Government Expects to Level Off Circular Debt in Power Sector This Year
From the blog propakistani Minister for Power Omar Ayub Khan has said that the circular debt in the power sector is expected to level off soon and will hopefully start falling this year. The minister said that a massive investment from China has helped reduce the power outage, but more time is required to control the damages caused by years of mismanagement. He stated that the circular debt, which currently stands at Rs. 1.4 trillion ($10.1 billion), will begin to come down after the hike in electricity tariffs. "All of a sudden, after January 1, you have a leveling off of the circular debt, because the new tariff has kicked in," Khan said on Tuesday. He said that the government plans to pay off the arrears from the previous years with extra revenue accumulated from the hike in tariff. Within three topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post