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What 'tabdeeli'?!

From the Blog snowysensation Sahiwal massacre has left it's marks deep upon my soul. I still can not fathom the fact that the killers are still at large. The Prime Minister has said that after he returns from Qatar, he will give 'exemplary punishment' to those involved and will bring reforms in thr Police Department. The Law Minister still claims that the driver that was killed was a terrorist and the family was 'collateral damage'. There are a numbers of questions raised with the incident that need to be addressed and Prime Minister thought that Qatar visit is of prime importance rather than providing justice to those who were murdered brutally in cold blood. The Prime Minister has waited this long to bring reforms in the Police Department! The DPO Pakpatan was transferred within a night when he stopped pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2650003176824859426 Pakistani Blog Posts


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