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Post # 3 - Finding my mojo, not mojo jojo

From the Blog beanbagtalesThe curses have come upon my writing. I think it's the 'my-writing-must-be-perfect' curse where I keep re-writing and editing and re-writing, eventually to delete it all. It can even be 'who-will-read-this?' curse which means that I almost always don't write what I feel like writing. Images of certain people (who shall not be named) keep popping into my mind as I write each word and you guessed it right, eventually the document finds its way into the trash bin. The worst one is the 'what-will-people-think?' curse which sort of hovers over everything I do. This final one usually stops me from sharing anything I write with anyone. Power Puff Girls reducing Mojo Jojo to a pulp So you see, I've lost my mojo. And I ain't no Power Puff girl to beat these curses to smithereens only tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Wishful thinking

From the Blog snowysensationDoes IK needs a reminder that he is the Prime Minister and is responsible to provide justice to the victims of Sahiwal Incident?!? Advertisementspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3279930578419632859 Pakistani Blog Posts


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