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A space of one's own

From the Blog beenasarwar *"Your walks are such a contrast to the events in Gujranwala in response to the women's marathon," wrote Saneeya Hussain in response to my Personal Political column published in The News on Sunday on 3 April 2005. "I keep thinking Pakistan shd change its name to Absurdistan or some such thing". (**Remember the women's marathon?)* *Since the article is not available on the web anymore I thought I'd post it here. The photo is more recent but since I wrote this piece in 2005, w**hat has changed and what remains the same? * *Seaview beach, early morning. Photo: Beena Sarwar, 2016* PERSONAL POLITICAL A space of one's own Beena Sarwar One of my favourite things to do in Karachi is to go for a walk at Seaview beach early in the morning. When I first started doing this a couple of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1469690031669735598 Pakistani Blog Posts


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