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Three Restaurants with some of the best views in Pakistan

From the Blog cheflingtales One of the most important factors for any major restaurant is the view it offers to its customers. Here are three restaurants with undeniably impressive views. This list is based on the scenic beauty offered by these establishments. *Kolachi do Darya (Karachi)* Kolachi do Darya is located on the coastline of Karachi. From the main seating area, the view of the ocean is undeniably mesmerizing. The cold breeze coming from the ocean while you enjoy your meal under the moonlight. This restaurant, however, opens after 6 pm. Kolachi serves some the best Desi dishes in Karachi especially their barbecue section. The staff at kolachi is also very well trained and attentive. *Food Specialty: * Malai boti *Monal (Islamabad)* Monal is atop the Margalla Hills in Islamabad. It offers a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog randomlyabstractI mean if you didn't pronounce Chaos as ˈkeɪɒs you would of course call it cha-os. Hello weirdness and lack of presence. Internal presence. LITERALLY, I mean, I could very well call it quits now. Where it = this thing I am thinking about aka with a blank mind. I don't wanna call it ˈkeɪɒs … Continue reading Chaospakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2456444609127737886 Pakistani Blog Posts


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