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CPR and Choking Care Workshop – Lahore – March 30 & 31

From the Blog firstaidtosavealifeCardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at any age, anytime, anywhere. Are you prepared to give care (CPR) to save lives? Yes or NO? What next then? Get trained. Save a life. You will be glad you did. FATSAL is pleased … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Hitting The Right Notes: Pakistani Music's Comeback

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* After refining her craft in music production in Canada for five years, Haniya Aslam, returned to Pakistan last year to pick up from where she left off. A part of the local music scene for over a decade, Aslam thinks that the new phase in Pakistani music, that's swiftly unfolding, is an exciting one. Haniya Aslam. Photo courtesy of: Coke Studio "I've been noticing a lot of young musicians who are really blowing my mind," she says, "They're all experimenting in completely different styles of music and the quality of their songwriting and production is *so* much better that what we were doing in our time." Having produced 'Maa Behn Ka Danda,' an anthem against patriarchy by the Pakistani girl band, Garam Anday, in 2018, Aslam believes that the revival of Pakistpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4477587683674001514 Pakistani Blog Posts


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