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From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of street poor children shivering in snow] Chechnya On the corner of the lane In ashen grim evening The freezing wind stopped For a moment—- Glanced at the shivering children Singing them the frosty lullaby Covered them with snow quilt And you! You're so weird Call them snow-angels ……. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Post # 2 - Goals Galore

From the Blog beanbagtalesOne of my closest friends and myself made this pact a couple of years back that we'll try and meet each month. We did well the first year and almost met our target. The second year we managed to meet 4-5 times and in the third year (which was 2018) we met twice. Any guesses to the one resolution that we've both made this year?! Making resolutions is easy. It's the following them through which is hard. I've been thinking a lot about my inability to make my resolutions happen and the honest truth is that I expect miracles. I expect the universe to get into action and get the wheels within wheels moving just because I've made a list. And we all know that's not how the universe works. *Ideal goal list - write, read, party & smell the roses!*So how is this year going to be differentpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4515464791499770246 Pakistani Blog Posts


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