatching the phone away from my husband at the gates of his resident. I did not witness the exact moment as I was inside his house while he was greeting my husband. But I can not still detach myself from the exact memories of that night, I still feel these pangs of pain inside my heart whenever I recall that incident, sometimes I just sit still and recount those moments in my head. Sometimes I can not still believe that my uncle just passed away in an instant, in a second, without any goodbyes, without any last words to us, his sons and his daughters. My husband has not yet gotten over the trauma of actually seeing an old man being shot dead in span of seconds as that old man tripakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سمندر کی تہہ سے کھربوں ٹن پانی زمین کی گہرائی میں جانیکا انکشاف

From the blog theajmals زلزلے کے نتیجے میں زمین کی اندرونی پرت (ٹیکٹونک پلیٹس) کے ٹوٹنے اور اس عمل سے جڑی سرگرمیوں کے نتیجے میں سمندر کا پانی بھاری مقدار میں کرۂ ارض میں 20؍ میل تک گہرائی میں جا رہا ہے۔ اور، حیران کن بات یہ ہے کہ سائنسدانوں کو معلوم نہیں کہ یہ سلسلہ کب رکے گا اور اس کا نتیجہ کیا ہوگا۔ سائنس میگزین اور لائیو سائنس کی رپورٹ میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ دنیا بھر کے سمندروں کے گہرے ترین مقام ماریانہ ٹرینچ (Mariana Trench) میں زلزلہ پیما ماہرین کی ٹیم نے ایک نئی تحقیق کے بعد بتایا ہے کہ زمین کے اندرونی حصے (Subduction Zones) گزشتہ اندازوں کے مقابلے میں پانی کی تین گنا زیادہ مقدار اپنی جانب کھینچ رہے ہیں۔ آسان الفاظ میں یوں کہا جا سکتا ہے کہ سمندر کی تہہ میں زلزلے کے نتیجے میں آنے والی دراڑوں سے پانی بہہ کر زمین کے اندر جا رہا ہے۔ نئے تخمینوں سے معلوم ہوا ہے کہ یہ مقدار ہر دس لاکھ سال میں تین اربpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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2-Days First Aid with CPR & AED – Karachi – April 8-9

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeFirst Aid to Save a Life (FATSAL) is pleased to announce 2-days "CPR, AED & First Aid" hands-on training in Karachi on April 8-9, 2019. The course fee is =6,000/- PKR per person inclusive of course notes, certification, quick wallet card, refreshment/s & lunch. The … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Leading French Travel Agency Returns to Pakistan After a Decade

From the blog propakistani It seems like Prime Minister Imran Khan's efforts to improve Pakistan's tourism industry have finally started to bear fruit as a renowned French tour agency has decided to re-enter the country after a decade. Terres d'Aventure, known for adventure travel, hiking and trekking have announced trip packages for Pakistan for the lovers of high mountains, a French magazine Tour Mag reported. According to the French article, the operators have planned four trips, ranging from 17 to 24 days to Pakistan's Karakoram Range. "A hike for 13 days along the Baltoro glacier to the famous Concordia site, then on to the base camp of K2, the most beautiful mountain in the world according to mountaineers, and then to Gondogoro La (5 585m), from where one can view an exceptional panorama of four epakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hidden Girls Numbers in Used Handsets

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Mobile Phone Numbers : Hidden Girls Numbers in Used Handsets, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Reasons to Get Insured before you Travel!

From the blog smartchoice The benefits of travelling are not just a one-time thing: travelling changes you physically and psychologically. Having little time or money isn't a valid excuse. You can fly for cheap very easily. If you have a full-time job and a family, you can still travel on the weekends or holidays, even with a baby. Traveling Improves Your Health it cut down's on stress, to lower chances of developing heart disease, the health benefits of travelling are huge. It helps you learn about yourself. You might run into challenging situations where you need to be resourceful and think differently, that will develop a new set of skills that you didn't suspect you had within you. Who do you think people want to listen to: the guy who spent his vacations at home doing some gardening and reading thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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حوصلے دیدہء بیدار کے سو جاتے ہیں ۔۔۔ لیاقت علی عاصم

From the blog ranaii-e-khayal غزل حوصلے دیدہ ٴ بیدار کے سو جاتے ہیں نیند کب آتی ہے تھک ہار کے سو جاتے ہیں چاہتے ہیں رہیں بیدار غمِ یار کے ساتھ اور پہلو میں غمِ یار کے سو جاتے ہیں روز کا قصہ ہے یہ معرکہ ٴ یاس و اُمید جیت کر ہارتے ہیں، ہار کے سو جاتے ہیں ڈھیرہوجاتی ہے وحشت کسی آغوش کے پاس سلسلے سب رم و رفتار کے سو جاتے ہیں سونے دیتے ہیں کہاں شہر کے حالات مگر ہم بھی سفاک ہیں جی مار کے سو جاتے ہیں لیاقت علی عاصمؔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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رازِ نمازِ محبت

From the blog seems77[image: Image result for ‫نماز‬‎] رازِ نمازِ محبت حیا ایشم نماز اللہ کا حکم ہے اور حکم، پناہِ محبت ہے! نماز اللہ کی چاہ ہے اور اللہ کی چاہ افضل ہوتی ہے نماز عطا ہے، اور اس میں نفس کی آزمائش ہے! فرض میں نفس کی کشمکش آزمائش بن کر آتی ہے، مگر اسی کشمکش میں نفس کی قربانی، اللہ کو خود سپردگی آسانی عطا کرتی ہے الحمدللہ! واقعی ہم حقیقی معنوں میں نماز کا کیف نہیں پا سکتے اگر ہم عالم غفلت میں نماز ادا کر رہے ہیں۔ اللہ پاک کی باتیں ، اللہ پاک کے احکام بہت گہرے مفاہیم لیئے ہوتے ہیں القرآن، سورۃ الواقعہ میں اللہ پاک نے فرمایا: نہیں چھوتے اسے (قرآن) مگر وہی جو پاک ہیں! اب دیکھا جائے تو کوئی ناپاکی کے عالم میں بھی قرآن کو چھو ہی لیتا ہے، بظاہر حکم ہے کہ پاک ہو کر ہاتھ لگاؤ، مگر باطنی مفہوم میں سمجھا جائے تو جیسے اللہ پاک نے قرآن کا راز دل کی، روح کی پاکیزگی میں لازم و ملزوم کر دیا ہےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Official Anthem of PSL 4 Released [Video]

From the blog propakistani The official anthem for the fourth edition of Pakistan Super League (PSL 4) has been released. The song is sung by singer-turned-actor, Fawad Khan and the rapper Young Desi. The song titled 'Ye Khel Deewano ka' is already taking PSL fans by storm just as previous songs of the league have. In all three previous seasons, PSL anthem was written, composed and sung by Ali Zafar. However, the singer-cum-actor missed the opportunity due to 'jam-packed schedule.' "I had packed schedule and due to which I was unavailable which I had informed the board as well," Ali said while speaking to a local TV. In his absence, Pakistani heartthrob Fawad Khan has sung it, while Shuja Haider has composed and written it. The fourth season of the league will start from February 14th at Dubai with a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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رازِ نمازِ محبت

From the blog seems77[image: Image result for ‫نماز‬‎] رازِ نمازِ محبت حیا ایشم نماز اللہ کا حکم ہے اور حکم، پناہِ محبت ہے! نماز اللہ کی چاہ ہے اور اللہ کی چاہ افضل ہوتی ہے نماز عطا ہے، اور اس میں نفس کی آزمائش ہے! فرض میں نفس کی کشمکش آزمائش بن کر آتی ہے، مگر اسی کشمکش میں نفس کی قربانی، اللہ کو خود سپردگی آسانی عطا کرتی ہے الحمدللہ! واقعی ہم حقیقی معنوں میں نماز کا کیف نہیں پا سکتے اگر ہم عالم غفلت میں نماز ادا کر رہے ہیں۔ اللہ پاک کی باتیں ، اللہ پاک کے احکام بہت گہرے مفاہیم لیئے ہوتے ہیں القرآن، سورۃ الواقعہ میں اللہ پاک نے فرمایا: نہیں چھوتے اسے (قرآن) مگر وہی جو پاک ہیں! اب دیکھا جائے تو کوئی ناپاکی کے عالم میں بھی قرآن کو چھو ہی لیتا ہے، بظاہر حکم ہے کہ پاک ہو کر ہاتھ لگاؤ، مگر باطنی مفہوم میں سمجھا جائے تو جیسے اللہ پاک نے قرآن کا راز دل کی، روح کی پاکیزگی میں لازم و ملزوم کر دیا ہےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A new Charter of Democracy?

From the blog mehmalOn January 15, Prime Minister Imran Khan tweeted: "In a Parliament that costs taxpayers billions yearly, yet another walkout in NA by the Opposition shows that this is the only function they intend to perform. These are pressure tactics to seek an NRO & evade accountability for corruption in NAB cases not initiated by PTI." PM Khan's tweet comes a day after the Opposition staged a walkout in the National Assembly when Federal Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda started to respond to Leader of the Opposition Shahbaz Sharif's criticism of the Mohmand Dam contract. In response to his tweet, many reminded PM Khan of his absence from parliament in the last few months. Others reminded him of his promise to have a Q&A session on a fortnightly basis in parliament, which has yet topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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New Year Updates

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeNew year, new hopes, lot of new things to learn and lot of new promises to be made. Everyone likes to think they are different. We are the same but let me assure you its not just talk. Frankly, we try … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shutting down online #fakenews factories

From the blog beenasarwar [image: hitler-wa-e1547852735707.jpg] Got this email and image from Avaaz, subject line, "We've been hijacked", that feels too important not to share. Here's my biggest takeaway from it: During Brazil's election, Avaaz ran an experiment — just six people were given basic training to investigate the propaganda networks, and *they shut down online fake news factories that reached *16 million* people*. Imagine what ten times as many could do! Here's more: The internet was supposed to connect all of humanity like never before — beyond any boundaries, race or religion. But the fascist forces that led the world into darkness 80 years ago are spreading their tentacles again, deploying vast armies of fake accounts to turn us against each other. *To make us distrust, hate, even **kilpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نمکین غزل : اُڑاتے روز تھے انڈے پراٹھے

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalنمکین غزل اُڑاتے روز تھے انڈے پراٹھے پر اب کھاتے ہیں ہر سنڈے پراٹھے یہاں ہم کھا رہے ہیں چائے روٹی وہاں کھاتے ہیں مسٹنڈے پراٹھے ترستے لقمہ ٴ تر کو ہیں اب تو وہ کیا دن تھے کہ تھے فن ڈے، پراٹھے کہا بیگم رعایت ایک دن کی پکا لیجے گا اِس منڈے پراٹھے کہا بیگم نے ہے پرہیز بہتر بہت کھاتے ہو مُسٹنڈے پراٹھے زمانہ یاد ہے اسکول والا کہ جب کھاتے تھے تم ڈنڈے، پراٹھے کئی فرمائشیں مانی ہیں میں نے بنے بیگم کے ہتھکنڈے، پراٹھے چلو احمد ؔ منگائیں گرم چائے ہوئے جاتے ہیں سب ٹھنڈے پراٹھے محمد احمدؔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کائنات کے سر بستہ راز- 4

From the blog mahmoodulhaqکیا وہ آسمانوں اور زمین کی بادشاہی سمیت اللہ تعالی کی تمام مخلوقات میں غور و فکر نہیں کرتےـ سورۃ الاعراف آیت 185 چار ماہ قبل کائنات کے سربستہ راز کے نام سے میں نے جس موضوع کا آغاز کیا تھا۔ اس کے اندر چھپا راز جس طرح مجھ پر آشکار ہوا ،میرے لئے حیرانگی کا سبب نہیں تھا کیونکہ میرا اس بات پر مکمل اور کامل یقین ہے کہ اس کائنات میں پیدا ہوئی ہر شے اللہ تعالی کی قدرت کا مظہر ہے اور میرا یہی یقین جستجو اور تلاش کے سفر پر گامزن رہا، جو بالآخر اپنے منطقی نتیجہ کی طرف مجھے لے گیا۔ اللہ تبارک تعالی کی رضا و رحمت سے جو مجھ پر منکشف ہوا، وہ ناقابل یقین، حیرت انگیز، عقل دنگ کردینے والے حقائق پر مبنی ہے،جو قدرت پر ہمارے یقین اور ایمان کو مزید استحکام بخشتاہے۔ 4300 سال سے اب تک لو شو میجک سکوئر جو کہ ایک کچھوے کی پشت پر ظاہر ہوئے تھے کوہندسوں کے ٹوٹل کا جادو سمجھا جاتا رہا ہے۔ دراصل وہ صرف نpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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مباش منکرِ غالبؔ

From the blog urdu آدمیوں کی طباعی اور ذہانت آج کل اس پیمانے سے ماپی جاتی ہے کہ وہ کن چیزوں پر سوال اٹھا سکتے ہیں۔ میں اس مقیاس کو بہت ناقص سمجھتا ہوں کیونکہ سوال تو آپ ان چیزوں پر بھی اٹھا سکتے ہیں جن کا آپ کو کچھ علم یا تجربہ ہی نہ ہو اور وہ درحقیقت […] یہ نگارش مباش منکرِ غالبؔ اول اردو نگار پر شائع کی گئی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Exported 80 Super Mushshak Aircraft in Last 5 Years

From the blog propakistani Promising signs for Pakistan's aviation industry; Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) has announced that they have built and exported 80 Mushshak aircraft during the last 5 years. According to details, some aircraft are in the final stages of their completion and after that, they will be exported to their respective consumer countries. ------------------------------ ALSO READ Pakistan to Buy 48 Drones from China in 'Largest Arms Deal' of Its Kind ------------------------------ This was all revealed to the Senate's Standing Committee on Defence Production during their visit to the PAC, Kamra under the leadership of Lieutenant General (Retd) Abdul Qayyum. ------------------------------ ALSO READ PAF is Adding 28 Fourth Gen JF-17 Thunder Jets to its Fleet -----------------------pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کامیابی کا تین نکاتی نبوی نسخہ - خطبہ جمعہ مسجد نبوی (اقتباس) ۔11 جنوری 2019

From the blog seems77 کامیابی کا تین نکاتی نبوی نسخہ خطبہ جمعہ مسجد نبوی (اقتباس) 05 جمادی الاولی 1440 بمطابق 11 جنوری 2019 امام و خطیب: ڈاکٹر عبد الباری بن عواض ثبیتی ترجمہ: شفقت الرحمٰن مغل بشکریہ: دلیل ویب فضیلۃ الشیخ ڈاکٹر عبد الباری بن عواض ثبیتی حفظہ اللہ نے مسجد نبوی میں 05 جمادی الاولی 1440 کا خطبہ جمعہ " کامیابی کا تین نکاتی نبوی نسخہ" کے عنوان پر ارشاد فرمایا جس میں انہوں نے کہا کہ زندگی میں کامیابی ہر انسان کی اولین چاہت ہے اور اسی کے لئے کوشش بھی کرتا ہے تو نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے ایک ہی حدیث میں کامیابی کے تین نکات بتلا دئیے ہیں کہ 1) صرف مفید سرگرمیوں اور کاموں پر توجہ دو، 2) اللہ سے مدد طلب کرتے رہو 3) اور سستی مت دکھاؤ، پھر اپنے خطبے میں تین نکات کی تفصیلات اور وضاحت بیان کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ یہ حدیث سستی ، کاہلی سے ہٹ کر ملک و قوم کے لئے کچھ مثبت کر دکھانے کی ترغیب دلاتی ہے، یہ حدیثpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پچھلی حکومت کے قصور کی ہسٹری

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I love wearing red tights!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : I love wearing red tights!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of street poor children shivering in snow] Chechnya On the corner of the lane In ashen grim evening The freezing wind stopped For a moment—- Glanced at the shivering children Singing them the frosty lullaby Covered them with snow quilt And you! You're so weird Call them snow-angels ……. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Post # 2 - Goals Galore

From the blog beanbagtalesOne of my closest friends and myself made this pact a couple of years back that we'll try and meet each month. We did well the first year and almost met our target. The second year we managed to meet 4-5 times and in the third year (which was 2018) we met twice. Any guesses to the one resolution that we've both made this year?! Making resolutions is easy. It's the following them through which is hard. I've been thinking a lot about my inability to make my resolutions happen and the honest truth is that I expect miracles. I expect the universe to get into action and get the wheels within wheels moving just because I've made a list. And we all know that's not how the universe works. *Ideal goal list - write, read, party & smell the roses!*So how is this year going to be differentpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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روح تک چھید ہوئے آنکھ کے فرمائے ہوئے

From the blog urdu روح تک چھید ہوئے آنکھ کے فرمائے ہوئے سینے کچھ اور پھٹے سانس کے برمائے ہوئے جس میں سرمائے کو سرمایہ سمجھ بیٹھے لوگ اسی بیوپار میں غارت سبھی سرمائے ہوئے کعبہ مانیں بھی تو کیوں شیخ و برہمن دل کو چار پتھر بھی نہیں عشق کے نرمائے ہوئے زندگی زندہ دلی میل ملاقات سے […] یہ نگارش روح تک چھید ہوئے آنکھ کے فرمائے ہوئے اول اردو نگار پر شائع کی گئی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I will Create a Website for You

From the blog blog Do you want me to create a WordPress website for you? If you want to get your website designed by me, then you can select from three of the following introductory packages. [image: Create a WordPress Website Packages]Introductory Website Design packages – *click* for full details I designed my first website in 1998. And haven't really stopped since then. This is the first time I am offering website design as a stand alone service on a site like *Fiverr*. Click image to see my Website Design gig at Fiverr – order there So if you ever thought about getting a website for your business… If you ever thought of getting a blog for your creativity… If you ever thought about having a place of business online… Then click here to select the package and *inshAllah* LETS DO THIS! [imagepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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On the stairway of December

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of staircase in winter] On the stairway of December When winter wearily and slowly Steps on the stairs of December A figure wrapped in fog and Lonesomeness, asks a black stone to get up. Why wait lie there In gloominess and UN noticed. Accept the truth that No rain can wash the mayhem of Misfortune ………… pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A space of one's own

From the blog beenasarwar *"Your walks are such a contrast to the events in Gujranwala in response to the women's marathon," wrote Saneeya Hussain in response to my Personal Political column published in The News on Sunday on 3 April 2005. "I keep thinking Pakistan shd change its name to Absurdistan or some such thing". (**Remember the women's marathon?)* *Since the article is not available on the web anymore I thought I'd post it here. The photo is more recent but since I wrote this piece in 2005, w**hat has changed and what remains the same? * *Seaview beach, early morning. Photo: Beena Sarwar, 2016* PERSONAL POLITICAL A space of one's own Beena Sarwar One of my favourite things to do in Karachi is to go for a walk at Seaview beach early in the morning. When I first started doing this a couple of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PM's Task Force Recommends to Remove Taxes on Internet

From the blog propakistani Prime Minister's Task Force on IT and Telecom today proposed that the 12.5% Advance Income Tax on Internet must be zeroed. Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui chaired 2nd meeting of Prime Minister's Task Force on IT and Telecom at the committee room of Ministry of IT on Tuesday. Federal Secretary Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication Maroof Afzal also present in meeting. Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman attended meeting as co-chairman of PM Task Force on IT and Telecom. The three Sub Task Forces on IT, Telecom, and Human Resource Development gave recommendations regarding IT, Telecom and HRD sectors. The Sub Task Force on IT gave recommendation for setting up of special technology zones in the country for enhancingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سیاسی وابستگی

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Week of Fun!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Week of Fun!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پیٹھ پیچھے بات

From the blog theajmals والد صاحب نے کہا " انسان کو کسی کی عدم موجودگی میں وہی بات کرنا چاہیئے جو وہ اس کے منہ پر بھی دہرا سکے"۔ بات معمولی سی تھی مگر میں نے اس پر عمل بڑا مشکل پایا ہے۔ ہاں جب کبھی اس پر عمل پیرا ہونے کی توفیق ملی ہے اس وقت زندگی بڑی ہلکی اور آسان محسوس ہوئی ہے قدرت الله شہاب pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog randomlyabstract I am erasing every remnant of you because: a) it doesn't matter anymore? b) I hope it would stop mattering like this? 22-Aug-2016 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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75,000 Doctors in Pakistan Have Expired Registrations: Parliamentary Panel

From the blog propakistani A parliamentary panel was informed on Monday that there are 75000 doctors in Pakistan whose registrations have expired. The meeting of the Sub-Committee on National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination was held on Monday under the Convenership of Senator Dr. Ashok Kumar. The meeting was attended by Senator Dr. Asad Ashraf, Senator Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, Senator Kulsoom Parveen and senior officers of the National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination, Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP). The meeting was called to probe issues of registration of doctors with PMDC, fake medical practitioners and the production and sale of substandard medical products. Senator Kulsoom Parveen stressed the need for this pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog randomlyabstract I am erasing every remnant of you because: a) it doesn't matter anymore? b) I hope it would stop mattering like this? 22-Aug-2016 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A blessing in disguise?

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics By Dr Rashid Amjad Over the last 30 years, Pakistan has signed as many as 12 agreements with the IMF. Only one was fully completed. In almost each case, the IMF left hoping that, this time, Pakistan would deliver on the almost impossible-to-implement conditionalities it had imposed. The Pakistan team left extremely unsure of how they would meet these conditionalities, already thinking of excuses or 'waivers' The situation was aptly described by Dr Meekal Ahmed, who worked for many years with Pakistan's representative to the IMF, as "a road to nowhere". Post-1990, Pakistan's growth plunged from a healthy rate of around six per cent in the preceding 30 years to just over half this number. The IMF attributed this downturn to Pakistan having failed to implement the agreed economicpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Boyfriend Playing

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore Girls : Boyfriend Playing, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Building Bridges through Religious Tourism

From the blog kashifshahzadaREGRETTABLY, the popular image of Islam in the contemporary world is that of an intolerant faith. This notion is perpetuated by media images of destruction of heritage sites and religious artefacts that are sacred to non-Muslims at the hands of religious militants in conflict zones. By citing such incidents, critics are able to point fingersContinue reading "Building Bridges through Religious Tourism"pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Good Men

From the blog iabhopal Men are like parking spots, the good-ones are taken and the free-ones are handicapped. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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افسانہ: فریاد کی لے​

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalفریاد کی لے​ از محمد احمدؔ​ وہ اِس وقت ذہنی اور جسمانی طور پر بالکل مستعد تھا۔ بس انتظار تھا کہ مولوی صاحب سلام پھیریں اور وہ نماز ختم کرکے اپنا کام شروع کر دے۔ اُس نے اپنے ذہن میں اُن لفظوں کو بھی ترتیب دے لیا تھا جو اُس نے حاضرینِ مسجد سے مخاطب ہو کر کہنا تھے۔ جیسے ہی مولوی صاحب نے سلام پھیر ااُس نے بھی تقریباً ساتھ ساتھ ہی سلام پھیرا اور ایک جھٹکے سے اُٹھا لیکن عین اُس وقت کہ جب اُس کو کھڑا ہو کر اپنی فریاد لوگوں تک پہنچانی تھی اُس کی قمیص کا دامن اُسی کے پاؤں تلے آ گیا اور ایک دم سے اُٹھنے کی کوشش کے باعث دامن چاک سے لے کر کافی اُوپر تک پھٹ گیا۔ ابھی وہ قمیص کا جائزہ ہی لے رہا تھا کہ ہال کے دوسرے کنارے سے ایک آواز سُنائی دی۔ "میرے بھائیو! میں اور میرے گھر والے تین روز سے ۔۔۔۔" رُندھی ہوئی آواز میں شروع ہوا یہ جملہ بیچ راستے میں ہی دم توڑ گیا۔ اِس وقت کسی غیر متوقع "حریف" سےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog odysseuslahoriGrasses, sere and brown in late September, sway and bend in the stiff cold breeze, their movement frenzied as if trying to escape the chill and only failing. The solitary green is a lone bush that looks like buckthorn but its leaves are all but gone and identification is impossible for a layman. Other than that, the wind-scoured whaleback peak, 2,710 metres above the sea, is strewn with nodules of limestone. Stretching north-south, Khawaja Amran lies some 25 kilometres due south of Chaman town in Balochistan and has long been a site of pilgrimage. There, they say, a saint of old is buried who answers prayers of childless parents to bequeath upon them progeny to their heart's desire. In Chaman, about two decades ago, I asked about the provenance of the saint, but the man who sapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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