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4 most Weird Meat eating practises from around the world – Disgust alert!

From the Blog cheflingtales When we think of different types of meat we would normally think of something like chicken or beef but as it turns out people will eat virtually anything that moves. Here are 4 animals you could never think off eating and yet some folks actually eat them. *Rats* *Image source: Google* When we look at rats the last thing we are thinking about is how it will taste dipped in the marinara sauce but people from southeastern Asian countries like Cambodia, Philippines, Burma, and Thailand actually eat them, sometimes even on a weekly basis. One of the main reasons for this was severe poverty and lack of proteins. This practice is still carried out on a large scale mainly in slums. *Dogs* *Image source: Google* In any normal situation we think of dogs and puppies as cute or maybe pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 980597717132710408 Pakistani Blog Posts


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