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Aaj Ka Cartoon......

From the blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Adultery vs. Rape: A clear example of shortsightedness

From the blog dildilpakistanAlthough there are contradictory views on "human cloning" as well, the topic here is a recommendation of Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) in terms of "adultery and rape". From media reports, it does not seem like they differentiated between adultery and rape. And this is the main point of discussion. As stated in a comment […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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UK guilty of illegal imprisonment

From the blog mtrtmk U.K. Admits to Holding Dozens Without Charge in Afghanistan The British government has admitted to holding up to 85 people without charge in Afghanistan. The prisoners have been jailed at Camp Bastion for as long as 14 months, with no charges or indication of a pending trial. Phil Shiner of Britain's Public Interest Lawyers denounced their imprisonment. Phil Shiner: "People are being detained indefinitely, incommunicado. No one knows that they are — where they are, until today. Their relatives have not been able to see them. They've had intermittent contact with them over the Internet. They've had no access to lawyers. They have not been charged. They're not going to be brought before a court. And our common law system has long recognized that that is completely unlawful." A pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog siddysays So Solange Knowles wearing bright Orange Lipstick on the Cover of 'Complex' gets me thinking... Having recently purchased Tangerine Dream by MAC at trusty old Al Fatah Store, I set out on the mission to inspire myself. Would you dare to go Orange?? Plenty of options available... But try Tangerine Dream by MAC or Peach Melba Lip Liner by Luscious. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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L'Orientalist on History of the Qurʾān

From the blog awaisaftabL'Orientalist (aka Klingschor) has actively written and talked about the history of the Qurʾān, and as far as blogosphere is concerned, his posts are among the best I have seen on the subject, especially given that they bring to light information that is not commonly known. These two posts in particular are worth reading, and I would highly recommend them: The History of the Qur'an and The Umayyad Qur'an. This interview with L'Orientalist is my attempt to familiarize my readers with these ideas. *1. Can you tell us a little bit about how you got interested in the subject and how you went about exploring it?* It was a combination of factors. In general, I enjoy researching, analysing, synthesising and dispensing information; I disapprove of ignorance, inaccuracy and fallacy; I depakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to deal with Career Choices?

From the blog hammadsiddiquiblog Out from the college and confused. Following is an email I received last evening from a young girl who is qualified enough to start her career in*Social Media Marketing * or Event Management as these are considered hot careers these days. Read what she says: I have done BS in Mass Communication, and my major subjects are advertising, event management and PR. My area of interests are: - Event Management - Advertising - Marketing - Social Media - Designing - Textile Right now I am doing a job in a school as a teacher. This is a reasonably paid job, but I am not comfortable with it. Every day I think I should quit! One the sidelines, using my passion to bake, I started a home-based business and selling Cakes using online marketing, mainly Facebook. Thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Zardari Ke Faisly Aur Akhri Keel by Wasi Shah

From the blog columnpkZardari Ke Faisly Aur Akhri Keel by Wasi Shahpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Fight Between Flagship Devices: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. Sony Xperia Z Vs. HTC One

From the blog propakistani The new trend to buy the latest flagship devices from renowned smartphone manufacturers is growing day by day in the Pakistani market. However, it is rather disappointing that many of the leading companies like Apple, HTC, Google and Sony have no official stores in Pakistan. Many of the smartphones are either being smuggled or brought from other countries like Dubai at higher rates. We also [...] The post Fight Between Flagship Devices: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. Sony Xperia Z Vs. HTC One appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Resolve energy crisis first

From the blog paknews The growth, prosperity and security of any country depend, to a large extent, on the adequacy, efficiency and functionality of its electricity industry. Electricity Crisis in Pakistan is one of the severe challenges the country is facing today.* *The root problem is Electricity generation which never took place proportionately with the rising demand.* *The energy crisis was not only the power shortfall per se but also the mismanagement and bad intent of PPP government. The government remained indifferent and was not serious about resolving the energy crisis.* * Uninterrupted supply and reasonably priced electricity is vital for the industrial and economic growth of the country. Energy crisis has been destroying national economy but the then government did not bother to improvepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mass media and Agriculture Development in Pakistan

From the blog pkhope Pakistan is an agricultural country. The total economy of Pakistan is dependent on Agriculture sector. With its present contribution to GDP at 23.3 %, it accounts for 42.1 % of the total employed labor force and is the largest source of foreign exchange earnings. However the agriculture production is much smaller in Pakistan than the other countries of the world. It is the fact the farmer adopt the latest techniques, they increase their agricultural production. So, the basic need is that to adopt the science and technology in the field agriculture. In order to this, we obtained different types of techniques like mass media which has great role in every field but it has great sense of importance in agricultural field. We found that villages which are located in union council pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aaj Ka Cartoon.......

From the blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Reflections On Pakistan From A Recent Visitor

From the blog pakistanisforpeace By Alan Jones for The Huffington Post Pakistan is in the news – not least because of the violence leading up to the elections. H.L Mencken told us that "for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." Sometimes something happens and we're hit between the eyes not only with complexity but with a sense of both urgency and humility. Last month I traveled to Pakistan as part of a UPIC (US-Pakistan Interreligious Consortium) delegation led by the Reverend Robert Chase who runs a remarkable project — Intersections International – which is part of the Collegiate Church of New York. My involvement came through a sponsoring organization called Convergence, a bi-partisan group centered in Washington DC. Before I went to Pakistan, I thought I was reasonabpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan's Role in the Korean War (1950-1953)

From the blog sarahinsouthkorea Some photos that I saw at Gwanghwamun This open-air/street exhibition was to remember the Korean war and I saw Pakistan's flag - we were not among the combatant troops but we provided the material support. Almost everyone who passed by, stopped and had a look at it.Remembering Korean War's through a street exhibition early this month at Gwanghwamun Station - a few meters from Cheongaechun Stream. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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'What is there in this that is unbearable and beyond endurance?'

From the blog awaisaftab"Do not disturb yourself by picturing your life as a whole; do not assemble in your mind the many and varied troubles which have come to you in the past and will come again in the future, but ask yourself with regard to every present difficulty: 'What is there in this that is unbearable and beyond endurance?' You would be ashamed to confess it! And then remind yourself that it is not the future or what has passed that afflicts you, but always the present, and the power of this is much diminished if you take it in isolation and call your mind to task if it thinks that it cannot stand up to it when taken on its own." *Marcus Aurelius*, *Meditations* (Source: The Atlantic) pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چیمپئنز ٹرافی ڈیڑھ ارب افراد دیکھ سکیں گے

From the blog cricnamaاب جبکہ دنیائے کرکٹ کی آٹھ بہترین ٹیموں کے درمیان مقابلوں کے آغاز کو ایک ہفتے سے بھی کم وقت رہ گیا ہے، بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل اور اس کے نشریاتی رفیق اسٹار اسپورٹس ان مقابلوں کو 180 ممالک میں نشر کرنے کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے حتمی اقدامات اٹھا رہے ہیں جس کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ ٹورنامنٹ 1.5 ارب افراد دیکھ سکیں گے۔ پاکستان میں یہ مقابلے سرکاری ٹیلی وژن چینل 'پی ٹی وی' پر دکھائے جائیں گے جبکہ اسٹار اسپورٹس، فوکس اسپورٹس، سپر اسپورٹ اور ای ایس پی این بھی ان مقابلوں کو براہ راست نشر کریں گے۔ آئی سی سی کی جانب سے بھیجے گئے ایک اعلامیے کے مطابق اسٹار اسپورٹس ایک مرتبہ پھر ہائی ڈیفی نیشن (ایچ ڈی) نشریات کے لیے تیار ہے، جس میں 29 کیمرے استعمال کیے جائیں گے۔ ان میں اسپائیڈرکیم، ہاک آئی، ہاٹ اسپاٹ اور الٹرا موشن کیمرے شامل ہیں۔ علاوہ ازیں یہ کسی بھی آئی سی سی ایونٹ میں پہلا موقع ہوگا کہ نشریات ڈولبیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Warid Football Club Service

From the blog telecompk For all the football fans out there, now you can stay up to date with your favorite league using the Warid Football Club Service. This new service allows all the Warid subscribers to get live match updates, match schedule, match alerts, fun facts and more about their favorite football league. To activate this service just message "FB" to 2222. To get live match updates, write "Football" in a SMS and send it to 2225. Charges for using Warid Football Club Service are Rs. 1.00/day & SMS sent to 2225 are charged at Rs. 2.00/SMS while sending SMS to 2222 is free. You can either read the Press Release below or visit the website, here. Warid Football Club Service Press Release Warid Telecom, the leading innovator in Pakistan's telecommunications industry, has released its latest Footpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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برادری نظام ۔ دوسری اور آخری قسط

From the blog theajmals پہلی قسط 24 مئی 2013ء کو لکھی تھی میرے دادا کے دور میں دو بہت کٹھن معاملات بطور چوہدری اُن کے سامنے آئے ۔ ایک بھتیجی کی طلاق اور ایک دوسری بھتیجی کی شادی کا ۔ پہلی بھتیجی کی شادی ہونے کے بعد اس کا خاوند گھر سے بھاگ گیا اور کچھ دن بعد اس کا خط اس کے سسرال میں موصول ہوا کہ وہ اپنی ہونے والی بیوی کو ہمیشہ اپنی بہن سمجھتا رہا اسلئے اُسے اپنی بیوی نہیں سمجھ سکتا اور اسے طلاق دے رہا ہے ۔ پنچائت بلائی گئی جس میں فیصلہ ہوا کہ لڑکے کے والدین کا تین ماہ کیلئے حقہ پانی بند کیا جائے اور تین ماہ ختم ہونے سے پہلے وہ مطلقہ لڑکی کی شادی کا مناسب بندوبست کریں ورنہ اُنہیں برادری سے نکال دیا جائے گا ۔ یہ واقعہ میرے والد صاحب کی طالب علمی کے زمانہ کا ہے میرے نانا کے تین بھائی اور ایک بہن تھی جو میری دادی تھیں ۔ جب میری والدہ پیدا ہوئیں تو میری دادی نے اپنے اکلوتے بیٹے کیلئے اپنی بھتیجی کو چُن لیا pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چیمپئنز ٹرافی ڈیڑھ ارب افراد دیکھ سکیں گے

From the blog cricnamaاب جبکہ دنیائے کرکٹ کی آٹھ بہترین ٹیموں کے درمیان مقابلوں کے آغاز کو ایک ہفتے سے بھی کم وقت رہ گیا ہے، بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل اور اس کے نشریاتی رفیق اسٹار اسپورٹس ان مقابلوں کو 180 ممالک میں نشر کرنے کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے حتمی اقدامات اٹھا رہے ہیں جس کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ ٹورنامنٹ 1.5 ارب افراد دیکھ سکیں گے۔ پاکستان میں یہ مقابلے سرکاری ٹیلی وژن چینل 'پی ٹی وی' پر دکھائے جائیں گے جبکہ اسٹار اسپورٹس، فوکس اسپورٹس، سپر اسپورٹ اور ای ایس پی این بھی ان مقابلوں کو براہ راست نشر کریں گے۔ آئی سی سی کی جانب سے بھیجے گئے ایک اعلامیے کے مطابق اسٹار اسپورٹس ایک مرتبہ پھر ہائی ڈیفی نیشن (ایچ ڈی) نشریات کے لیے تیار ہے، جس میں 29 کیمرے استعمال کیے جائیں گے۔ ان میں اسپائیڈرکیم، ہاک آئی، ہاٹ اسپاٹ اور الٹرا موشن کیمرے شامل ہیں۔ علاوہ ازیں یہ کسی بھی آئی سی سی ایونٹ میں پہلا موقع ہوگا کہ نشریات ڈولبیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نامزد وزیر اعلیٰ

From the blog universe-zeenoمنجانب فکرستان ٹیگز: ساکت وزیراعلیٰ *٭ متحرک* وزیر اعلیٰ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ جناب قائم علی شاہ وزیرِاعلیٰ نامزد ہوگئے ہیں، اپنے سابقہ دورِ میں بھتہ مافیا، لینڈ مافیا، کرپشن اور بڑھتے ہوئے ٹارگٹ کلنگ جیسے واقعات پر بھی وہ اسم بامسمیٰ کی روایت پر عمل پیرا رہتے ہوئے، حرکت میں نہ آتے تھے، اُنکے اسطرح قائم رہنے پر کُچھ لطیفے بھی وجود میں آئے تھے ۔۔۔ حِکمت کی بازگشت یہ ُسنائی دے رہی ہے کہ حرکت کیلئے پسِ پردہ ایک اور متحرک وزیر اعلیٰ بھی بنایا جائے،اس بارے میں اویس مظفر ٹپی کا نام لیا جارہا ہے ۔۔۔اس حکمت میں یہ بات شامل لگتی ہے کہ اگر اویس مظفر ٹپی کو براہِ راست وزیرِ اعلیٰ بناتے تو کئی سینئرز کی انگلیاں اُٹھ جاتیں،اور اگر قائم علی شاہ کی جگہ کسی اور کو وزیر اعلیٰ بناتے ہیں تو وہ کیوں اپنے اختیارات کسی اور کے ساتھ شئیر کرے گا۔۔۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nawaz Sharif Aur Ikhlaqiyat Ka Bailout Package by Wasi Shah

From the blog columnpkNawaz Sharif Aur Ikhlaqiyat Ka Bailout Package by Wasi Shahpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Block Blasphemous Content from Facebook, Other Websites in Three Days: PHC

From the blog propakistani Peshawar High Court has ordered the authorities to block blasphemous and objectionable content available on social media websites, especially the Facebook and other websites with-in three days. Court directed interior ministry, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and other departments to take stern action against these websites and submit a compliance report with-in 20 days. A Peshawar High Court bench, presided by Chief Justice Dost Muhammad issued the [...] The post Block Blasphemous Content from Facebook, Other Websites in Three Days: PHC appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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So Much for Independent Judiciary

From the blog pkhope Last evening 17th May when the "Judicial Tout" Chaudhry Aslam Ghuman advocate, withdrew his private complaint based on a First Information Report (FIR) registered against former President of Pakistan, Gen (retd) Musharraf on August 11, 2009 by the police station secretariat, Islamabad for detaining over 60 judges, including Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, I got a call from Shane Briten, a solicitor partner in Sydney, Australia asking me for my bank account number & the swift code so that he could remit me AUS$ 10,000 in the bet that he had lost with me ! It all started when this colleague was on a professional visit and I had joined him in an arbitration matter which we both were handling in Dubai. In the foregoing case on April 20, 2013, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Voting In France.

From the blog raafay-awan Written By: Hameem Hussain (France) The main point of this article is to sort out how many efforts are still required to reach the other side. It was last year in May. I voted for the first time. My entry in politics. First of all, to cast vote you pay a visit to city hall for subscription on polling list. Then few days before elections you receive by mail your electoral card bearing the address of polling station, and bio data of voter such as name, age, registration number... Usually a city have three to four polling station. They are located at walking distance. Mine was a main hall of a primary school. Continue reading.. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aaj Ka Cartoon......

From the blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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انگریزی بولنے کا مقابلہ - پی ٹی وی ڈرامہ "چھوٹی سی دنیا" کا ایک منظر

From the blog noorpamiripakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Samina Baig: First Pakistani Woman to Summit Everest

From the blog sarahinsouthkorea Samina Baig reached the top of the highest peak in the world at around 7:30am last Sunday becoming the first Pakistani woman. The 21-year-old mountaineer is from the Shimshal valley of Hunza. On Saturday night, Samina Baig sent her brother a message how she had reached Base Camp IV at the height of 7,900 metres on the South Col between Mt Everest and Lhoste, the fourth highest mountain in the world, after eight hours of hard climbing. To the surprise of many in the mountaineering community, Samina Baig summited Mount Everest with twin sisters from India - Tashi and Nugshi Malik - also 21 years old and her 29-year-old brother Mirza AlI. Both Mirza Ali and Samina Baig took everyone by surprise when they held a press conference in Islamabad a day before leaving for Nepal on Marcpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple iPad 5, iPhone 5S release date, specs and price

From the blog columnpkApple plans to launch more than one device this year like iPhone 5S, iPad mini 2 and iPad 5 with some reports indicating Apple is preparing to lunch iPhone 5S next month.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Scammers Use FBR to Trap Online Bank Account Holders

From the blog propakistani Scammers have come up with new technique to hunt online bank accounts in Pakistan to snatch their usersname and password and then to ultimately use these details to empty these accounts. Previously these Phishing Attacks used to involve an email from bank itself, redirecting the users to fake bank website and to collect username/password information of the target. Now, these attackers are sending emails from [...] The post Scammers Use FBR to Trap Online Bank Account Holders appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PML-N will pursue treason case against Pervez Musharraf: Tariq Azeem

From the blog paknews Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Senator Tariq Azeem has said that his party's government is ready to hold the trial of former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf over charges of high treason. "Yes we have decided to try Musharraf for treason in the Supreme Court. Musharraf had violated the Constitution and he should face the music," he said, adding nobody is above the law and a person who violated the constitution must be tried." Caretaker government had refused to initiate proceedings against the Pervez Musharraf under Article 6 of the Constitution for treason because of its limited mandate but PML-N, who scripted historical win the May 11 polls, has decided not to spare military ruler, who came into power after a bloodless military coup in 1999. "Nawaz Shpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Spring 2013 is Finally Over

From the blog sarahinsouthkorea Rice Paddy in Bundang Blue berry flowers blooming Dry Cherry Bloossoms Duinjang Jars Carnations Flower Shop Right Behind the Campus pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Most and Least Tolerant Nations

From the blog iabhopal When two Swedish economists set out to examine whether economic freedom made people any more or less racist, they knew how they would gauge economic freedom, but they needed to find a way to measure a country's level of racial tolerance. So they turned to something called the World Values Survey, which has been measuring global attitudes and opinions for decades. Among the dozens of questions that World Values asks, the Swedish economists found one that, they believe, could be a pretty good indicator of tolerance for other races. The survey asked respondents in more than 80 different countries to identify kinds of people they would not want as neighbors. Some respondents, picking from a list, chose "people of a different race." The more frequently that people in a given countrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shahbaz Sharif to go UK for a Special Mission

From the blog columnpkShahbaz Sharif to go UK for a Special Missionpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Acumen invests Rs 86 million in Chitral micro-hydel

From the blog pakistanigoodnews( Acumen, a pioneering non-profit global venture firm addressing poverty across Africa and in South Asia, on Monday announced a loan of Rs 86 million to Aga Khan Rural Support Program AKRSP to support the creation of four community managed micro-hydel units in Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These plants will provide 24-hour clean electricity topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Antique Chinese Rug

From the blog artofdecorblogsource I can't get my eyes off of this beautiful Chinese rug. It's simply marvelous! It's an antique and above all…hand woven. I'd love to use it as a wall hanging in my dining room instead of an area rug. Although, something like this could create a dramatic effect in the entrance lobby too. Don't [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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xL3Gi0N Hackers – Back in Action

From the blog cheers4all xL3Gi0n Hackers, are back reloaded. After xP0iiNT3R (Leader of xL3Gi0N) Hacked into facebook and meant he will leak everything the team found again together. xP0iiNT3R known as xPsych0p4ths brother, Is the new leader and will have an Operation payback to a site which stolen money from people, He said it will be like that: target: [...] The post xL3Gi0N Hackers – Back in Action appeared first on Cheers4all. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Intel Pakistan Hosts an Interactive Session: Toddlers and Technology

From the blog propakistani Intel Pakistan, today held an interactive session with toddlers and parent bloggers to focus on how the touch-generation can benefit from technology and how it positively impacts the quality of life. The event titled 'Toddlers and Technology' was held at Kidz Klub in an informative and relaxed environment with a panel of expert speakers. Attended by media, the event focused on key topical issues around [...] The post Intel Pakistan Hosts an Interactive Session: Toddlers and Technology appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to Get Filthy Rich [Not Through Blogging]

From the blog sajshiraziI spend lot of time reading. I read philosophy in an effort to understand how varying points of view about existence are presented and psychology to know how philosophers come up with those points of view, Greek mythology to learn … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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New Jobs for MQM Old and Ousted Members

From the blog pkhope When Altaf Hussain talks about his 'fikri' and 'ilmi' sittings with the MQM workers and Mustafa Azizabadi tweets about the 'lectures' of Altaf Hussain, I really want to reach out for my "pisstoal". Anyway, the recent upheaval in the MQM ranks reeks of something really gone stale and as the old blood has been brought again in the kowtow coordination committee, the old and humiliated members are planning to get the new jobs: Following are the things these ousted chaps of MQM intend to do: - Faisal Sabzwari is pleading with Bahroz Sabzwari to get him any role in any drama. - Raza Haroon has bought a cart to sell his kulfiyaan. - Waseem Akhtar has gone back to run his mini cinema at the back of his house. - Salim Shahzad will resume his job as the table -cleanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PML-N's Relations with the Press and Media

From the blog fakihahassanrizviFakiha Hassan Rizvi May 26, 2013 LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League –Nawaz (PML-N) is geared up to govern Pakistan, under the leadership of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. Third chance to grasp the throne, inevitably, precipitates multiple hopes, expectations and above all, renewed political acumen. A substantial mandate and favorable public opinion has made Nawaz indebted […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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28 May Youm-e-Takbir – The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah

From the blog naseerahmadPakistani nation & whole Muslim Ummah celebrated 28 May as a "Youm-e-Takbir". This day brings a message of immortal power of defense for the Muslim state especially for the revival of whole Muslim Ummah. Glorious Day of Celebration: On May 28 1998 the Pakistani scientists fired up the trigger of nukes and make Pakistan as [...] Other related articles ... - Beautiful Colors of Pakistan - Eid Mubarak 2011 :: Blessing to all Muslims - Pakistan Independence Day wallpapers - Makka giant clock tested on Ramadan first in Saudi Arabia - Air Blue Jet crash in margala hills Islamabad Pakistan pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Choose Your Friends Wisely.

From the blog raafay-awan Anonymous. 15 Oct, 2012 12:45 a.m I am not able to sleep, I have not cried for anybody like that except for my dad and few other people. Why is it, that when people leave, they leave behind their hasty footsteps that we're unable to retrace? Why is human nature so unkind? so uncaring? Why do they betray each other over and over again, breaking all those promises that they once did? Continue reading.. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Effective Marriage Counseling

From the blog paradigmhouse By: Sadia Tariq *"Marriages are decided in heaven, solemnized on earth and humiliated before Courts."* I have just rephrased this old famous saying contemporary to the present era, where, in fact the marriages are humiliated before Courts. In order to avoid such an immaculate insult in open court by stating fictitious and aggravated comments on each other, the couples must first consult a Marriage Counselor. Read more »pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My First Harvest: Coriander/ Hara Dhanya

From the blog sarahinsouthkoreaI have harvested some of the very exotic vegetables from home such as corriander(hara dhanya) , Zucchini (torie), ocra (bhindi). Yesterday, I harvested my first batch of corriender (if I had bought that much quantity - it would have cost me 10USD. Celantro is available these days but it is still expensive. I gave it to a few friends that made them very, very happy. I also used it in my food and made a bottle full of chuntnie with load of garlic and cumin in it along with chunyang Kochu or the hot green peppers from Korea.....yeahhhhhhhhh!!!pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The beautiful world of Linux & OSS

From the blog usefulthought-sLinux is structured and modular. Owing to its modular nature it is extensible. It can be extended using open source software (OSS) that supports Linux. There are a number of OSS technologies available that cover nearly every domain of Information Technology. These can be integrated to create a bigger solution that use available OSS as building blocks. Recently I have joined a university where we have deployed their IT infrastructure following the OSS paradigm. You can read about some of the technologies we have deployed there on this link. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جہاں فرشتے جلتے ھیں

From the blog sadiasaher ھنسنے کی آواز خوشی بھری مبارک ھو بیٹا ھے یہ آواز تھی جو میرے کانوں میں سب سے آئ پھر کئ آوازیں کسی نے میرا ماتھا چوما میرے کانوں میں آذان کی آواز آرھی تھی مبارک ھو بیٹا مسلمان بن گیا یہ میرے دادا کی آواز تھی یہ میرا عمر ھے اب دادی کی گود میں تھا اللہ لمبی عمر دے اور حضرت عمر جیسا بنے دادی کی آواز میں محبت اور کئ خواھشیں اور سپنے بول رھے تھے ایک ھاتھ سے دوسرے ھاتھ تک ایک گود سے دوسری گود تک صبح سے شام ۔ اور شام سے رات تک محبت اور محبت بھری باتیں میں ھنستا تو سارا گھر ھنسنے لگتا میں روتا تو سارا گھر پریشان ھو جاتا میں بیمار ھوتا تو سب رات کو سونا بھول جاتے میں کھانا کم کھاتا تو سب کی بھوک مر جاتی ۔ دو چھوٹے چھوٹے کمرے ایک برامدہ ٹوٹا سا کچن یہ ھماری سلطنت تھی اور میں اس کا شہزادہ تھا گھر اپنے خاندان کا ولی عہد اماں ابا سے زیادہ دادا دادی لاڈ کرتے میں ان کا وارث تھا ان کے ادھورےخpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog mehmudahrehman At the moment, anywhere you look you find flame trees in full bloom. It's a beautiful sight. Below are some pics of the same. [image: :)] [image: flames5] Bursting into a riot of colour! [image: New beginnings] New beginnings [image: flames3] When bloom and bud live peacefully together. [image: Patch of blue sky] Patch of blue sky [image: A wall of orange.] A wall of orange. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چھوٹی چھوٹی باتیں ۔ کردار

From the blog theajmals بند کمرے میں ہوں تو جس طرح چھوٹے چھوٹے سوراخوں میں سے آتی سورج کی کِرنیں سورج کے مزاج کا پتا دیتی ہیں اسی طرح انسان کی چھوٹی چھوٹی باتیں اُس کے کردار کو عیاں کرتی ہیں اپنے کہے الفاظ اور حرکات جنہیں آپ معمولی سمجھتے ہیں اِن پر نظر رکھیئے یہی آپ کے کردار کی عکاسی کرتے ہیں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City of Sails…شہر بادباں

From the blog faisalainCity of Sails…شہر بادباں, a photo by Faisal…no updates! on Flickr. as seen from a sail :) جیسا کہ ایک کشتی سے دکھائی دیتا ہے۔pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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WordPress cumple 10 años

From the blog blog [image: icono de wordpress] Hoy cumple 10 años de vida WordPress, la mayor y mejor plataforma para crear blogs y la que da soporte a este. ¡Felicidades! [image: wordpress cumple 10 años] Se han organizado más de 600 celebraciones en todo el mundo, muchas de ellas en nuestro país. - *Este artículo pertenece al blog Un lugar en el mundo.... Si quieres ver actualizaciones y comentarios interesantes visita el texto original en: WordPress cumple 10 años* Compártelo: [image: email][image: PDF][image: Print][image:][image:][image: Twitter][image:][image: Diigo][image: Facebook][image: Meneame][image: BarraPunto][image: Netvibes] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTI will not make alliance with JI in KPK

From the blog columnpkPTI will not make alliance with JI in KPKpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Restructuring Bureaucracy

From the blog paknews Bureaucracy has a very crucial role in the governance itself because we cannot de-link the state from the governance process. An efficient bureaucracy is imperative to advance good governance. The primary function of bureaucracy is the execution and enforcement of the laws made by the legislature and policies decided by the political executive. Besides this the other important functions are: carrying out administration, offering policy advice, articulating interests, and maintaining political stability. To run the administration of a country nicely, a band of capable officers—efficient, prompt, just and sympathetic—belonging to different disciplines of civil services are required.* *In Pakistan, bureaucracy has always been an elite service. The bureaucrats are rich, highly privpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 Lessons Learned from Election 2013 in Pakistan

From the blog pkhope Post-election hubbub is in high pitches as usual magnified higher by the ever-excited and breaking-news crazy electronic media of Pakistan. Victory celebrations, rigging allegations. angling and tilting of different media person towards different parties, hopes from the upcoming government and secret wishes of some for it to fail as quickly as possible are no different from the previous elections held in the land of the pure. Laughing, weeping, sit-ins, and other usual post-elections stuff will go on but we must see that what's the take away from this massive exercise which is nonetheless a feat for the nation. Other third world countries don't really manage to get this grand thing right, and even in establishment democracies holding an election is not something to be taken lpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aaj Ka Cartoon.......

From the blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Latest News about Pay and Salaries in Budget 2013-14

From the blog pakistanhotlineEvery year government employees wait for annual fiscal budget and off-course their main concern is about increase in pay packages and allowances and other facilities etc which Federal Government of... For More Details, Please Visit: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Muhammad Umer Haroon | Engrmuh

From the blog computerbeast*CHECK MY PORTFOLIO HERE :* ** *CHECK MY CV HERE :* ** Tagged: computer, computer software engineer, cv, engrmuh, facebook, information, internet, Islam, muhammad umer haroon, Pakistan, Personal computer, religion, Social media, software, software engineer, SOFTWARE ENGINERING GOALS, technology, umer haroon pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Help Spread Education ~Change begins at Home

From the blog orientalsparkleThe only way to bring about a bigger change is to educate people. Tell them the difference between right and wrong. Show them the thin line which separates good from bad and then let them make their own decisions. Don't leave the responsibility of educating your children to schools alone. Get yourself involved. And play your part. Take them on a bus ride. So they experience the difficulties faced by people all over the country, everyday. Give them pocket money, but don't be overly generous. So they know what "living on a tight budget" feels like. Teach them to read. Not just the course books. But novels/story books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, comics, anything, everything. So they explore the worlds that go beyond ours. So that they learn to think out-of-the-box. Mpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City of Sails…شہر بادباں

From the blog shahfaisalCity of Sails…شہر بادباں, a photo by Faisal…no updates! on Flickr. as seen from a sail :) جیسا کہ ایک کشتی سے دکھائی دیتا ہے۔pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اُڑنے پیشتر

From the blog universe-zeenoمنجانب فکرستان: دوچار ہاتھ جبکہ لبِ بام رہ گیا تھا ۔ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ کیا خیبر پختونخوا میں حکومت بننے سے پہلے ٹوٹ جائے گی، چونکہ اب دونوں جانب سے وضاحتی بیانات آرہے ہیں ، لہجہ بھی بدل رہا ہے ، جماعت اسلامی کے رہنما امیرالعظیم کا کہنا ہے کہ، 3 وزارتیں،تعلیم ،فنانس اور زکواۃ جماعت اسلامی کو دینے کی بات طے ہوچُکی ہے جبکہ پی ٹی آئی کے قائدین وزارتیں دینے سےمتعلق اپنی لاتعلقی کا اظہار کر رہے ہیں۔ ۔ ۔ اِس سلسلے میں جماعت اسلامی کے امیر العظیم اپنے نقطہ نظرکی وضاحت میں یہ دلیل پیش کی ہے کہ،دو دن پہلے پارٹی وفد کی عمران خان سے ملاقات ہوئی تھی جس میں وزارتوں کے بارے میں بھی بات ہوئی تھی اگر اس بارے میں پی ٹی آئی کو کچھ تحفظات ہوتے تو سامنے آجاتے۔۔۔ پی ٹی آئی کی پارٹی ترجمان شیریں مزاری نے کہا ہے کہ عمران خان کی خواہش ہے کہ تعلیم کی وزارpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hamary Bachay by Talat Hussain

From the blog columnpkHamary Bachay by Talat Hussainpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Fabric Flower (tutorial)

From the blog craft360Here is the tutorial of fabric flower.... You need five equal sized square fabric pieces and needle and thread to make flower. to make patel of flower, take one piece of fabric and fold its sides. now fold it downward. now you need needle to sew it. take the needle and insert the folded petal on it. now make four more petals to make a flower. Tie the petals and sew it tightly. here is the flower after sewing. Take a batton and sew it or glue it in the center of flower and the flower complete... isn't it simple and easy...??? Thank you so much for stopping by. Waiting for your lovely comments... pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog diaryofshirin Kabhi yeh udhti phirti hai, kabhi kisi phool pe thehrti hai, Haan, zindagi tu titli hai…. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sequentially Reading 6 ADC channel Values using PIC 18f452 and Displaying 10 bit results on LCD

From the blog cheers4all In this Program i am going to read sequentially 6 ADC channels i.e. six sensors connected to Microcontroller ADC input AN0-AN5. The value read by microcontroller is in 2*8bit registers which is converted to 10bit result as our ADC has resolution of 10 bit.Then the results are displayed on LCD. /* * File: main.c [...] The post Sequentially Reading 6 ADC channel Values using PIC 18f452 and Displaying 10 bit results on LCD appeared first on Cheers4all. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Road Show Begins in Karachi

From the blog propakistani Samsung Galaxy S4, the world's fastest selling phone in the Samsung lineup is going places in Pakistan. The company announced today a series of nationwide road shows that will bring the irresistible Galaxy S4 closer than ever before to consumers throughout the country. The activation drive will kick-off from 25 May to 28 May, 2013 at the Dolmen Mall, Karachi, with similar activities planned in [...] The post Samsung Galaxy S4 Road Show Begins in Karachi appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali joins PML-N

From the blog paknews Former prime minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali has joined Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). He announced the decision after a meeting with PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif, who is set to become Pakistan's prime minister for the third time, here in Islamabad. Speaking to media Jamali said that political issues of Balochistan were discussed in the meeting, including the discussion about probable chief minister of the province. Regarding Balochistan packages he said the packages are unproductive until practical steps are taken. *» Inline Ad Purchase:* Intext Link The post Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali joins PML-N appeared first on Pak News. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Wishes to keep Good Relations with India but…

From the blog pkhope The heavy mandate, which PML (N) has got, every sensible person is satisfied and contented. Since such a political party gets majority which has proved also in past its better performance in Govt and gained trust of the people. This indicates the better future of the country. Other political parties should accept open heartedly the mandate of PML (N). To solve the gigantic problems of the country PML (N) ought to move step ahead after taking into confidence the administrative, security institutes and political groups of every field and area. Since the time of ruling like King is gone. But politics has now become a science and art. To run a country there is a great necessity to have a system, which helps in making future, planning in the interest of the country. In some of thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aaj Ka Cartoon......

From the blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What did The Bad Girl do?

From the blog beanbagtalesSome naughty book spine poetry.... pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog jinnahpurSyed Jamaluddin, writer of "DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM" and "FORMATION OF REPUBLIC OF JINNAHPUR" has expressed great concern that Mohajir nation is going to be more isolated, persecuted and cornered in the most bitter possible manner in the next few months so much so that Mohajir nation will have to decide if they really want to remain with Pakistan or not. This is the most serious situation caused by 2013´s most miserable and most controversial elections which were for the first time in the history of Pakistan duly engineered and tampered under the auspices of Punjab´s Supreme Court headed by Iftikhar Chaudhry who played his role to ensure that the Punjabis get the outright power. The Election Commission was simply a dummy front-man institution controlled by Iftikharpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Still Here.

From the blog maryamrezaI love Saturday mornings. Except they have now been completely ruined with these massive power cuts and temperature reaching 50 almost every day. I DON'T EVEN FEEL LIKE EATING IN THIS HEAT and THAT ladies and gentlemen, is blasphemous. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 million bounty on Altaf Hussain by PTI Denmark leader

From the blog columnpkLondon: Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) Europe's leader Mian Tariq has announced giving Rs. 10 bounty to a person who will handover Muttahida Qaumi Movement's leader Altaf Hussain to Pakistan authorities.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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قدم بہ قدم از مسعود الحسن ضیاء

From the blog kitaabistan *قدم بہ قدم از مسعود الحسن ضیاء* مصنف: مسعود الحسن ضیا صفحات: 224 قیمت: 250 روپے ناشر: پورب اکادمی، اسلام آباد کتابستان کے آج کے بلاگ کا موضوع مسعود الحسن ضیاء کی لکھی ہوئی کتاب قدم بہ قدم ہے۔ مسعود الحسن ضیاء صاحب کی غالباً یہ پہلی کتاب ہے کیونکہ ان کی لکھی ہوئی کسی دوسری کتاب کا باوجود تلاش کے علم نہیں ہو سکا۔ کتاب کے آغاز میں کئی لوگوں کی کتاب کے بارے میں رائے بھی پیش کی گئی ہے جن میں بانو قدسیہ صاحبہ، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر سلطان الطاف علی، فرحین چوہدری، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر سید شاہد حسن رضوی، اور ڈاکٹر مزمل بھٹی شامل ہیں۔ بانو قدسیہ صاحبہ کے خیالات پڑھ کے اندازہ ہوتا ہے کہ مسعود صاحب بھی اسی مکتب فکر سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں جس سے ممتاز مفتی صاحب رکھتے تھے اور ابدال بیلا، مسعود صاحب کی رہنمائی کے فرائض ادا کر رہے ہیں۔ کتاب کو پڑھتے ہوئے بھی مصنف اور ابدال بیلا صاحب کی دوستی اور تعلقات کا اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Let us seek Guidance

From the blog affanaali [image: Image] While reciting the Holy Quran today, these thoughts came to my mind, so felt like sharing them Have you ever wondered what would have happened if we treated the Quran the way we treat our cell phones ? what if we can carry it with us wherever we go; in our hand bags and in our pockets ? what if we looked at Quran the way we look at our text books ? what if we went back to take it if forgotten ? what if we treated as though we cannot live without it ! what if we give it to our friends as a gift ? what if we read it while travelling ? what if we made it a priority everyday ? Do we ever think while we open messages from friends & gossips and spends hours of our precious time in it, but how many times do we open the Quran and read the messages sent directlypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Anon Rogues Hacks Into Mozilla

From the blog cheers4all Anon Rogues Logo ( Anon Rogues, The hackergroup talked about that they will own Mozilla Phobos and Deimos said it will be very easy, And they really got every file of See the Screenshot from Phobos After that they joined the IRC and sawn the chats, Of Mozilla developers, they logged into a [...] The post Anon Rogues Hacks Into Mozilla appeared first on Cheers4all. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Warid Telecom Completes Eight Years of Operations in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani Warid Employees along with Mr. Younas Sheikh, CCO, Warid Telecom, cutting the cake Warid Telecom today announced the completion of its eighth year of operations in Pakistan. Warid Telecom entered the Pakistani market in May 2005. Warid claims that its unique products and consistent advances in technology and services, company added its share to the Pakistani telecom sector, the economy and as a partner for [...] The post Warid Telecom Completes Eight Years of Operations in Pakistanappeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to Manage Credit Risk in Pakistan?

From the blog pkhope Major part of business of financial instructions, such as insurance companies, banks and finance companies, is making loans. To earn high profit companies must have to make successful loans that are paid back and have low credit risk. So the concept of moral hazard and adverse selection give a plate farm to understanding the principles the manager must follow them to minimize the credit risk and to make successful loans. Adverse selection in loan may occurs when companies chose a wrong for loan means borrowers lend money from banks to invest in more risky projects. if borrowers gets high profit from his investment ultimately bank may also get profit if borrower fail to get profit ultimately the bank may also fail get back his loan. Moral hazard exists in loan markets becauspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aaj Ka Cartoon......

From the blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nawaz Sharif, Army and India

From the blog pakteahouse *Raza Habib Raja* Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister elect, is considered a conservative by most of the Pakistani liberals. Yet, in some areas his point of view has been strikingly divergent from the mainstream conservative thought, particularly that which one continues to hear from the TV anchors all the time. The two areas which make Nawaz Sharif stand out are: his continued emphasis on need to have better ties with India; and his hard stance towards Pakistan Army. Any fair assessment ( even if conducted by "liberals") has to acknowledge, Nawaz Sharif's bold and in fact anti mainstream conservative approach in these two interrelated areas. These two are intricately intertwined because Pakistan's security doctrine has always been built around India. Ever since independence,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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برادری ۔ چوہدری ۔ پنچائت ۔ خُوبیاں اور خامیاں

From the blog theajmals برادری نظام افریقہ اور ایشیا کا قدیم معاشرتی نظام تھا ۔ انگریز جہاں بھی پہنچا اُس نے اسے سب سے پہلے نشانہ بنایا کیونکہ اُن کے اجارہ داری نظام کی راہ میں یہ نظام ایک بڑی رکاوٹ تھا ۔ ہندوستان میں عوام کو بیوقوف بنانے کیلئے برادری نظام کے مقابلے میں اُنہوں نے لمبرداری یا نمبرداری نظام تشکیل دیا جس میں لمبردار یا نمبردار برطانوی حکومت کا نمائندہ ہوتا تھا اور اُسے عوام کو لوٹنے اور تنگ کرنے کے کئی اختیارات سونپے گئے تھے ۔ اس مصنوعی نظام نے برادری نظام کو کمزور کرنے میں اور برادریاں توڑنے اور ہندوستان پر انگریزوں کی گرفت مضبوط کرنے میں اہم کردار ادا کیا ۔ انگریز کے بنائے نظام میں بھی ایک چوہدری ہوتا تھا جو برادری کا قابلِ احترام بزرگ ہونے کی بجائے انگریز کا پِٹھو جاگیردار ہوتا تھا جسے اپنی قوم سے غداری کے عوض جاگیر ملی ہوتی تھی 1974ء نئی اچھی چیزیں اپنانا انسانی بہتری کیلئے لازم ہے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Who is Strong ?

From the blog iabhopal The strong person is not the good wrestler. Rather, the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Summerz 2013...

From the blog shama-predicamentofmylife It's summers again. Summers are sweaty, sticky and hot. *sad face* As it is said prevention is better than cure, summer heat can be dangerous - even deadly - if you don't take the proper precautions. Here are few basic tips … - During the hottest hours, stay inside. - Dress lightly. - Drink plenty of water and other fluids. When temperature climbs, it's important to drink at least a gallon of liquid per day, preferably water. - Keep blinds and curtains closed from morning until the late afternoon to block extra direct heat from sunlight. - Keep stock of ice creams and fresh fruits in your freezer so that you can eat them whenever you feel like - Fruits like watermelon, pineapple and lemons would be a great option - Use mint and menthol products topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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" اِسم بامسمٰی "

From the blog universe-zeeno منجانب فکرستان : حِکمت: فیصلہ : مستحق: سیدھا سیدھا ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ نوائے وقت کی تازہ خبر کے مطابق اِسم بامسمٰی قائم علی شاہ وزیر اعلیٰ کے عہدے پر قائم رہیں گے حالانکہ اُنکے دورِ حکومت میں امن وامان کی صورتِ حال کافی حد تک خراب رہی ہے، اِس بِنا پر سندھ کی عوام آس لگائے بیٹھی تھی کہ اِس بار پیپلز پارٹی بہتر وزیر اعلیٰ لائے گی، لیکن ہُوا کیا؟؟ یہ پیپلز پارٹی والے ہی بہتر جانتے ہونگے کہ قائم علی شاہ کو وزیراعلیٰ بنانے میں کیا حکمت پوشیدہ ہے، چونکہ بظاہر تو یہ فیصلہ کسی کارکردگی کا نتیجہ کہلانے کا مستحق نظر نہیں آتا ہے۔۔ اِس وجہ سے عوام کی بہتری کیلئے کیا گیا فیصلہ کہلانے کا بھی حقدارنہیں ہے ۔۔تو پھر۔۔۔ تو پھر یہ سیدھا سیدھا ذاتی وابستگی کا فیصلہ ہے۔۔۔ ( خُدا ہی بہتر pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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General Pasha Was Supporting PTI: Hamid Mir Claims

From the blog columnpkIslamabad: Famous Pakistani journalist and and stalwart media anchor, Hamid Mir, has revealed that former spy master and Director General Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) was supporting Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI).pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Microsoft Announces Winners of Imagine Cup 2013 in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani Microsoft Pakistan in partnership with Nokia Pakistan announced the national winners of Imagine Cup 2013 Pakistan, the world's most prestigious student technology competition. Microsoft said that this winning team was shortlisted from approximately 180+ entries received this year. Team Epic, the winning team, developed a project Epic to detect falls and Accidents using Windows Phone Device, it's also capable to alert the authorities of such [...] The post Microsoft Announces Winners of Imagine Cup 2013 in Pakistanappeared first on ProPakistani. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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To the point

From the blog sajshiraziPenfold Recently I presented a question relating to the point of blogging. To many the point was the pointlessness. Or an open plan diary for you and the world to share. Or a stream of conciousness (or unconciousness in the … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Won't ask Zardari to resign: Nawaz Sharif

From the blog paknews Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif has said that Asif Ali Zardari is a constitutional president and he has the mandate to complete his term. While addressing to media after a one-on-one meeting with President Zardari at presidency on Wednesday, the nominated prime minister said that the meeting held in good environment, adding, forgetting the grievances of past, they want to move forward. PML-N chief said everyone have to work together to resolve problems being faced by the country and country's interests should be preferred over personal interests. [image: Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari] President Zardari said that presidency will fully cooperate with PML-N government and he already considered Nawaz Sharif as prime minister. Zardari congratulated PML-N chiepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Summer Vacations in Pakistan Schools 2013 Dates

From the blog pkhope The dates for the summer vacations for 2013 have been announced by the government for the schools, both in the public and private sector. This time, the kids will be relieved to have some sort of relief as the summer is raging high and there is no power in the schools, and its hard to get ready for the school in the morning. From June 1 to 14th August, the schools will remain closed in Punjab and Karachi for the summer vacation. Please also confirm from your school about the dates, but these are the dates announced by the government. This would not only save the kids and their parents hassle, it would also save some bits of power for the government too. Generally, the summer vacations in Pakistan start in June and end at the end of August. I guess government should extend thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Moans and Complaints.

From the blog raafay-awan *Written By: Aqsa Faisal.* And finally, at last and definitely elections are over! I had been watching TV for continuously twelve hours during the high election fever. And for a whole week I had been dreaming that Imran Khan will win the elections and I'll witness naya Pakistan! Yes, I dreamt Imran Khan doing that in front of Nawaz Sharif! Unfortunately, Imran Khan did not win and became our prime minister! Yes he sure is handsome! (the reason majority of the women support him :P, and me and my mother starts singing the song: tu mera hero whenever his ad comes on TV :P) I support this man for his ideology against status quo, for his step to introduce youngsters and new people to politics where they can reform their country of dreams! I support him for he is the person wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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American Executions?

From the blog mtrtmk Body of Afghan Torture Victim Found Near U.S. Base The mangled corpse of an Afghan torture victim has been found near a U.S. military base in Afghanistan. The victim, Sayid Mohammad, was last seen being taken to the base for interrogation in November. His body was found with both feet cut off. Afghan officials are seeking the arrest of an Afghan-American interpreter on charges of murder and torture. The interpreter was reportedly identified in a video showing Mohammad's abuse. Mohammad is one of 17 people who disappeared after reportedly being seized in Wardak province. The U.S. military says its soldiers were not involved in the abductions, but have not released the findings of an internal probe. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Karachi – Silence of the lambs.

From the blog borderlinegreen Two bullets was the bloody, brutal and cruel message which was communicated loud and clear to the voters in Karachi. The assassination of Zahra Shahid Hussain is terrorism plain and simple. The police can try and spin any story that they want but it's pretty clear to most of us that who was the messenger, what was the message and who was it intended for. The denizens of Karachi, I had always told my friends, reminded me of the screaming lambs which so tormented Clarice Starling. In a gripping scene, after being prodded by Hannibal Lecter about her most fearful memories, she recalls the slaughter of the spring lambs that she had witnessed as a child. She tried to help them by opening their pen door, but the lambs were incapable of escaping, rooted in terror of what was happeninpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Moral Relevance

From the blog awaisaftab"What gets eaten, what gets aborted, what gets smashed, will never be decisively resolved by an inspection of internal structures and capacities of a given candidate for destruction. Even smashing a mere chunk of solidified lava -- evidently purely passive, and homoeomerous from one end to the other -- can be experienced as a transgression by the person who is properly sensitized, for whom the chunk shows up as salient within her ethically charged environment. Are fetuses morally relevant? Yes, they are. So are chunks of lava. Does that mean you mustn't destroy them? Not necessarily, but you shouldn't suppose that the way to gain license to destroy them, whether this license is conceived cosmically, socially, or individually, is to produce arguments that cut them off from the sppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hamid Mir Clarifies His Tweets against Imran Khan

From the blog columnpkHamid Mir Clarifies His Tweets against Imran Khanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cellular Services Suspended in Islamabad and Rawalpindi

From the blog propakistani For those who aren't sure that why their cell phones aren't showing any network signals right now then this is yet another government backed cellular suspension in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Authorities said that there was a security threat during the arrival of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Islamabad and this is why they had to suspend the service in capital and [...] The post Cellular Services Suspended in Islamabad and Rawalpindi appeared first on ProPakistani. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Public corporations need instant restructuring

From the blog paknews After five years PPP rule the public sector corporations in Pakistan are in very poor state. Political interference, corruption, lack of vision, a dearth of skills, inadequate investment, all these factors have led to huge losses. They are being kept on support, which comes in the form of state subsidies and protection. These state enterprises are fuelled by money. Governments spend millions subsidizing poor management and corruption. Consumers pay millions for the high price of inefficiency. Workers lose millions as a result of low wages and poor prospects. Public sector companies in Pakistan are now losing more than five billion dollars per year — a significant drain on government resources and the overall economy. These institutions in fact, should be productive national asspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sanaullah Zehri is Poison for PML-N in Balochistan

From the blog pkhope Top leadership of PML-N is already sweating under their teeth as they go bonkers over forming government in the restive province of Baluchistan. They very well know that their real test and real trouble would start after government formation as there are many variables there, but for now they are overcome internal rifts and external expectations. For now their direction is right. They are trying to get some Baloch nationalist as the next chief minister of Balochistan. Despite of the fact that most of Baloch nationalist parties have been denied their rightful seats due to the usual establishment shenanigans in the areas, Nawaz Sharif wants to give them their long due share, which is commendable, but for now he is facing very stiff resistance from within his own party in the ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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